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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Also read "The Old Ones" in greyt information. Many of us have seniors. I think I've learned over the past 5 years that you do not focus on the dying, but on the living of each day. 12 1/2 is young to me!
  2. Shadow just turned 14 He came to me along with Jodie 2 years ago. Jodie went to the bridge in May. I have had Shadow longer than my last Dane! I got her when she was 4 1/2 months old and lost her when she was 21 months old There are no guarantees, no matter what breed, no matter what age they are when you get them. My youngest, the puppy boy Austin, turned 10 last month. He's as goofy as they come (aren't all tuxedos?) He still runs sideways while running forwards (something I will never get used to ) SieSie (who will be 13 this month) does laps inside when the bug bites her, from on my bed, down the hall, into the family room--repeat, repeat She also does laps outside when the mood hits her. Heart (who will be 12 this month) is as sweet as they come. I call her SweetHeart Seniors? You bet! I'd have more if I could.
  3. I know how you feel. Scooby passed the therapy dog test in September and he went to the bridge in November. We never got to a facility Hugs to you.
  4. I miss: Chrissy 7/92 Eliza 11/99 Jesse 5/00 Burp 12/00 Trevor 5/01 Scooby 10/01 Jodie 5/02 and all the ones before that
  5. My deepest sympathy. I know how hard it is
  6. I'll be thinking of you. I lost my second grey to kidney failure. It was hard.
  7. This was posted by Helena on another board and brought tears to my eyes (then I read it again and now I'm crying ) : This poem was posted on Greyhound Fun when a member's 16 year old hound died. I thought it was beautiful and wanted to pass it on to others who would appreciate it. ONE BY ONE ... One by one, they pass my cage, Too old, too worn, too broken, they say. Way past his time, he can't run and play. They shake their heads and go on their way. A little old man, arthritic and sore, It seems that I am wanted no more. I once had a home, I once had a bed, A place that was warm, and where I was fed. Now my muzzle is grey, and my eyes slowly fail. Who wants a dog so old and so frail? My family decided I didn't belong, I got in their way, my attitude was wrong. Now I sit in this kennel, where day after day, The younger dogs are chosen and taken away. When I had almost come to the end of my rope, You saw my face, and again I knew hope. You saw past the grey, and legs wobbly with age, And felt I deserved life beyond this cage. You took me home, gave me food and a bed, And gently stroked my poor tired head. We snuggle and play, and you talk to me low, You love me so dearly, and make sure I know. I may have lived most of my life with another, But you outshine them with a love so much stronger. And I promise to return all the love I can give, To you, my dear person, as long as I live. I may be with you for a week, or for years, We will share many smiles, you will no doubt shed tears. And when the time comes, that God deems I must leave, I know you will cry, and your heart, it will grieve. And when I arrive at the Bridge, all brand new, My thoughts and my heart will still be with you. And I will brag to all who will hear, Of the person who made my last days so dear. Author Unknown Helena and Hounds
  8. I posted this last year in November and thought I'd pass along my feelings again. Seniors are special. Most have been returned after living in a home for 5 or more years. Some have problems, some do not. Just like the younger ones. They are confused--they don't know why, after many years, doing nothing wrong, they have lost their family and are back in the kennel. No soft bed, no loving when they want it. Some constantly look for their family to come back and claim them. Some are sad. Some are depressed. But they are all greys that will blossom with love. They appreciate being taken from the kennel and returning to a home. They adjust. Most improtantly--the LOVE with a passion that only someone who has adopted a senior can understand. Some are arthritic and require chondroitin, MSM and/or glucosamine to be comfortable. A senior food, vitamin E, the aforementioned supplements and that's it! Of the nine seniors I have had over the last three years, Jodie was the only one that required a special diet and monitoring. Some people say that the seniors won't be around long enough. When that is said, I remember my Great Dane that I lost at two years of age. I had waited 13 years to get another Dane and lost her so young. You never know when....... If you haven't loved a senior, you don't know what you are missing. If you can at least foster one and write about him or her, it would give them a better chance for adoption. The love of a senior is very special
  9. It is not regional because the dogs travel and I think all the states and Canada have ticks. There are tick borne diseases (hence the initials TBD), caused by a tick biting a dog (or human). This is not confined to greyhounds--any breed can come down with them (as well as humans). There is erlichiosis, babesios, rocky mountain spotted fever and lyme disease. I think there are more, but those are the prevelant ones. There are some threads in this section that have links to sites that explain TBDs. Let me know if you cannot find them and I'll help you
  10. Cobabana: I think it's a good thing to do. As I said in another thread, on the dogs of mine that haven't had one, it's the first test we do when they get sick. IMO it would be much better to plan the test. As jananice said, some do not show symptoms. On future dogs that come into my house, it will be done immediately
  11. Bumping this up. Maybe "someone" (hint) could move this to Greyt Information?
  12. Thanks to MagickDolphin for the following: ProtaTek Labs does a tick panel that includes erlichiosis, babesiosis, rocky mountain spott fever, lymne disease and valley fever for $53. This price is for greys ONLY. Anyone who has done any tbd testing knows what a great price this is. Your vet can send directly to: ProtaTek Labs 574 East Alamo Street, Suite #90 Chandler, AZ 85225 Phone: 480-545-8499 Fax: 480-545-8409 www.protatek.com/ProtaTek_Reference_Lab/Greyhounds/body_greyhounds.html I'm sure your vet will charge for shipping and drawing the blood, but even so it's an unbelievable price! IMO every grey should have one done
  13. What a tragic accident. Please remember it was an accident and that sharing will help save someone else. Always in a new fenced area, it is a good idea to walk the perimeter the first time or two. My sympathy to you and your family. When you heal, I know there is someone waiting for you.
  14. Burpdog


    My sympathy to you and your family. It's a very difficult time.
  15. GreyDad: Your post of 2/5 with the list of dogs--I have two on there. Exactly what is it that I need to do? Diane
  16. Here are some of mine: Sie Senorita - Loco Myfoot x Vista Gold This Old Heart - Allegis x Mokey Fraggle Kbs Shadow Fox - K's Rain Maker x Craigie Flame And bridge kids: Take Me Home - Iowa Park x Longing Look Blue Am I - Bob's Dash x Boardwalk Lady There is one of Eliza's (Take Me Home) kids in the data base (she was bred to HB Commander) born in 93. I would love to see some of her kids or grandkids. Same with Jesse - I know she had a few litters Diane
  17. SieSie (Sie Senorita), 1/90, Female, Fawn (with white markings, black wrap around blaze, now white), Corpus Christi, TX Austin (unknown), 12/92, Male, Black & white tuxedo, unknown racing history if any, TX Heart (This Old Heart), Female, Fawn, Corpus Christi & Gulf, TX Jodie (not individually registered), 3/90, Female, Brindle, TX Shadow (Kbs Shadow Fox), 1/89, Male, Light Fawn, unknown racing history, TX I think Jodie & Shadow came from Galveston. Is there a track there? Diane
  18. Another link: www.api4animals.org I hope. I'll check and if it's not, I'll correct. While it's true that you should use what your dog does well on (thank goodness there are many foods made), I would encourage everyone to consider and research what ethyoxoquin and BHA do long term to the dog as well as inferior grains. Diane
  19. Shadow can smell a pill in anything--and I mean anything! He gets at least eight pills a day and I use the slide it down the side method. It's a pain All the others take pills in anything, including bread! Diane
  20. Interesting about the declawing and glueing. Question: was there any difference in the aftercare as opposed to the stitching way? My daughter has cats (they wouldn't live long here) They have been declawed but it's good to know for future kittys. Diane
  21. Austin was glued when Jodie dinged him. I was very pleased. Wish more vets would use in minor wounds. I have never heard of declawing a cat and glueing. I really believe it depends on what you are glueing and a good vet will know when to use and when not to use. Diane
  22. I would have the vet check them so you know since you are getting a fair amount of gunk that often. It may be that she just needs them flushed out but she could have a yeast infection or mites. Diane
  23. Just because they are a carrier does not mean they are a bleeder. Remember, there are more factors involved than what this test shows. Chrissy lived to age 8 1/2 (past average age for a Dobe) and never had a problem. I never treated her any differently than the Dobes whose ratings were in the 90s. As I said, I'll brush up Diane
  24. You should be able to tell whether she's a bleeder or not just by how she reacts to normal bumps and scrapes and toe nail trims. How much are they charging for this test? Used to be around $35. Diane
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