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Posts posted by heartdogs

  1. Have your vet do a CTLI blood test as well as a foliate test. If the CTLI comes back showing EPI you only have to do the test once. My whippet Noelle had EPI & lived 10 years 2 months. The is a wonderful yahoo group for EPI that was a big help to me. If you want email me at forevergreys@yahoo.com & I can give you a contact for the enzymes you need & many tips for living with EPI. Really this isn't hard to live with once you get use to it. Noelle was found to have it at 3 months along with diabetis & having major seizures. She died of hearth failure & terrible lung problems not connected to her EPI. I would take another dog with any of these problems again.

  2. I know many people won't like this but put up a crate for his "safe" place. Remember racers sleep in crate like spaces so crates a safe places for them when in a house. I have crate that my boys eat in & the doors are open so they can go in to sleep if they want. Prince retires 7 years ago & still goes into a crate several times a day to nap. Stretch never raced but he still naps in a crate. Also young children have a higher pitch to their voices & many dogs don't care for the sound. Good luck.

  3. I think with some dogs this a battle you never really win! Noelle was the only one allowed on the couch but as soon as she died Stretch thought he should be allowed to take her place, he hasn't figured out how to curl up like she did. Prince has never thried to get on the furniture in the 7 years he's been with me, but I would allow him to get up if he wanted to as he just goes to sleep, no nesting. Many people have dog couches & then have another for themselves so this is an idea for after you are no longer a student. Greys are funny creatures aren't they?

  4. I too understand. Noelle's passing was such a surprise, even tho it shouldn't have been I guess. My boys are having a hard time too which makes it harder for me. I too am sending hugs & prayers your way. May 2017 be a better year.

  5. Noelle lived 10 years 2 months which was longer than her vet ever thought she would. She woke me up Thurs night having a terrible time breathing & coughing so I took her to the vet yesterday morning & it was her heart & lungs that were giving out on her. This little heartdog helped me thru adjusting to being forced into retirement &the loss of many dogs to cancers without complaining about all her own medical issues so I did what we never want to have to do for her. She had kept this new issue hidden from me until it became too much for her to bear. Prince & Stretch miss her & are mad at me for taking her away. Noelle was a perfect puppy, when I got her & all the old broods took her under their protection & taught her all the puppy manners she needed. It is so quiet without her here but I am thankful for the 10 years I got to love her & as I told her vet each day was a gift that I will cherish. At least she won't have any more seizures


    Run pain free & healthy sweetheart until we meet again. :angelwings :angelwings

  6. I had a girl that had seizures starting when she was around 6. We had her on pheno & just watched her as there was no way to do brain surgery. Noelle my whippet, has grand mal seizures & at 10 I just love her & watch over her. There are other drugs out there that others use, really it is up to you & your vet. Sorry you are going thru this as it is hard. Hang in there & try to be calm around your baby so she will be calm. I had a boy that died of a brain tumor but he never presented with seizures, he just suddenly lost his ability to keep his balance & died one day after his vet visit. I know this is hard so am sending prays your way.

  7. My daughter has a GSD girl that is on Xanax daily for other problems & wears a phermon(sp) collar to keep her settled & when the storms come thru she gets ace. This poor girl was rescued from a good GSD rescue group where she was attacked by 2 alpha females when she first went to their farm-lost part of her ears in that fight. Lola is a sweet girl that loves living with her GSD brother, a grey sister, a grey brother, who also needs ace during storms, & a corgi/healer sister. I got the idea of the collar from some folks here on GT & it helps she doesn't hear the fireworks much as the ranch is not near where folks set them off but she hates the hunters that come to the govt. land to hunt. It's hard to see these dogs go thru this fear. Sending ear rubs to that cute dog & good luck to all.

  8. You can see the external changes to the eye & since I'd had a dog with Pannus I thought maybe that is what Prince had. After putting drops in the eye so he could see inside he did say there is the start of a cataract also. Yes, he will go blind in the eye & is not going to be an easy dog to put meds in the eye twice a day & I'm to watch closely to see if there are more changes. I trust my vet & have being using him for 20 years, he also knows greys as he was our groups vet.

  9. Prince is my oldest laid back boy who doesn't like hugs or kisses so I missed this early on. This weekend he snarked at Noelle when she tried to walk past him on the right side which surprised her as he had always been kind to her, except thinking he has to mark her when she goes potty. He was just right in the light when I saw his eye looked terrible so I took him to the vet yesterday & was told he has a very advanced case of glaucoma but other wise he's fine. Now I feel like a failure & just want to warn people to check their dogs eyes for changes.

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