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Posts posted by Aerosmom

  1. Welcome to GT! Spyder is adorable! You are going to have a lot of fun with him. My little oops puppy Kanga Roo just turned one -- we got her around 8 weeks. It's busy but an incredible experience and they are so darned cute. Take lots and lots of pictures because the time flies.


    I hope you post many pictures of your little cutie so we can watch him grow up here.

  2. You sound like you are really have a tough time -- Bailey too. Cricket, who had spinal cord inflammation (lower area), was incontinent and at the end we ended up using puppy pads and baby wipes.


    Your vet should help give you and your husband a better picture of her prognosis. Tell your vet you are having trouble deciding what to do. It seems like you need to have some type of discussion and get all those unresolved questions answered to the best of your vet's ability. A good question is what would they do if Bailey were their dog?



  3. It's so hard. After the vet gave Cricket her injection I really felt at peace -- it is such a hard road watching them suffer and decline and hopeless trying to do things to help. If your Bailey is in pain, that is her life right now. She's not thinking about what she is going to miss down the road. Is it possible she has cancer, with the extreme weight loss? I would try to talk your husband into letting her go if there's no hope of reversing the condition. My vet told me when a dog declines, it happens quickly and you really don't want her last moments with you spent in horrible agony. Plan to celebrate her life and your love for her and then let her go before she deteriorates further. It's such a hard, heart-wrenching decision. Sometimes your vet can help talk to you about it.


    Whatever happens, my thoughts are with you, Bailey and her family. :grouphug

  4. It is so hard being a caregiver when your dog can't talk and tell you what they want to do. We went for a long time with Cricket -- with me using a harness and cleaning up accidents and helping her get up, etc... because we still had hope that we could do something for her. I also think that she still loved us and being with us. When she lost her ability to pull up in front I knew that there was really nothing else to do. She was also a young dog, who just turned six in January, a month before we said goodbye to her.


    The stress of the care, the stress of not knowing whether you are making the right decision, and the horrible stress of watching your loved one and not being able to help is really hard. You are a really wonderful mom to Bailey and hang in there. I'm sure she knows how much you are trying to help her.


    Is the spinal tap going to provide you with answers you can help Bailey with, or just answers to help you make decisions? I think your neurologist should help guide you in the right direction. Sending prayers that something can be done to help your Bailey.



  5. Congratulations! He is adorable -- I love the photos, especially sniffing the flowers. Charlie seems like a perfect name for him. What a sweetie.


    I see he has already mastered the art of sleeping half on a cushion. :lol


    Are you going to change your screen name to KateHasaGrey?

  6. Before having greyhounds, I had an old Dobie mix. One night, I was up with her several times. She was restless and kept trying to vomit. Finally, at 5am my husband got up to comfort her and noticed her belly was hard. As soon as he said that, I realized what it was. I called the ERVet who told me to NOT bring her there. I was astonished. They were 30 minutes away but told me to take her to Tufts which was over an hour away. It was bloat. One set of x-rays showed torsion, one set did not. She was almost 15 but the youngest 15 you ever saw. No arthritis and still chasing chipmunks. We made the difficult decision to operate. The surgery was successful, but she developed a blocked bile duct and wouldn't eat. We had to euthanize her less than 2 weeks later.


    The symptoms we experienced were unsuccessful attempts to vomit, restlessness and a rock hard abdomen.


    How awful after all that to still lose her. Did you ever find out why your regular vet sent you to Tufts? Is bloat something that regular vets don't necessarily know how to treat? I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea to go over the what if scenario with my vet because it'd be nice to have a plan in place in the awful event that I have to rush someone to the vet with bloat.

  7. What state are you in? How much prednisone is she on?


    I am so sorry for what you and Bailey are going through. I hope her miracle comes soon.


    I don't know whether Bailey has GME. I don't know about the neck spasms and the not eating. Brcue had neither of these. He did have gradually increasing weakness in his hind quarters. The prednisone corrected it in a few days every time his symptoms came back. He is only 2. I'm sure these disorders present themselves in many different ways.


    I would see if your neurologist would send her records to Dr. Sisson at the Angell Memorial Hospital in Boston. He consults with other neuros and regular vets too. I don't think all vets are necessarily game to do so, though.


    You should join this group also: http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/NewGMEDogs/


    They have a lot more experience with GME than I do and many folks on there will be happy to help you.


    So sorry for Baily and for you. She is a very pretty girl.


    I recommend Angell Memorial too. I went through a lot with my Cricket, but she was only 4 1/2 at the onset. After reading your posts and watching the videos of Bailey, it looks like she is in a lot of pain. Poor sweetie! It must be so hard for you to watch this and not know how to help her. I would encourage your vet to look for answers or to consult with someone. Your girl looks very distressed.


    3greys2cats had her Sara successfully treated for GME -- you might want to check for her posts and I'm sure if you sent her a message she'd respond. I'm not sure what is going on with Bailey, but what is worrisome is the rapid weight loss and lack of appetite -- Prednisone should make her drink and eat indiscrimately.


    Here's a link to a post she made about Sara. Hopefully she will see your topic too.




    Sending many hugs to you and Bailey. It is so hard watching them and not being able to find a solution. :grouphug:grouphug I hope that your neurologist can help her.



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