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Posts posted by Forevermybabies

  1. Try to remember: Your loss was not the permanent type, like death. Your selfless act of offering Argo a new home for her own happiness was beautiful. Keep reminding yourself that. And keep in mind, there is another dog out there that will be a better fit in your household. No loved one can ever be 'replaced" but each of our "children" fills a place in our hearts.

    I agree with this completely. At the same time, I feel for you. I know how hard it is to give up a dog you've become attached to.

  2. We adopted Angel two weeks after Joe died. (Her gotcha day will be next week - two years).


    I didn't think I was ready, but Michael really wanted to. When we brought her home, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to bond with her, but I quickly realized that loving her was the best healer my heart could have, and part of Joe's legacy to our family.

  3. Just as an aside, when Joe was put down, the vet came to our house, and it just seemed to take SO long for his heart to stop (I've since heard that with very old or ill dogs, this is often the case, but at the time it was excrutiating.) While we were holding him and stroking him, Michael leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Go get that rabbit Joe." And his heart stopped. And the oldest cat, Jezebel, who was very close to Joe, stayed with him until the end, occasionally licking his ear as he laid on the floor.

  4. Hard to believe it's been two years since Joe left us. His eyes look down on me from pictures above the desk, and his memory is all around us. As I sit in the computer foom, I'm surrounded by three dogs and know that it is because of Joe that Angel, Festus and Sunscreen Man are here with us. Roscoe, the neighbors lab is also lying here on the floor after playing with these three - like he used to play with Joe. He taught Joe to bark! But Joe only barked when he needed to, and was a gentleman all his life. He was the most amazing dog I've ever met, and I will miss him forever.


    Here's Joe when we first brought him home in 1993.



    And as a middle aged, bat-eared boy:



    And as an old man:


  5. Vogue died shortly before my Joe, who passed over in August 2001. I know how you feel. Joe opened the door for three more greys, and led us to Greytalk.


    Years pass, but we still miss them.

  6. Vogue died shortly before my Joe, who passed over in August 2001. I know how you feel. Joe opened the door for three more greys, and led us to Greytalk.


    Years pass, but we still miss them.

  7. I'm so sorry. When I heard that the cat I grew up with died (at the age of 24), I felt the same way. It's so hard! I don't know what to say except that you have my sympathy and condolences.

  8. Joe taught me that it's enough to just be who you are. He also taught me that just because you won't follow simple commands doesn't mean that you aren't SMART! (He didn't sit, but he could get out of his crate, and get the fridge open -- in other words, he did what HE thought was important.)


    It is very unfortunate that I didn't find the "world" of greyhounds until Joe was dying, but it was because of him that I did.

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