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Posts posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Doubt is a cancer in it's own right. Please don't let that consume you. Second-guessing past decisions won't change what's happening right now. That will only torture you and rob you of the confidence you need to help Ember through this. Try to take each moment as it comes. Easier said than done, I know. All too well, I know.

  2. Have you taken his temperature? Is he panting at all, or just trembling?


    At our old house, Dazzle sometimes got spooked by seemingly nothing at all-- perhaps a scent in the air (we joke that there are ghosts that only she can see) that only she smelled. The other two pups never reacted at all. But Dazzle would act extremely skittish, pacing and trembling, and too stressed out to eat even a cookie... I never figured out what the trigger was, but since we've moved, it hasn't happened. :dunno


    Upshot is, perhaps Riley smelled something that spooked him?


    The squeal during the night-- do you think that's related? Seems like perhaps a separate incident? Maybe just a dream. Tipper makes all sorts of crazy dreaming noises. Yelps, barks, growls...


    ETA: Dazzles "episodes" always calmed after an hour or two. If Riley's heartrate stays high for longer, I'd be calling the vet.

  3. Yes, arnica is topical and it's amazing stuff. I used it on my boy after he tore a muscle in his leg and I could see the difference by the next day. You don't need to get around the stitches just yet, but you can rub it along the bruised area. ...


    Yup, what she said. :nod It's a thick gel, so you're unlikely to have it drip into the incision area. Just gently apply a bit of it on the bruised areas, avoiding the incision. Glad to hear she's doing so well so soon! :yay

  4. My regular vet (at the time) misdiagnosed the tissue in Tipper's eye as old scar tissue. I knew that was wrong because I could see it changing, getting worse over time. So I researched a lot and learned about pannus. I was pretty sure that what it was, so I made an ophthalmologist appointment on my own. The instant the eye-doc looked at Tipper, she said "Yep, that's pannus! Good eye, you caught it early." :) No cell-scraping or anything. I think (it was five years ago) she did a tear-test and maybe a staining just to rule out any other injury, then sent us home with NeoPolyDex ointment. He's been on that ever since (decreasing frequency over time as his eyes recovered), and now you can't see the pannus at all. :thumbs-up

  5. Open grid keratotomy, is likely the "needle procedure" he had. :) Sounds like he had an ulcerated cornea, not just a scratch. That's what happened with Sissy. Turns out she had epithelial basement membrane disease. It was successfully managed for the rest of her life with medicated eyedrops.


    Hope Buddy's on the path to healing now! :)

  6. Glad to hear he'll be seen by a specialist today. My Sissy had what we initially thought was a corneal scratch, turned out to be a much more serious condition. If I'd not gone to the specialist (on my own, cuz I didn't trust my vet at the time), she could have lost her vision. Good luck at the appt today. :)

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