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About kjw

  • Birthday 12/15/1960

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  • Real Name
    Karen Ward

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  • Location
    Camp Greyhound, just North of Toronto Ontario CANADA

kjw's Achievements

Sr Grey Lover

Sr Grey Lover (6/9)

  1. Greysmom, Mark did bring this up during his first chemo so I set up an appointment for Wednesday morning at 8:40am with my own vet here in town. We'll leave at 9:30am if all is well and be there in time for his 4pm chemo appointment. I'm also bringing one of my other greyhounds who has a weird thing going on in her neck, I want to see what they think. We'll stay over one night and then head back Thursday. I'm the only one I know who has getaways with her dogs lol. The reason we're doing such a late day appointment is that I'm following a chronotherapy protocol that suggests carboplatin chemo is best given between 4pm and 6pm, this is when it is least toxic and most effective. Chronotherapy is a European thing, but I figure, what the heck, it can't hurt!
  2. Thanks for posting the press release - I've was in touch with both Adavaxis and Aratana last month begging to get the protocol, but both said they couldn't do that, and that we'd have to wait until it's licensed. They promised to let me know when it was available. Gabe is doing really well. His incision has healed, he is finished with most of his drugs and I started this week letting him out with the others, as he made it clear he can take care of himself. It's still a bit nerve wracking to watch him barrel down the ramp with a group of greyhounds, but he's managing as if he still had his leg. Everything has gone very smoothly indeed. We go down to Metzger's in PA for our 2nd carbo treatment on Wednesday. I don't know if they'll do rads of his lungs at that time or what. I'm almost afraid to get them.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss. He left knowing he was loved. Run free sweet boy.
  4. I'm going to try that. ..thanks ML!
  5. Thanks Jey! I'm wondering what all the rear leg amps use to keep their incisions clean. It's pretty warm for a belly warmer or sweater, any one like to share?
  6. We are doing ok here. Gabe had some trouble with spiking temps but that's stopped now. He does still have some fluid oozing, and apparently he keeps trying to get up, which is not always successful. I suspect he doesn't like the kennel, but today the updates have been much better, and he seems to have turned a bit of a corner. He is eating and going for walks. There is bruising. I checked with Dr. Couto about doing his chemo on Thursday before I pick him up, and he thought that would be fine so long as they have the path report in. We will likely stay somewhere in PA Thursday night, maybe in Bradford, and then we can get on the road early and over the border before the traffic gets crazy for Memorial day weekend. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!
  7. Thanks for all the good thoughts for Gabe. He has not eaten yet, but he's been up and passed urine a few times, so that's a good thing. The bleeding appears to have mostly stopped. They did a smear to check and make sure nothing weird was going on with the platelets, but the tech I talked to could not find the results for me. Hemocrit is "ok" hopefully up from 35 which it was after the surgery. No food yet but it's not been 24 hours since the 2nd procedure; hopefully tomorrow he'll chow down a bit.
  8. A vessle broke open last night and they had to open him up to stop it. He is resting now but his hemo dropped to 35. I hate to leave him but I'm supposed to drive home today.
  9. Ok we will play I by ear and see how he does...they have agreed to feed him raw which is amazing...picked up some packaged meat for him. There are no slick floors at Camp Greyhound as we have matts everywhere for seniors. Goin to try to get the ramp replaced while he's gone, it's past time. I get one more visit in the morning before I go home so hopefully I will be able to get him to eat. Mayb not, his surgery was just finished today around 2pm so he might not eat for a while yet. He did have a little walk.
  10. They are almost done, just suturing now. He did well with no excessive bleeding...he had GCs's protocol for that. Trying to figure out how long he should stay away from the thundering herd at my place...a week, or would 2be best? Seems like a long time. What do you guys think?
  11. To update, Gabe and I are at Metzger's. He had his FNA yesterday and OS was confirmed. He will be having his surgery this morning and staying until next Friday. We will likely be doing Carbo as per Guillermo's recommendation, every two or 3 weeks I think. I am trying to keep busy and not worry.
  12. What a great experience to have! You never know what's going to happen when you go out the door, do you? Gabe and are are preparing for our trip to PA tomorrow. By 2pm we should know for sure what kind of cancer he has, and I will have a decision to make about treatment. I very much appreciate the feedback I received here, it made me a lot more confident that I know what to do should Gabe have OS.
  13. Greysmom, that's just what I needed to hear. I can arrange for extra time at Metzger's, and I can create an area for him for 3 weeks. He is a good candidate otherwise. Thank you all.
  14. I'm still not sure what the best possible diagnosis is between those two, I'm told hemangio - there would be no amp with that. I think it might be possible to keep this pup down at Metzgers, at least for the first week, maybe I should ask for 10 days. That might be the best solution, then he could come home when he's not so fragile. Apart from the other hounds, the house is pretty amp friendly, as I collect seniors.
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