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Posts posted by Xan

  1. She was also a real cutie....



    :wub: :wub: :wub:

    I'm so sorry. Bandit lived well, and was well-loved, that's clear. I hope the day comes soon when looking at these pictures gives you that special kind of joy filled with happy memories, rather than the pain of loss you must be feeling now.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug



  2. Wendy, Ooww ow ow. :( I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful, unique and aggadorable Aggadore. Your loving and funny description of him shows how big a part of your life and heart he was. I hope that now-empty place can fill quickly with happy memories and love to give you comfort.


    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  3. Chase's story touched my heart in a place made sore from a too-similar story (our own Happy). I can just imagine your pain right now, and how big a hole she leaves, even after the short time you had to share with her. You were able to give her so much love, your commitment was so thorough, and she knew it to her soul. You were lucky to find each other, even so late.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  4. We had a similar incident at our vet's office. I agree with everyone here who says it's just not worth putting two dogs in a confined space, unattended particularly, without muzzles at least. Greyhounds just can't get away from normal dog-tangles without bloodshed, with their thin skin, but why risk any dog to this kind of stress?


    As to who was the aggressor, I'm developing a hypothesis that it's the aggressor who can be the most injured as it's the other dog who's fighting for his/her life after an initial attack, which might not leave the biggest mark. That's how I imagine it went in the case of my two dogs at the vet's. Pogo has been aggressive, and attacked Brilly in the past. I've seen how Brilly will try to avoid attack, but will defend himself impressively if cornered. I'm sure that's what happened in the kennel they were put into together.


    Like you, I was scared to death that all the work we'd done, all the progress we'd made towards peace between them would be destroyed, but we haven't had a single grumble since then. We still do all the things we've learned about managing and muzzling and training that have brought us this far, but none of that would have made my dogs safe under those circumstances. mad.gif


    I hope your girls can move past this and heal psychically as well as physically, and that you are also able to let it slide into the past, only taking the lesson with you. :bighug

  5. Beautiful Arlie. You're hearts must be just shattered, even with so many hearts around you here who know your grief, and feel your pain with you. I hope the happy memories you shared with her will soon overcome the sad ones, and give you some comfort now that her pain is over.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  6. What the heck, Gee?? Doesn't it make you wonder, what on earth she thought she was doing when she ate the needle, and how did it get safely all the way to her stomach?? blink.gif


    I'm chanting for healing here. The neurological event could have been just a one-time thing, gone and soon to be forgotten. The needle will be safely removed with the tiniest of incisions. Gee will be begging seconds of her birthday cake!



  7. Oh, no. I'm so sorry!! Your poor heart. :( There aren't enough virtual hugs to make you feel better, but I send you this token, and hope you can feel the sympathy. :grouphug

  8. I think some do feel compassion. When our Happy was so sick, on IVs, basically starving to death, Wabi would very gently scoot in and cuddle with her. She liked to cuddle anyway, but she wasn't always so gentle about her approach! :lol It looked like concern, to me. :wub:


    I was so sorry to read about Faye Oops diagnosis. I hope you have a lot of precious and joyful moments together still to share.

  9. I don't know who to thank for adding such a sweet note to Wabi's Greyhound Data page. I just saw that this morning, and it got me sobbing all over again. Thank you, kind person!!

    Loved, spoiled and cherished by the family she adopted and adored by the Greytalk community. - September 1, 2011 - Wabi has gone. Remember the lessons of Wabi: take joy in every little thing, every day, despite any obstacles or physical constraints.


    Xan, I haven't known what to say to express the loss I feel since learning this news. I understand so much the wanting to hold on to something in hopes it will bring them back. :cry1 Wabi changed the way I see dandelions. Everytime I saw them in my yard they would bring a smile to my face as I thought of how much she would enjoy them and now every summer they will be a reminder of this very special little girl that touched so many hearts.

    :bighug That's my girl! :wub:


    Wabi, are you trying to play tricks on me? What's a dandelion in "fluff stage" doing on my berm last night--October 14th--in North Dakota, no less! PRICELESS!


    Hugs to you, Xan, and DH.

    Aw, Patsy, how neat. I'm glad it gave you a Wabi moment. :) Thanks for sharing it with us.

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