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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog


    I know how much it hurts
  2. I'm watching a segment on GMA and what a beautiful animal. Tears here. How could anyone do this! It's beyond my comprehension. Sick, sick people. As someone said: God knows who did this and "revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord". Do these people really believe there will be no penalty for what they have done?
  3. My sympathy on your loss. Getting another is so individual. The last time I only had one in the house, when she went to the bridge, I waited two months. I couldn't stand the quiet of the house and I missed the companionship. I have said many times, when one goes to the bridge, they make room for another that needs a home and love. When I was doing hospice care for Shadow & SieSie, the vet said she was sure there were two at the kennel waiting for me If you think you might compare a new companion to the old one I suggest you get a different color regardless of breed. It makes it easier to remember it's a new soul you are bringing in and there is less chance of comparing.
  4. Erhlichia. Can he do a full panel instead of just babesia? kapil: I'm sorry to hear about your dog. My sympathy
  5. Burpdog

    The Legacy

    My Dobe Chrissy taught me that a big, toothy grin goes a long way--to friends it's cute, adorable & funny; to those who don't know you, it could be intimidating (although it's best not to sneeze if mom wants intimidating, sort of ruins the moment) My Dobe Burp - you can be a guardian AND have a sense of humor. Having a job as a guardian earns you food, a sense of humor--most anything you want
  6. Burpdog

    The Legacy

    This can be a sad forum, but it can also be a warm forum. Some sent me an email and it dawned on me how much these guys leave us with--the impact that carries for years. Mine: Eliza - her love of life kept me wanting greys Jesse - her extreme intelligence made me realize greys weren't what I had considered "typical hounds" and joy can be gained from digging holes and eating bugs Trevor - how much seniors appreciate everything, and even an old dog can learn to kiss (it was sloppy, but I don't think he'd ever given one before ) Scooby - even when their heart is breaking, they can recover and stand tall if they are loved enough Jodie - another one who adjusted and learned to give kisses and a lover of life--she fought to the end Shadow - an old guy who learned, once again, to "fly" in the backyard--it's never to late to enjoy life, never to late to smell the flowers SieSie - never give up, never give in, keep up the attitude as long as you can and you can lead even if you are in the rear (the queen of propulsion--nose stuck in my butt) SieSie's impact on one who loves her as I do: What did your bridge kid(s) leave you and/or everyone?
  7. Burpdog


    Sie Senorita, 1/25/90 ~ 6/30/03 My wonderful, bitchy-witchy, stuffy knitting girl joined Shadow at the bridge this afternoon. Friday night she got up and could hardly walk--almost like spasmodic. Saturday she was fine, yesterday somewhat unstable & fell twice. Her eyes were saying she wanted to stay, but her body was giving out. Her front legs were swelling again and she was bruised her entire chest, groin and inside her rear legs and one rear leg started to swell (even though on a high dose of pred). I found multiple lumps popping up on her, one right next to her spine which could have accounted for the wobbles. Her gums were pale. Rather than wait until she went down in extreme pain, I made the decision to send her on. She went quickly. From a girl I didn't want to take home, to one who stole my heart. I hope she's doing all the tight turns she wants right now.
  8. Burpdog


    Kbs Shadow Fox, 1/1/89 ~ 6/30/03 went to the bridge from home this afternoon. His breathing had become labored even while laying down and he was coughing up more & more blood even though he was on a very high pred dose. I remember him running the first time in the back yard, stretching, four feet off the ground. He was so happy & pleased with himself The grumpy old man ruled the house this past year with an iron paw. Then, the other side of him--he kept close to SieSie these past three days, once even sharing a pillow with her. It was like he was watching out for her. I think there was a secret love affair going on The purple collar is once again retired.
  9. Bumping up for Hallie (so I don't have to retype a lot of it)
  10. My deepest sympathy. It's so hard
  11. Here's the article I wrote for GPA Houston's senior focus newsletter--I thought I'd share with you When East Meets West and Alternative Solutions Growing up with western medicine, I, like many others, developed the “quick fix” method of healing. I’m sick, give me a shot or a pill. I hurt, give me a shot or a pill. Whatever is wrong--fix it, and make me better quick! As the years went by and I developed many allergies to prescription medicines, lost my first Greyhound to a “side effect” of a prescription medicine and was at my wits end with my Doberman’s medical treatment, I started exploring the world of Eastern medicine and alternative medicine both for myself and my dogs. Over the past five years, my attitudes and approach to treatments have changed dramatically. I have come to appreciate both the western ways and eastern ways and recognize the value of combining them. I’d like to share a few experiences to illustrate: My Doberman Burp was diagnosed with gastritis and helicobacter pylori (more commonly referred to as h pylori). The treatment to eradicate the disorder took almost a year. During that time Chinese herbs were added to help his stomach. I learned through trial and error not to run out of them. He started having chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture treatments which helped him enjoy his favorite passion--squirrel chasing! He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and lived six months after that diagnoses. The western veterinarians were amazed at the fact he was living, much less enjoying life. I am convinced it was the combination of all methods available that kept him happy and going on for those many months. He had prescription medicines he needed for his stomach and heart, supplements for his arthritis, eastern herbs and acupuncture and chiropractic treatments for his arthritis and well being. He was 12 when he went to the bridge--the oldest Dobe I ever owned. My second Greyhound, Jesse, needed chiropractic adjustments for her neck (that she managed to put out--yep, squirrel chasing). With the adjustments she was able to do without prednisone which was very good since she had developed a kidney problem. When her neck hurt, she’d walk around pressing into anyone that was there “asking” for an adjustment. The trick was learning how to schedule the appointments in a time frame that kept her from getting very painful. There were times when she injured her neck that she had a few days of a muscle relaxant and/or prednisone. She went to the bridge at what I now consider a young age--12. Last year, Shadow (who was 13 ½ at the time) developed a serious case of pancreatitis. We were not sure he’d make it. He spent the days at the clinic on IV fluids and would come home with me for the night. This went on for three or four days. The first day he was so stressed, he received an acupuncture treatment in addition to fluids and antibiotics. It helped the pain, brought his heart rate down to a reasonable number and allowed him to rest for the balance of that day. He received several acupuncture treatments during the days that followed and as a follow up several weeks later. Recently SieSie injured her back. Probably doing laps in the house--from the family room, down the hall, up on the bed, repeat the pattern. No one has told her she is 13! With acupuncture and chiropractic treatments she was able to heal using only three days of prednisone. There are supplements that help the aging (or injured) dog. Chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, vitamins E and C, and MSM are the ones I use for my senior crew. I suggest anyone with a dog that has aging issues to try the supplements and acupuncture and/or chiropractic before using a more radical type of treatment including prescription medicines. Sometimes treatment can be all Eastern. Many times it’s a combination. Shadow (now 14) and SieSie need chiropractic adjustments once a month to manage their arthritis in addition to their supplements and recently I’ve added acupuncture for them when needed. My other two, Heart and Austin have had only two adjustments in three years. Each dog is different. A word of caution: make sure that if you use acupuncture and chiropractic methods that you use a practitioner certified by either CHI, IVAS or AVCA. Do NOT use anyone not certified. Many conditions can be managed with supplements and alternative medicine. In my opinion, it is safer and better for the dogs. Diane L. Jackson aka, Burpdog Burpdog@msn.com
  12. This is hard for me to share You had her for so long! I understand painfull death I lost Eliza in November of 1998, Jesse in May 1999, Burp in December 1999, Trevor in May 2000, Scooby in October of 2000 and Jodie in May of 2002. People ask me how I can go though what I have. I still cry tons of tears for Eliza (neglected my stewardship), and I do cry for the others, but I had no control over their leaving--it was their time. I have learned that when one leaves, another is waiting to be loved and needs a home. If I concentrated on the dying, and not the living & loving, I wouldn't have Shadow, SieSie, Heart & Austin and with losing so many I, quite frankly, would go out of my mind! So, my only advice is to concentrate on the love she gave to you, not on her passing. Sometimes it is hard to celebrate life--but it is such a tribute to those gone on
  13. Please give them my deepest sympathy. Suzi was such an inspiration to me with all my seniors. She gave me a lot of hope. And, she will continue to do so
  14. Burpdog


    It's taken me a little over four years to even attempt to do this. Eliza did not live on the internet. She lived in my home, slept in my bed and died in my arms. Eliza's love of life was incredible--more than any other dog I have owned. She greeted each day with woofs and grins. She made me get up--no one wasted mornings. In some ways she was my therapy dog since I have fibromyalgia. Many days her zest in the morning got me going Eliza never met a stranger. On our walks, as people got nearer, her tail would start wagging and she'd start grinning. The closer they got to us, the bigger she'd grin so by the time they were a few feet from us she was showing every tooth in her mouth! She never understood why so many people went running to the other side of the street. Eliza was the one who taught me never to play tug of war with a determined grey and a bag of rice. Eliza taught me a lot. I let her down. The first time in all my years of dogs I didn't research something and I went against my gut feeling. It cost her life. After she bled all over my house, she spent five days in intensive care trying to live. Nothing they tried worked and I had to send her to the bridge. I have cried a million tears, and I will cry some millions more. My only hope is that when I meet her at the bridge the first thing she says to me is "I forgive you". Until that moment, there is no relief from the pain, there is no solace. Eliza Jane, Greyhound, 9 yrs 10 months, died 11/98, length of rimadyl treatment: 5 weeks
  15. Burpdog


    Very, very sad My deepest sympathy.
  16. How very sad. My sympathy to all.
  17. My sympathy. So young!
  18. Burpdog


    I'm sorry to hear about Penny It's so nice that you were able to give her some of the good life
  19. My deepest sympathy on the loss of your sweet champion.
  20. I know I never stop missing my bridge kids. Jesse loved to catch (and grossly eat) June bugs. When the June bugs showed up the year I lost her, I cried a lot. Hugs. Maggie's still talking to you Some days it's just so hard....
  21. My deepest sympathy to you
  22. Burpdog


    Run free Roo Angel--till you meet your forever family at the Bridge. I'm so happy you have someone to meet
  23. Burpdog

    Rocky & Victor

    A very short time to have them How wonderful they had you to give them love & soft, warm beds at their end!
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