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Posts posted by smurfette

  1. If he collects your dirty clothes on his bed when you are gone he might benefit from you giving him a worn shirt which smells of you to keep in his bed when you leave. It may calm him and help him to feel more comfortable.

    And perhaps you can take him for a solo walk in the morning and take time for him to poop. I know it means getting up even earlier than before and you wrote that as a problem but I guess your boy might need the special attention for a time.

  2. Sorry for highjacking the thread but I never heard of dogs getting bored and drinking too much. And I never let my dogs without access to fresh water.


    We had the pee issue when something happened that disrurbed Andy's routine when we were not at home during the day, e.g. someone ringing the door bell. He got stressed and had an accident. It got better in time.

    It helps when your dog sleeps near you. You can hear him when he gets restless and you can react. When Paddy was new I let him out three or four times a night. With time it got better and now he is as sleepy as his older brothers.

  3. Welcome from Germany. I once thought that I had found the perfect hound but than I found another one and another one. All of them are special and together they are the perfect pack.😆

  4. I felt like you when I lost my first dog. He was special in every way. I learned so much from him - about dogs and about myself, about being a team, about trust. Sometimes I get teary thinking of him and it's 10 years now that he went to the bridge.

    I guess it is supposed to be like that. But mostly I smile when I detect some little quirks of him in my boys. Olo love to bark at the fence with the neighbour's dog like Colin, he hated to go out in the rain just like Paddy and loved people, especially kids but despised unknown dogs just like Andy.

    And when we are together as a family with my parents and my sister we often talk about him and allmthise things we experienced together. Anybody could talk to my younger sister without Olo screaming bloody murder at him or Olo pursuing a police officer and my mom frantically racing after him because sometimes he decided to stop the friendly act. And one day during agility class he decided to stay on the A-hurdle because he was the biggest and nobody could reach him. And I was desperately trying to get him down and all the other dog owners laughed at me.


    It was a good time and wouldn't want to miss it. So today I can smile through my tears and think that my life would have less sadness if I never met him butcalso less joy.

  5. My only advice for you is...


    ...enjoy yout time with your houndie. He seems to adjust right fine. Some of them just need more time than others. My boy Andy lives with me for 5 years now and won't touch any toys but his buddies Col and Paddy love to play with their stuffies.

    Col won't go upstairs. I know he can manage the stairs but he refuses to do so and sleeps in the living-room at night.


    You see, there are always some quirks but i just let them be as long as they don't affect my boys or one of us hoomans in negative ways

  6. I change between beef, sheep and horse. Once a week I feed rumen and turkey necks or lamb ribs as bones. I always add vegetables or fruits with noodles, potatoes or rice and sometimes yoghurt.

    As supplements we have grated coconuts - great worm prevention, melissa - booster for the immune system, st.jonhs wort - universal helper with all kinds of nerve damages and back pain and gingko for the older boys brains.

    And different oils, blackseed oil for tick prevention, lineseed oil and rice bran oil for my 12 year old to keep his muscles.

    Once a week I add brewers yeast and zinc biothin for the coat.


    You can also feed raw fish if your dog likes it. One of mine is crazy about fish the other two act as if I am going to poison them.

  7. She is playful and wants to show you that she means no harm, that she is a friendly girl. I normally call my boys to come to me, give them some attention, like cuddling... and after that we try again with the command.


    ...and I imitate their walk....


    ...but my neighbours think I'm kind of crazy. So no problem here with ruining my reputation.😊

  8. When I'm home my dogs are where I am and even start barking when I get lost.... when I went upstairs and my sleepy pack just didn't get it. We have several dog beds in all the rooms of our house. Yes, we are kind of crazy greyhound people.

    If you only have one bed for him take it with you when you settle in a room without bed for a longer time, e.g. at night. You have him with you and can react if something occurs at night. And I always loved to have my dogs sleeping in the same room with me.

    My oldest Col decided one day that he would live downstairs from now on. So he stays in the living room in front of the big sliding doors... so he can see what happens outside at night, hedgehogs, cats, the paperboy...


    ... I always consider him a doberman pinscher.

  9. And it is very impolite to stare at other dogs and approach another dog face to face ( I don't know the english word for it, but I hope you can understand what I want to say) when you are a dog.

    You wouldn't stop in the street and stare at some kind of big biker guy and make faces at him - it's the same for dogs.

    When you meet people with laid back dogs ask them to walk a little with you but don't let the dogs interact. In this way your girl can observe the other dog and decide that it is not a threat to her.


    When I had Col, my first grey, for a few weeks we met a nice woman with a nice ChowChow. Colin thought that she was a nice dog but when she walk by he got very excited by that fluffy thing she had with her and tried to take a quick snap and perhaps shake. Lucky him I was a bit faster and stopped him from biting her tail.

  10. I would get a sign for the door, beware of dog and perhaps put some chairs on the other side of the baby gate to keep her inside the room.


    But I have a question. Why should anyone enter your home when you are not there and it is not an emergency situation which involves the police or the fire department?

    I've read about this in other threads, too and just wondered if it is common in the US for landlords or craftsmen to enter a flat when the inhabitant is not at home, which is forbidden here in Germany.

  11. I work with cold laser therpayfor years but I don't have one myself. Thes are great for speeding up the healing process in tissue wounds and a session only costs 6 euros at my vet's. That's quite okay.

    I'm very interested in the cold laser accupuncture my boys get once a month. I'd like to have one of those lasers myself but you have to know exactly what you are doing. So - first learning about accupuncture, than buying a laser... I started this year and in 4 years I will be where I want to be...hopefully.


    There are so many things to learn...

  12. You can also sit on the floor with your back to the cage and leave treats next to you. You appear less threatening when you are smaller. Or you just sit there and make those sounds with the treats package, this little rustling noises and when he comes to investigate, you offer him one on your flat hand. When he stays around you can pet him. And always carry those little treats with you. When he approaches you - treats, you walk by his cage and he looks up - treats, when he looks at you - just drop a treat.

    Let him watch you doing all those interesting unthreatening things. He will associate you with positive actions.

  13. You can put a heavy object in the middle of his bowl like a cup or a stone. He than has to eat around it. That will slow him down. A friend of mine hand feeds (is this the right word?) her dog his kibble one by one - but it's a much smaller dog than a grey.


    Paddy was like your boy, too. In the beginning he would clean his bowl and than start on his brothers'. I normally free feed a bowl of kibble for each dog during the day and raw in the evening. My older boys prefer to eat a few kibbles here and there during the day and not all at once.

    Paddy learned very fast that there is always something to eat in his bowl and stopped his behaviour. He now eats a few kibbles here and there and devours his raw evening meal like his brothers do.


    But he is a thief - not because he is hungry but because he can reach everything I forget to put away. And it's some kind of sports for him.

  14. Colin had similar issues a few years back. My vet recommended a physiotherapist and it helped a lot. I take all my to physio-sessions every 8 to 8 weeks to prevent problems. The physiotherapist mentioned hypericum for the nerve pain and I gave it a try.


    Now I put hypericum LM6 into their drinking water and we seldom have problems with back pain. Even after slipping and falling on wet grass Paddy was fine last week.

    I also add melissa and st. John's wort to their diet which also help with nerve pain and help to boost the immune system.

  15. We have rugs and mats on the floor to create a safe walking zone for Colin who is afraid of slippery floors. I saw him slip one time and his screams shocked the living daylight out of me. He didn't hurt himself but he was clearly in shock.

    Paddy used the rugs to sail across the floor. He ran into the house, hopped on one of the rugs and sailed into the living room where he stopped and got off his mode of transportation. He loved this - my hair turned grey just watching him. I put rubber mats under the rugs. No more slipping and no more sliding.


    Result: Happy Col, annoyed Paddy.... and happy me.

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