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Posts posted by Greydawg

  1. That looks just like what Heisman had a few months ago, after he and Alex were rough-housing and collided. The wound looked pretty angry. I put Neosporin on it (and a sock) for a few days, trying to keep Heisman from licking it. On about the 4th or 5th day, I switched from Neopsorin to Bag Balm. It looked better in a week, and by the second week, I couldn't even see where it had been injured.


    I hope it heals quickly.



  2. Hello fellow Instagrammer! I am glad you joined GreyTalk... Welcome!

    You quickly figured out how to post pictures of your handsome "star-studded" Ace on this forum, too!

    I look forward to learning more about him - his cheekiness - and how he continues to settle in to his new retirement.


    Again, welcome!


    ETA: as i mentioned on IG, here is that discussion on GT several weeks ago about snowflake GHs, in case you didn't see it yet... http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/288811-unusual-color/page__st__20__hl__snowflake#entry5298935




  3. Ugh. Your tummy must be in knots. Mine would be, too.


    Good suggestions have already been given, and I can't offer any better. I can relate, sort of...

    I learned that my two "perfect gentlemen" dogs also do this when we aren't home. My visiting teenage step-daughter - who sleeps-in in the mornings (sigh) upstairs in our bonus room - let us know that sometimes after we go to work in the mornings, the boys stay downstairs and start howling at the top of their lungs... "forever" she reported. Not MY boys! I was in perfect denial, as I have never heard them howl, and rarely even bark. They are quiet and well-behaved most of the time. Surely, she was mistaken.


    A few mornings later, while I was at work, she sent me a text message with an audio recording of the Call-of-the-Wild-like howls! I couldn't believe it. I can just picture them having a great time playing off each other and egging each other on! We don't live in a condo, and no neighbor ever complained to me about them. Yet. I thought of getting a nanny-cam too, the kind where I can tune in to them, live, via my iPhone. I don't know how often they do it, nor what sets them off.


    Good luck with Bo and your neighbors. I feel for you.





  4. Heisman was pawing at his left eye last weekend, and I noticed he was squinting in that eye. Even indoors.


    A trip to the vet revealed he has Pannus, an auto-immune eye disorder, not uncommon to our favorite breed. Our vet prescibed an ointment, 4x per day (neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates, bacitracin zinc, and hydrocortsone acetate ophthalmic ointment usp). The vet said this is the conservative RX, and we can always work up to a more powerful steroid, if necessary.


    From what I have read, sunshine is not a friend to dogs with Pannus. So I am in the market for eyewear, such as Doggles. Does anyone have experience with them to share? Any sizing recommendations that will fit the slender Greyhound head. Heisman weighs 77 pounds. If I go by the size chart on the Doggles website, the Doggles may too big. Thoughts?


    ETA: http://doggles.com/sizing.html





  5. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."


    You captured some of those great moments in your beautiful tribute to your boy, Cash.

    My heart aches for your loss.

  6. Crap. Heisman has HB Commander on his sire's side, and Wigwam Wag on his dam's side. He freaked us out for a several days when he started limping on his front right leg, but by the time I got him to the vet last Saturday, the limping had stopped. The vet detected a very small corn-like thing on his paw pad, but I swear I don't see it now. I am keeping a very close eye on him, and holding my breath. This is a lottery I certainly don't want us to win.


    Alex does not have any of these dogs in his lineage.

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