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Posts posted by Forevermybabies

  1. Gentleman

    Diaper Eater

    Certain charm

    Silent love

    Beating heart

    with a white tip

    on your tail.



    'Lil Joe

    Indio Starr

    November 1989 - August 2001


    Joe's first Christmas with us




    Our Joe



    An old man



    This is Joe the day he died.


  2. Thank you. I'm going to print this out to give to her.


    We're going to make a nice urn for Tiptoe.


    Here's the announcement that my sister sent out:


    Our beloved rat Tiptoe passed away this evening due to pneumonia. Tiptoe was preceded in his journey to heaven by Ariel the fish. He was survived by his adoring mom, Emma, his doting aunt, Lauren, his loving brother Timothy, grandparents Kevin & Lynn and many other friends and relatives.


    Funeral or memorial service notice to come.

  3. My 9 year old niece lost her beloved rat, Tiptoe to pneumonia.


    Tiptoe was truly one of the nicest little creatures. He loved a good scritch and taught me a lot about rats.


    Emma, my niece, was passionate about her rat. She taught him tricks, posed him for pictures, brought him with her places.


    Tiptoe will be missed.


    Please think of my niece as she goes through this loss.

  4. Sorry I haven't been able to even respond. This is just so sad. I'm so sorry Bev.


    I've been on GT since just after you got Maddison, and feel like I've just watched him grow up from next door instead of from across the world.


    He was a beautiful, funny, goofy, wonderful dog.

  5. After a year, I could say his name without crying.


    After two years, I could talk about him without crying.


    After three years, a day would go by when I didn't think about him


    Three and a half years, and I can think about him without pain. I can talk about him with love instead of grief.


    Just today, the neighbor kid (11) said,

    "You remember your dog, Joe?"

    "Yes, of course, I remember Joe."

    "He was a good dog. Was he a fast runner?"

    "Faster than I was."


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