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Posts posted by Forevermybabies

  1. I'm so sorry Sarah. You have my deep sympathy.


    Ailish was loved here on Earth, and joins all our hounds who've made the journey before her to wait until we can all be together.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. I make ceramic urns that have a figure of a greyhound on the lid, and are painted or inscribed with running dogs around the sides, and any text you wish to include. You can follow the link in my signature to see samples and order.

  3. Last night Michael pulled out the movies from Kanab last year, and since he couldn't find all of them, he put in the movies from when my younger son was born in 1994. We'd had Joe just a few months, and in the movies he is so dark-faced. He was such a quiet dog, but always there. On the couch, curled up with Michael and the new baby, or sitting and watching us put up the Christmas tree. Or standing and watching my toddler touching his little brother's face.


    It makes my heart ache so much to see him there. I haven't watched those movies in many many years, and not since he died for sure. It was so weird seeing him there - alive and with us. My kids got a little sad, too.


    Seeing Michael just kind of move over so he could get his arm around Joe and Joe tucking his head in next to the baby...


    We didn't have a video camera for many years after that time, so there aren't many other videos of the kids OR Joe.


    I wish I didn't feel so very sad and it didn't hurt so much. Watching us laughing and talking...Laughing at my little son's silliness. Truly bittersweet.

  4. Wow, it's like a New Years thread to remember! I never saw this thread when it first came through LAST YEAR, but it's interesting. To be honest, I've seen that on Sunscreen Man when he REALLY has to pee, but never had a clue what it really was...How fortunate for me that someone dredged this old thread up! :lol

  5. Mine bark a lot. I blame Angel for starting it all. They bark when they are outside and someone comes. They bark if SM has to poop (he starts it, of course). They bark at the dog on the other side of the fence (he starts it), they bark at me if they want to play...bark bark bark. But they stop when you tell them to, so I guess that's something. I figure it's payback for the 8+years we had Joe - who only barked a handful of times in all those years.

  6. After Joe died my aunt was very vocal about us NOT getting another dog. We have enough responsibilities, we would look at it as a replacement, etc.


    But getting Angel really did help me to heal. Joe was our only dog, and Angel gave me something else to focus on besides my loss.


    We've been very lucky.

  7. Mindful of you the sodden earth in spring,

    And all the flowers that in the springtime grow,

    And dusty roads, and thistles, and the slow

    Rising of the round moon, all throats that sing

    The summer through, and each departing wing,

    And all the nests that the bared branches show,

    And all winds that in any weather blow,

    And all the storms that the four seasons bring.

    You go no more on your exultant feet

    Up paths that only mist and morning knew,

    Or watch the wind, or listen to the beat

    Of a bird's wings too high in air to view,--

    But you were something more than young and sweet

    And fair,--and the long year remembers you.


    Edna St. Vincent Millay

  8. I have no idea what any of the vets that I've been to make. NONE. I know what it costs to go to vet school though...and at the U of M, that is a lot.


    My vet is VERY reasonable. (For instance, today's neuter was $46 for the neuter, and another $70 for all the testing and shots (including Fel. Luk.) I think that's pretty darn decent. I don't think he could be making a killing.


    He's a great vet and a good guy, and I REALLY appreciate his reasonable prices. I don't know what he makes, but I think he deserves it and more.

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