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Posts posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Has she had a complete physical exam? I don't mean to scare you, but after Chancy died, I thought my Marla was taking it particularly hard. I thought she was very depressed. Acting standoffish, not wanting to eat without serious coaxing, or do anything she formerly enjoyed. She moped for a good couple of weeks before I finally took her in to the vet.


    I found out too late that she was very very sick. She had cancer, and I just hadn't understood the signs correctly. She died six weeks after Chancy died.


    Maybe if Soldi is "just" depressed, like Diane suggested: a playdate with other dogs might cheer her up?


    I hope she perks up soon. Poor baby. :(

  2. I'm sorry Echo is not feeling up to snuff. I will put in another good word for acupuncture. It helped my Chancy for her LS when six months of chiro failed to produce any noticeable results. Also, joint support supplements are never a bad idea.


    First and foremost though, I would do xrays and bloodwork to check her out thoroughly, if it hasn't been done recently.


    Smooches for Echo. :kiss2 I adore her from afar. :)

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