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Posts posted by Greydawg

  1. Good advice, silverfish, about not leaning over/on the new dog, and about withholding hugs and kisses at this stage. Those are human habits, not canine, and they can be easily and understandably misinterpreted by the dog.


    This reminds me of something very very stupid I did when Alex was new to our household. I tried to take a chewy-bone out of his mouth, and he bit me. Ouch! I was so angry - at myself! - for being such a dum-dum. It was not his fault. He didn't know/trust me yet. Of course he reacted that way. What was I thinking?! I couldn't blame him for defending himself against me-the-aggressor. (Today, I can take stuff out of his mouth if I need/want to, and it is no problem because we trust each other.)

  2. Relax. Be yourselves. Enjoy the process. Give him time to adjust. Don't expect too much from him now; he will come around when it feels right to him.


    However, be stern and calm - but never angry - about claiming the human space of the house. No furniture privileges until, and only if, you or your girlfriend invite him.


    He is in the learning mode right now, and you both are in the teaching mode. (I love this phase, personally, as I am always amazed at how quickly the dog takes direction, learns, and responds!) These dogs are sensitive and smart. They depend on us to give them proper guidance. Everything you are doing now is helping to set the pattern of living together in the future. Celebrate the successes, be consistent, and gently remind the dog what is not acceptable if he gets confused. Have fun!


    Just my :2c

  3. What a beautiful tribute.

    I am so sorry that cruel disease took him away from you.


    Godspeed, Sam.

  4. No, but I use vet-suggested ALLERGROOM (by Virbac) shampoo on my guys, and I like it a lot.


    Heisman had itchy skin and the vet suggested twice-weekly baths :unsure with Allergoom for the first month and then taper off the baths after that. It really did help him. Thank goodness. I was skeptical the frequent baths would dry out his skin and cause an even bigger problem, but just as my vet said, they didn't. Now I use it on both dogs every time I bathe them.


    Hopefully, Allerderm will help Dylan soon.

  5. The last thing my two boys would do is to snuggle together. They are both way too cool for that! ;)


    But they are buddies just the same. They communicate with each other, play off of each other, and just like "being" with each other. Knowing they have companionship makes us feel better about leaving them alone when we go to work.


    Heisman was our only dog for eleven months, and he sounds a lot like your Jack. Happy, confident, and well-adjusted. Then we heard about Alex, who was in dire straits, so we brought him in as a foster dog until we could find a home for him. (We did, and son-of-a-gun, it was our home!) We have said many times since then that Heisman would have been fine as an only dog, but his life is more enriched with a buddy.


    Good luck with your decision!

    :gh_bow. :gh_bow

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