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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. With Taylor, after 4 months, firm poops have been a rarity. Sometimes they are firm first thing in the morning, sometimes at night. There seems to be no rhyme or reason. That's with a couple of changes of food, too, with plenty of time to get used to it. VERY rarely has he ever had a "normal" poop. They are somewhat formed, but not firm. Luckily, I have a yard he poops in, and I pickup what I can with a bag, and just hit the rest with a hose.
  2. Congratulations.....she looks like a happy hound
  3. Last night, when Taylor wouldn't get up, I tried the leash.....nothing. Then I put my hands under his shoulders and went to lift him up a little......head hung down....tongue on the floor. LOL......like picking up a very long sack of potatoes! We'll see how tonight goes.
  4. Tepid worked.....and I kept an eye on him to make sure he wasn't wobbling
  5. I had bathed Taylor twice in the backyard (when it was 80 and sunny), but used the garden hose. He didn't like that cold water at all!!! It was a struggle to hold his leash and him and bathe him. Last week, I remembered I have a set-tub in the laundry room, so I connected a hose to that set-tub faucet and ran warm water through the hose. I didn't even have to hold the leash (or him)!!! By the time I was rinsing him off from the second shampooing, his eyes were half closed and his mouth was hanging open a little, LOL.
  6. I am so sorry......your sweet boy is no longer in pain. Cherish his memory.
  7. Taylor is pretty hairless on his tummy, too. BUT, I can see his cute spots better!!!
  8. AAAACCCCKKKKKKKK....forget about that ball. Get me OUT OF HERE!!!
  9. Stage? I have had Taylor for 3 months and am used to sitting on the john with a big doggie standing there looking me in the eye "pet me.....hug meeeee".
  10. I'll let you know if I find anything that keeps Taylor happy, but is easier on his tummy. Last week, I was ready to eat a can of beans and get back at HIM!!!!
  11. OK...chicken feet are off the list, then. My eyes burn as it is.
  12. Thanks. I will have to check into that. How long does she chew on one and how long do turkey legs last and how often does Ruby get one?
  13. He only eats maybe 3-4" total a day. How much would you say Annie eats? Taylor does have a bit of a sensitive stomach.
  14. Taylor really loves his bully sticks. For the past week or so, he has been chewing around 20 minutes in the morning on odor-free BestBully 12" long bully sticks. While they may not smell that much going in, they sure do smell BAD later!!! Paint-peeling, clear-the-room gas. Other than not letting him chew on them, any suggestions on what to give him to cut down on the gas? Maybe Gas-X? Any other suggestions? Or maybe there is something else I can give him to chew on that would not create a fog?
  15. Hi,

    When will I be able to do private messaging?



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