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Posts posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I am so very sorry for your loss of such a sweet wonderful boy. I know it's hard to not feel guilty right now. I know that in my bones. But try. There is no way on this Earth that you didn't do the very best you possibly could for your beloved boy.

  2. Is there any discoloration to the skin? Does it feel especially warm to the touch? Possibly just a nasty hematoma...


    As long as it's movable (not attached to ribs) I'd say just keep an eye on it for a couple days. If it changes or he acts bothered (lethargic or restless), take him in. Also check his temperature. If he gets feverish at all, take him in, that means a likely infection.

  3. It could have been an LP crisis by your description. My Chancy had LP. During my self-imposed crash course on the topic, I learned that it is not uncommon for LS dogs to also develop LP (Chancy also had LS). If your Jack has had recent flare-ups of wobbliness caused by LS, it seems easily possible that he is now having LP crises. Especially if he was already a "raspy" breather as you described.


    For Chancy, keeping her cool and calm was key for a good long time. Thankfully, she never had a major breathing crisis episode, just gradually got harder for her to breathe. When she got to the point where her breathing was just too difficult, she had unilateral laryngeal tieback surgery. In her case, my only regret was not having done that sooner.

  4. Too bad about the NeoPolyDex. I have heard that some dogs can react poorly to it.


    This may or may not be the case for you, but for Tipper, we started off with a much more frequent dosage, and as the intruding tissue receded over time, we were able to wean back to the current "maintenance dose" that he'll likely have for life.

  5. Paul gets neo polydex drops, once a day, and Brandy was on those drops for years. It costs about $9.00 a month. Considering that panus is not that prevalent in greyhounds, it is interesting that I have had two with it. Both went into remission with the drops, but needed to be on the drops forever. I can deal with $9.00 a month.


    That could have been my post. :lol


    NeoPolyDex has been the treatment of choice for Tipper's pannus for almost five years now. Works perfectly for him, and costs about $9 per tube.


    The only difference is you spelled Pannus correctly and I didn't. Also you are using an ointment, I guess, and we are using drops.


    :lol Hey, I typo right along with the best of 'em.


    Yes, I use the ointment. Tip gets one little squeeze in each eye twice a week. So one little tube of ointment lasts a good while-- maybe two months?

  6. Paul gets neo polydex drops, once a day, and Brandy was on those drops for years. It costs about $9.00 a month. Considering that panus is not that prevalent in greyhounds, it is interesting that I have had two with it. Both went into remission with the drops, but needed to be on the drops forever. I can deal with $9.00 a month.


    That could have been my post. :lol


    NeoPolyDex has been the treatment of choice for Tipper's pannus for almost five years now. Works perfectly for him, and costs about $9 per tube.

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