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Posts posted by Greydawg

  1. I have used Comfortis in the past. It worked on a regular routine. Currently, I have them on Frontline Plus, "kills fleas, flea eggs, ticks & chewing lice" as it reads on the box, for regular maintenance.


    For an infestation, I would also give the dogs a Capstar (Petco carries them), which kills fleas dead within 30-45 minutes. It is only good for 24 hours. This is enough time to do all the other things you will want to do... Wash the dogs with a flea shampoo (i have used Dawn dishwashing detergent upon suggestion of other Grey owners - not all the time, just for infestations)... Wash all their bedding... Sprinkle Borax on the carpeting, let it sit for about an hour, then vacuum thoroughly (empty vac bag in plastic bag, seal bag and throw out). You will want to kill the eggs as well as the fleas. If you are lucky, all this will work without having to re-do all this again. As for the yard, I know there is stuff that can be applied, but I don't know what it is. (I don't do the yard.)


    Good luck.

  2. Lick-lick-lick.


    Oh yes, we know that annoying sound in our house! Poor Heisman has developed some kind of allergy/irritation on his paws in the last year or so. I have tried everything to help him... Both homeopathic and veterinary (ointments, lotions, sprays, wipes, benedryl, shots, supplements, boots, socks). We have spent a small fortune trying to manage this problem. His feet have been raw and angry-red where he licks/chews them.


    Currently, I am cautiously optimistic we may have made some progress, lately. The vet gave sold me Allergroom shampoo, and I bought Bag Balm at the drug store and applied it 2x a day for several weeks (+ socks, because he'd lick it off otherwise). I slowly started to see improvement, and I eased off the frequent application of Bag Balm. So far, dare I even type these words without jinxing myself?, he doesn't lick/chew his feet as much. It has been about two months. His knuckles are now a pale fleshy color, where they used to be beet red. I don't know if the hair will ever grow back on the knuckles.


    The Allergroom shampoo seemed to calm him (the vet said to bathe him weekly, and I did for a couple of weeks, initially) and it may do the same for your guy.


    I understand that Bag Balm is an old stand-by formula used on livestock (dairy cow udders, skin abrasions, etc, i believe). If you try it, you may want to put an old t-shirt or boxer shorts on him to keep him from messing with it. Plus, it is greasy, and the clothing will protect your carpet/furniture. Google "bag balm for dogs," for more info, and click on...


    Good luck!

  3. This is a magical time of your pup's life (yours too!). Your little baby girl is learning how to interpret and respond to the world around her. I always think of their 10-16 week old period as a particularly important time (sort of the "wonder years" period). You will want to expose her to all things positive, and be gentle yet firm with her when correction is in order. She will respond more as she matures. Have a wonderful time raising her - how exciting! Keep us posted, ok?


  4. You may want to bathe him with an anti-itch shampoo. I like "Allergroom" - a shampoo my vet carries. On the label, it reads "hypoallergenic, emollient, restoring, antisebororrheic and keratoseborrheic."


    I have tried oatmeal-based dog shampoos, which help, but I found the Allergroom works the best on an itchy dog.


    For particularly bad episodes, Benadryl can offer temporary relief. (I cannot remember the dosage, though, but I am sure some other GT'rs can weigh in here.)


    Good luck.

  5. It has been a while since I raised a puppy, but this "Umbilical cord" technique worked well the last time. See what you think.


    (I used this technique on my fresh-off-the track adult Greyhound, too. Not only did it work wonders, I think he and I developed a deep bond from those early days! I didn't reward him with treats, but every time he pottied outside, I acted like he had just won the Kentucky Derby! I am sure the neighbors still talk about what goofball I am!)


    I am not a fan of withholding water from the dog. I believe you can keep her hydrated - and keep your floors dry - by vigilantly using this technique.


    I know it is exasperating. Especially with new carpet. Stay the course, though. Don't give her the opportunity to fail. Either keep her in her crate, or tie her to you. Once you get through this phase, you will be well on your way to having the best dog ever! (that is, after you get through the teething phase, which umbilical cord training will help, too.)


    Good luck!


  6. First of all... :welcome


    Second, you asked if early-rising is common with Greys. I dunno... My two are like the laziest-ever teenage boys in the mornings! They are always the last ones to get up. After we get up (6-ish), have breakfast and read the paper, the big sleepyheads reluctantly emerge from the bedroom. This is only after 30 minutes of calling for them to get up. They just LOVE sleeping in. :dunno


    Hank is a good-looking hound! :wub:

  7. When we first got Heisman (my first-ever male dog), I squatted down to wipe something off the floor. I sensed him coming up behind me and starting to mount. Instinctively, I reeled around and humped him instead! :blush Fortunately for me, no one was around to witness this spectacle. Heisman has never done this again.


    A few months later, I ran in to a volunteer at the adoption center who knew Heisman well when he stayed there. She asked me if he is still humping everything in sight and told me he was a well-known humper there! (Not MY gentleman of a dog!)


    He was fixed the day we adopted him, and that humping incident happened about 36 hours later, probably after he was feeling a little better from his surgery.


    So did he stop humping because of what I did, or because of his neutering, or because of his retirement home environment?

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