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Posts posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Yikes! What a relief!


    When Alimony had a swollen wrist (I also panicked and had xrays done which ultimately found nothing, so I completely understand), I had to restrict her exercise to leash-only for a few weeks. She is my rrrrrrestless busy-girlie, so it was a bit of a challenge. I found that lots of interactive play sessions indoors with toys helped burn off some energy and tire her out a little anyway. Of course she wasn't a 10 month old puppy...


    Good luck! :lol

  2. Syringe feeding is not as horrible as you might fear. Please consider it.


    I posted this for someone a while ago. Maybe it can help you. :goodluck


    But if nothing else works...


    Having all-too-recently been through the not-eating thing with my Marla, I can tell you that if no foods can tempt your pup, and you don't want to shove food down her throat, syringe-feeding is not as bad as you might fear. Your pharmacist can give you an oral syringe, and you can puree the dogfood in a processor or blender with chicken broth until it's a nice smooth liquid (I found that pre-soaking the kibble in broth overnight in the fridge made it blend more smoothly). Then, one syringe-full at a time, slowly squirt the food into the side of her mouth, between her teeth. With Marla, once the liquid food hit her tongue, she started just licking and swallowing. I adjusted the speed of my syringe-plunging to accord with the speed of her swallowing. She didn't seem to mind being fed this way at all, even though there was no food left on earth that she would eat on her own.


    The advantage I found to doing this rather than continuing to scour the earth for more novel foods for her to reject (after four weeks, you run out of ideas), was that this way I could return her to the consistent diet that worked well for her, and it cleared up the diarrhea she got from eating so much weird stuff all the time. The downside is that it is time consuming, and it takes a lot of syringe-fulls to equal the amount of food a dog must eat daily in order to maintain weight. Many small meals daily, is what I did.


    Good luck.

  3. Well helloooo, Jennifer's Chew-Toy friend! :wave


    Shell...you sound like a nice guy so I hate to be the one to tell you this....Jennifer's heart belongs to ....Johnny.

    Yes, Johnny Depp.....i just don't want you to get hurt is all.


    I have already accepted this fact. :dunno What else can I do?


    When Johnny shows up to take her away, I won't stand in his way. (Maybe... :kickbutt )



    Meh, he's scrawny, you can take him. :lol

  4. This is just my experience, but Tipper, my big black ol' guy is very sensitive to heat/sunshine. He overheats in summertime much faster than my other dogs ever have. I've also had two black females who didn't seem as sensitive as Tipper, but still more sensitive than my brindles and fawn.


    By the same token, in winter, the black fur soaks up the sun and keeps them warm longer too. Tipper can go without a sweater in lower temps than my girls. :)

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