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Posts posted by Banjoman

  1. Anything done in the garden gets scooped into larger plastic bags of any description and tied off goes in the fortnightly household refuse collection. Walking around the estate I use purpose bought poop bags, sliced bread bags or any smaller sized bags I can get my hands on. Like Clare they go into local Council supplied special dog poop bins or normal rubbish bins. Up in the forest it is “stick and flick” so very little is left on a path for children to run through.

    Really sloppy “gifts” I just collect as much as possible and any remains wait to get washed away or disposed of by any wildlife that would enjoy it!

    That reminds me, I must go and put the bin out ready for tomorrow morning.

  2. Now Ellen, Santa’s given me the nod,

    as he’s gone fishing off Cape Cod,

    that Gelsey’s gift is on the way

    and is safely left until Christmas Day.


    He said it’s sent by US Mail,

    who deliver, (I’m told) through rain and hail.

    So keep your eyes peeled for the post

    while having your breakfast tea and toast.


    The package should hold everything

    to make your Christmas go with a swing.

    Now it’s nearly time for bed,

    with my job done I can rest my head.


    🦇 The batty one.

  3. This elf is short of Christmas socks,

    She hasn’t found them in the box,

    Without, her mind is working slow,

    She needs to make her brain cells glow!😵💫


    The central heating has now come on,

    The howling wind and rain have gone

    I’ve found some socks with robins bright

    That should get my brain to work tonight.👍


    Now Gelsey’s my first request of the year,

    About yourself Santa longs to hear.

    Are you a houndie who plays with toys

    Or prefers to go out for drinks with the boys?


    Do you like biscuits or shun them with scorn,:cookie

    Can you eat fish or would you rather have corn?

    It’s things like this that Santa would know

    Before he sets off to shop in the snow.


    The same for your Mum, Ellen by name,

    I have to make sure to keep her in the frame.

    For someone who cares for you so well

    Her likes and dislikes to Santa please tell.


    In short, the low down I just need

    To keep old Santa up to speed

    So you get presents that fit just right

    And both are happy come Christmas night!


    🦇 The batty one.

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