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Posts posted by smurfette

  1. I had similar problems with my boy Andy. He started howling lime a wolf anytime I left the apartment. Nothing helped - he wasn't alone, Colin was with him.

    When we bought the house we decided to do all necessary renovations ourself and we took the dogs with us whenever we went to the house, put their dog beds in the living-room with their food and water. When we stopped working we took them for short walks to explore the neighbourhood.

    And since the day we moved in Andy stopped his behaviour. It is like coming to a new home with all of us gave him the security he needed.

  2. If you want the water to remember the information the rescue drops carry than you have to stir the water at least 10 times with a spoon or something... but not metal.

    Put the drops in a glas of water, stir the water and feed the water in small portions with a syringe, without needle of course. That may help.

    I use this method when one of my boys has problems with his back or joints. It's hypericum for me.

  3. But would the high Omega 6 content of rice bran oil exacerbate arthritis?

    I looked it up but I couldn't find anything that indicates a connection between the oil and arthritis. I use it in combination with black seed oil. Since putting the oils in their diet I have the feeling that their immune system has improved.

    You can also look up linseed oil. My younger boys get this because it has all the positive effects the rice bran oil has but with less excessive toning.

  4. I used to leave my guys for more than that some times when I was working. They sleep a lot and get used to your schedule. It is not the optimum adoption experience, but it can work. Now, since I am home most days or only out for short periods, if I am gone that long, I have dog walker come over and let them out or walk them. Only, because, they are not used to long periods of us being away.

    The same here. When I lived alone Col was used to his alone time. Since I'm married there is always one of us at home or my mom comes to walk the dogs. And I don't crate, either. I just close the doors of the rooms I don't want them to explore.

  5. Rice bran oil helps with building up muscle. I always give a teaspoon over my older boys diet so they keep their muscle mass even if they don't walk the long walks and don't run in the yard as often as they were used to. But be careful with younger pups. I fed the oil to all of my hounds and while Andy and Colin just kept their weights, Paddy literally exploded and looked like Schwarzenegger in dog form.

  6. It might really be with the trip to see my vet so you can have her mom do acupuncture and cold laser. Nancy is truly magical, I've never seen anything like it, others feel the same way. Redrowan.com

    I don't know your vet, of course, but mine works the same way. She works together with a chiropractor and does holistic medicine, too. Give it a try. You only can win in your situation.

  7. I would give him something for the pain until the chiropractor appointment. I would never let one of boys suffer when I have ways to help him. Every good chiroprator will tell you that if you are in pain and try to avoid it, you make it worse because you move in the wrong way - malposition. It is the same with dogs.

    Furthermore you will gain nothing when your dog is in too much pain for the chiropractor to help him properly.


    I don't know about pain meds in the US but I use metacam because it is also inflammatory. Of course there are side effects when used over a long time but you have to evaluate risk against benefit.

  8. How are your seniors as far as appetite? Any changes? My 10 year old has begun skipping meals more and more frequently; some days it's breakfast that's skipped, some days it'll be dinner. All of her senior panels came back within normal parameters and in all other aspects she's the same Wendy. It's not like she has no appetite because she will readily accept treats.

    Col went through an episode like that around the time when he turned 10. He decided that he would only eat special treaties like roasted chicken, dried beef and..... cheesecake. I changed his diet from kibble to raw and we came to an agreement about breakfast and dinner. And don't forget dessert, mom...;-)

  9. My girl has a month until she is 13.


    Pretty much what the OP said is it. We walk around a park that is 3/4 of a mile. IN the old days,,,5 laps. Now on a great day, 1 lap. Sometimes you can see that after 1/2 lap we're done. You have to accept what is happening. I go more by time now then distance. My goal is to keep her on her feet and at least tootling along for 30 minutes. Leia started getting weird with her sleep/wake and eating habits at 10 but I won't go into that.


    I started with the glucosamine stuff around her 7th and I think that is what kept her walking for this long (she does still run a bit int he yard everyday, albeit really slow now) and for that I am happy. But now I have her on stronger supplements my vet gave me last week because her rear end is getting pretty weak. We can't afford laser and all that type of stuff so we hope the supplements can help her.

    I use rice bran oil, originally for horses, 1 teaspoon on each meal. Combined with daily walks it helps wonders with the muscles. The oil acts like a natural form of anabolic steroids.

    I had to reduce giving it to 10 year old Andy when he started looking like the doggie version of the Hulk..... not exactly green but you get the picture.

    Hi to a fellow German, I just noticed your location!


    Hi to you, too.

  10. Colin will be 12 in July and he gets more and more funny. He goes to his physiotherapy every month, has supplements, like st. john's wort, melisse and gingko for his food and always hypericum in the drinkwater.

    A few days ago I was cuddling with Paddy and Colin walked up to me, looked at me and bit me in the forearm. It didn't hurt but was a reminder that he thought it was his turn, now. And suddenly he loves his vet. He was always nervous when he had to go there. Last week we went there for his shots he wagged his tail and demanded treaties - and not just a few...all treaties.


    He is always happy but suddenly hates his coat and won't walk with it. I just let him be....crazy old boy.

  11. Once as I went with my two muzzled greys (I didn't want tomcarry the muzzles) to a nice run around with their friend, a silken windsprite, I met an obedience class doing some outdoor training. These owners stared at me with so much pity born out of arrogance. Look, that woman can't handle her dogs. We are so much better....


    When I came back after maybe 30 minutes - this time with the muzzles in one hand and my greyhound's leashes in the other. Colin and Andy on the leashes, of course, walked next to me totally relaxed. The group was still there and the trainer said something about being able to control the dogs when for example going into town and they meet unknown dogs. When we walked by most of the dogs tried to leave their circle and follow us. Their owners had to work real hard to keep them controlled.

    I stopped with Andy and Col waiting patiently, shook my head and said... "I guess you have to intensiefy your training."

    I was so proud of my sweet boys...


    I just couldn't help myself.

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