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Posts posted by HeyRunDog

  1. Just a thought. Have you checked his pads for corns?

    You say he walks around the cemetery with a mixed level of success. Does he walk better on the soft grass rather than the hard footpaths? Next time you can get him into the car take him to a grassy park and see if he improves. Bribe your lodger with a bottle of something or a couple of beers to come with you just in case he need persuading to get into the car to come back :D

  2. I fond a loud firm NO as soon as Grace started to do something unwanted often did the trick and I agree with greysmom, if your going to ignore bad behaviour and reward good, then the reward must be immediate.

    Don't worry about the statuing, a lot of greyhounds do it until they can make sense of this strange new world they've been transported into. If you look through these forums you will find plenty of advice and stories about it.

  3. Grace had one too, it appeared soon after I had adopted her. The vet lanced it, flushed it out and gave her a course of antibiotics. A week later it was still inflamed so she was x-rayed and there were 8 very tiny pieces of grit stuck in the webbing between her toes which we think must have come from her racing days. So another course of antibiotics and painkillers and once again it started to become infected so in the end the webbing between her toes was removed.

  4. He Is Gone

    You can shed tears that he is gone
    Or you can smile because he has lived

    You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back
    Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left

    Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him
    Or you can be full of the love that you shared

    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
    Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

    You can remember him and only that he is gone
    Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on

    You can cry and close your mind,
    Be empty and turn your back
    Or you can do what he would want:
    Smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

    Based on a short verse by David Harkins

  5. Grace will start cleaning herself and licking her feet but for some reason she'll then start licking her bedding next to her foot. This will continue for some time making a large damp patch until I say NO.

    I didn't realise what was happening at first and would come downstairs in the morning to find a large wet patch on the sofa where she had been sleeping. Fearing the worst, the throw covering the sofa was into the washing machine and the wet and dry spot cleaner was out.

  6. 19 hours ago, smithy said:

    We settle at about 10/11pm. He goes down to bed and all is good. Then once or twice during the night until about 8am he will get up, walk around, shake (kind of shake his head so his ears flap about, like a dog coming inside from the rain - he always does that). It's super loud and always wakes me up, and after a few weeks it's getting annoying. I think there's probably nothing I can do to solve this, but I thought I'd check to see.

    I think he's just having a stretch and changing position and unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it apart to learn to love this bit of his behaviour. Failing that will he sleep either downstairs or in another room?

    Grace sleeps downstairs which she is probably glad to as I have to change position frequently, put the light on to read at various times in the night, go for a pee (I'm at that age :D)and if my rheumatoid arthritis is really playing up, get a glass of water and take some painkillers. She would be complaining about me on Human Talk.

  7. I like the way you've chosen a lovely looking dog to blend in with your floor :lol. What's her name?

    Greyhounds have a sensitive digestive system and continually changing their diet can cause sloppy poops and diarrhoea. If you want to change her diet do it gradually over a couple of weeks.

    Don't get hung up with giving your new hound variety. Grace has been wolfing down the same meal twice a day for the last three years and shows no sign of wanting anything different.

    I've only fed Grace a good quality kibble so I can't comment on raw or cooked. I do put a couple of spoonfuls into her bowl first and add hot water to make a gravy before adding the rest after its cooled down.

  8. He probably chewed it because it was there was nothing else to do. Spray bitter apple on his lead and take one of his toys with you next time so he can chew on that instead.

    If you still want a metal lead Amazon do a plastic coated cable one but I'd be worried if he managed to chew through one of the strands and them cut his mouth. A chain one would be better.

  9. 10 hours ago, MerseyGrey said:

    Buddy also really, really loves those sticky plants, you know the ones that you would stick on someone’s clothes secretly when you were a kid?

    Also known as goosegrass which apparently comes from the same group of plants as coffee. The seeds can be roasted and produce a caffeine free drink so perhaps Buddy is getting his daily coffee hit :bounce1

  10. Greyhounds have a very subtle body language and when you get to know your hound you'll see that they don't need to be extroverts.

    I've had Grace for nearly 3 years and she doesn't play with her toys, only wags her tail briefly when she thinks she's going to be fed or going for a walk but never comes for any fuss. It took her a couple of years to let me sit next to her head on the sofa without getting off, but sitting at the tail end was OK.

    How do I know she likes me? By the expression on her face. She watches me with a relaxed expression on her face and likes to know where I am. She comes to me when something frightens her like fireworks or noisy children. She lets me brush her teeth, clean her ears etc. and she chatters her teeth, the equivalent of a cat purring, when she's getting an ear, belly, back rub.

  11. If you're using yuderm I guess you're in the UK. My vet recommended YuDERM moulting dog for Grace's coat to help rid her of flaky skin and help with her balding thighs. I also used ExmaRid deep cleansing dog shampoo to help with her itchy and flaky skin.

    She now has not so bald thighs and a bit of dandruff during moulting.

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