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Posts posted by bjnno1

  1. Judy :grouphug A BIG FAT HUG from across the pond. :sad1 I'm so sorry about Jim and if there is anything I can do, let me know!!!


    Jennifer, I know this hurts you too as well as all of us who have grown so close on this board because of the love of our hounds. :grouphug here's one for you too!! :kiss2


    I love you both!!

  2. I'm soo sorry :sad1 That is just horrible that she is so far away and couldn't be with her baby. I appreciate all she is doing for our country and send my condolences. I'm glad you could be there for her.

  3. :cry1 tears are flowing down my face, it's so hard not to miss her sweet little face.


    Darn it, I try to stay out of this forum cuz it makes me cry every time I come in here!!!


    I miss you Lady Sophia, I know your brother Flashie misses you too!! Keep looking over him and your family that loves you so much!!!

  4. Sherry I just now saw your post.. I'm so glad you came over to greytalk and saw how touched everyone was by your story and your love of Elway. These are a great bunch of people over here, I share them whenever I can :)



  5. A friend from another board's greyhound has gone to the bridge. Elway was such a special part of her life. I read this tribute she wrote about him and wanted to share. Godspeed Elway... run free at the bridge big fella :sad1


    Here is the link she posted if you want to send your condolances.




    Here is her tribute to him:


    When I first met Elway it was in the backyard of a gift shop I use to work in on Main Street in old St. Charles. John, my boss and one of my best friends, had called and told me about Elway needing a home. One of his customers had told him about Elway and she was his foster mom. John knew Jim and I had lost our first greyhound that summer. Captain Duke-Dukie- had died in June and this was early fall that we found ourselves driving out to met Elway. John had said he was a beautiful brindle boy and was about 2 years old. Elway was standing on the back porch and as Jim and I walked up , he handed us his paw. We petted him and if we would quit he would slap our hands with his paw. Turned out he was 5 years old (think John know this). He raced three years and for some reason was not given to a rescue group-after his last race they just gave him away at the track. The man who took him locked him in a crate in a room for almost 2 years. After many complaints from neighbors the APA went out and rescued him and called the greyhound people. This treatment only made him want more loving. When it turned cold his foster mom told the greyhound organization she needed a coat for him-the coat came, a horrible blue check coat on a brindle dog!!!! Elway got so excited to have his own coat, when they put it on him-he pranced around.


    Jim and I said at the same time that fall day-we will take him. What a delight and character he was. We immediately bought him a beautiful red coat put it on him and got ready to take him for a walk. Nope --would not move and you cannot move a greyhound. Took it off and put on the blue check coat and out the door he pranced. He loved his walks in the near by park for about a week until he discovered the Butterfly House -he figured out if he just stood by the entrance every one going in and out would make over him. We would go to the park but he would only go as far as the Butterfly house and take up his position. He did the same thing at the Wal-Mart store on Saturday mornings-they always said they were going to get him a blue vest.t. He would walk up and down Main Street so people could admire him. When we first got him he would fix the covers on his bed just so-then he decided-he would just bark at us and we could fix them for him. Like dopes we did. Elway could work a crowd as good as Neil Diamond!!!!!! He would get special chicken at Taco Belle and everyone there knew him. I gained 20lbs. just going to Taco Bell. Wish I could take him tomorrow. Thanks for listening!!! Love Ya All Sherry

  6. :grouphug I'm so sorry :cry1 You just need to remember NOBODY could have loved that little girl more than you guys, your unconditional love showed through all of your pictures and your posts and your little stories about Lady Sophia, she will be missed by us all :(


    Run at the bridge sweet girl, your no longer in pain!! :grouphug

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