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Posts posted by bjnno1

  1. Thank you for sharing your story with us. :) sounds like Sydney knew you were ready for another pupper and fate sent Elvis your way. I'm happy for you that you opened up your heart to another pupper and that Elvis found you. Sounds like he's a lucky pup! :)

  2. I'm not crazy...but it makes me feel better....I go out and stare at the stars. When I find the brightest one I talk to it hoping that Darwin and Ginger can hear me. Then I go in and hug my babies. Willow is so much like Darwin it is very creepy sometimes...and he wasn't a greyhound.

    :) that sounds so comforting and nice :) I think it's awesome that you love your animals THAT much and they mean that much to you. I totally know what you mean, I love my guys more than anything!! Pets are really special and the people that love them are too!! :)

  3. :grouphug:cry1:grouphug


    Janet & Millie'smom,


    you'll never replace those babies but you can love other babies too!! Just remember that they will always be in your heart. I lost my poodle Babette when I was in 6th grade and we had her for 8 years, She was hit by a car on October 1st, this year I went out to dinner with my sister and my dad on October first and we were walking out to the car from the resturant and it was a clear night and a full moon and it hit me, OMG this is just like the night Babette died and then I was like OMG today is October 1st, that was 30 years ago when she died.

    I STILL think of her and miss her, but I've also learned to love my cat pookie, brookie and now Major & Black Jack.


    :grouphug Hugs to both of you guys and to everyone who has lost a furkid, they'll always be close to you in your hearts!! :)

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