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Posts posted by HoundHeavenAZ

  1. Thank you so much for your input. I do appreciate you taking the time to comment.

    Perhaps I misunderstood on the med, will see tomorrow when I pick it up. I work hard to keep up a confident and positive attitude with them. I just wish I could have protected her.

    She's been up to change beds twice... finally settled on her favorite elevated bed and Jimmie is sticking close by her :inlove



    Sorry you and Leah are having to go through this. From your description of Leah's temperament, there's a good chance she'll have some lasting trauma from this that you'll have to help her work through, but not necessarily. Years ago, my undersocialized, fear-aggressive IG was attacked by a husky while on a walk with my father. He was a little scared of other dogs, especially strange ones, to begin with, but the incident didn't seem to make him any worse than before.

    If you expect her to have problems and are anxious about it yourself, she'll sense that and she probably will have problems. You can help reduce the chance she'll have chronic anxiety, or perhaps at least minimize the severity, by being calm and confident yourself and expecting her to be ok.

    I'm a little confused by your vet's prescription of a medication (sedative? anti-anxiety?) for an anticipated problem. I wouldn't medicate her for anxiety unless she actually shows signs of it. And if it's ace, that's not an appropriate medication for anxiety anyway. Although I'm not sure acepromazine is even carried in human pharmacies (most vets dispense it out of the clinic), so that may not be what she prescribed.

    Sending good thoughts for a fast recovery, both physically and mentally!

  2. The backstory: renters down the street have two pits. One has escaped and charged us without contact twice, reported it to AC but never got photos = no evidence. Many cars, in and out, your basic dirt bags and he's a freaking Hells Angel.


    We needed a little walk tonight so we took our regular route past the pit house, and I had my trusty pvc pipe and my cell camera at the ready. I've had so many nightmares about how I would handle an attack...


    We were nearly past the house, out comes an unknown pit mix and it starts attacking Leah. I tried hitting the dog but my pipe, my cell, went airborne and all I could do was scream obscenities for the moron to get his .&*^%$(..... dog away from my babies.


    Dufus grabs his pit mix dog by the collar (no leash) pulls it into the garage of the renter with the two full pits, checking for injuries which of course, it did not have. I asked 3 times as he cuddled the dog.


    I'm screaming, and neighbors start watching. One fearful neighbor (too afraid to report the 2 pit owners that she lives next door to for the last year) said she would call the police for me. The fat bastard down the street a couple of houses just watched.


    I spoke to the Sheriffs office on the neighbor ladies phone, then walked home. Leah was ambulatory but I knew she would soon go shocky, catotonic. Got the car, called my vet, hauled ass. After hours of course.


    Stitches, drain, punctures. Could have been SO much worse, but my baby girl did not deserve this. She will be miserable for SO long over this - she runs and hides when I drop a damned fork even after 6 years together.


    Deputy shows up at the vet - someone I know with a deep affection for his Dobie girl that I've known for years. Takes my info, pictures, statement.


    I head home.and there are 2 deputies at the renter dude's house that I have to pass by to get home. I spoke to my friend deputy and he asks me more info about the incident, then ... "can I identify the dog's owner in his vehicle". I did, then left for home. By now I'm fearful and shaking. Moron stated that I tried attacking HIM with my PVC pipe.


    A bit later, the Deputy shows up at my house. He has charged the dog's "owner" with a vicious attack and something else that I can't recall. The dog's owner, the renters, all deny that it was their dog = "it was a stray". "We had nothing to do with it".... "never seen it before"...bastards.


    He goes to court in May - he's an Afghanistan vet. and he now lives with the Hells Angel dude. Deputy says, regarding my personal safety, I have no more to worry about tonight than I would have yesterday. Then why am I having a 100 proof adult beverage with a pistol sitting on the desk? Must be a worry wart.


    Jimmie went with us to the vet of course since he now has seizures. Thankfully he's holding his own for the last week and I remembered to give him his pheno when we got home.


    My precious little Leah did not deserve this. Please GT, keep Leah in your thoughts. Her recovery will be tough for her. Muscle punctures and tears on both sides, road rash on her feet. Antibiotics, sedation, pain meds.


    Vet said she WILL have PTSD over this one. She prescribed something that I haven't gotten yet for it - "ace" maybe? Anything I need to know about this before I get the prescription? I trust my vet, but I need GT to tell me I'm doing right for my girl too.


    I so want to swear, scream.


    Forgive me mods, I was unsure where to put this post. Thank you for indulging my disjointed rant. I'm just so disgusted and pissed.









  3. Leah knows the sounds of me leaving, but Jimmie is always on alert. He's been here nearly 2 yrs and has just recently been brave enough for a few nights to sleep in his own bed instead of mine.

    NEVER does he not check on me in the bathroom. Forget about closing a door. We were getting ready to go out yesterday so I stopped in the bathroom first. He had already picked up on the signals that we were going out so he was EXCITED! He not only came in and peeked to see if I was really still in the bathroom, he did 6 rechecks :yikes and my visit was brief :)


    I do try to minimize his clingy-ness though so that when I am away from him he doesn't get too crazy. But secretly....I really love being with him too :wub:

  4. As long as there are no medical problems evident, the best thing you can do is let her go. She'll eat when she's hungry enough. We went through this with my older boy, and I had to take his bowl up after 20 minutes, otherwise, he'd just fart around waiting for something tastier. Now, he gets a ravioli for his pills, and he absolutely refuses to touch his kibble unless I get the ravioli ready first! Greys can be quite stubborn!

    Stubborn you say? Nah, they're just concentrating hard on training us :)

  5. Sorry - I can't offer any good advice. But I am so proud that you had such awesome GT support and assistance in finding your girl. I'm so pleased that you and she are together again.


    Sorta renews my faith in humanity to see the generosity of spirit here :)

  6. Phone update from the vet on Thursday - no red flags in the lab reports. I'll try to get a print out today so I can see the values.

    We're backing down the pheno 1/2 a tab each morning and night for 1 week, then we'll try weaning.

    NO incidents since Wednesday am. -- fingers crossed.

    Thank you all for your support and input and patience.




  7. Oh NO! I was so saddened to read about Jimmies seizure! All my prayers are going to Jimmie, and you, today (and all the time). After all you went through with Chip and seizures I figured you'd not have to go there again.

    Thanks. One day at a time ... hug your hounds while you can. No one will ever love you better :)


    Sending buckets of prayers for Jimmie and lots of hugs of comfort to you. Scary, scary stuff, but lots of good advice here from those with vast experience. Please advocate for Jimmie when it comes to meds. Our guys are not a one-size-fits-all breed. Hoping for good news and effective meds that get those seizures under control.

    I'm so thankful for the advice and counsel here. I WILL be my dogs advocate and I WILL be asking for more advice. And I WILL be trying to win the lottery.

    I'm hoping to get some labs back today so get ready GT as I'll need your help to make sense of them and to know if we're doing things right.

    Today is going to be a greyt day no matter what ... my hounds told me how much they love me :kiss2:love2 And boy do I love them.

  8. From what all the neurologists say, oral Valium isn't effective at treating or preventing seizures. It's needs to be given rectally (or intravenously when in the hospital) in order for enough to be absorbed into the brain. If the dog is actively seizing, it's safer (both for you and the dog) to administer something rectally than orally.

    I'm sorry, I was unclear. Yes, it is to be given rectally. That's why I didn't want to trust myself with a syringe - I could see myself causing more damage with it than with a tablet. Thank you for the clarity that I am lacking the last couple of days.


    We've had very good luck with things compounded by Roadrunner Pharmacy, and they're in Arizona and very quick to deliver. They even next-day deliver the first order for free if need be, or at least they used to.

    Thanks for the tip. I used one in PHX with my last boy, they were also very quick and helpful. Can't remember the name at the moment, will have to check records if the need arises.

  9. Thank you all, it means so much to have someone that understands what this nightmare is like to just listen to me rant.

    Went to get the valium and they tried to give me a syringe and I opted out for tablets. Couldn't imagine trying to administer it rectally as a 70# hound was seizing without puncturing an intestine .

    I have to teach tonight so I'm taking him with me instead of leaving them home together. He's snoring sooooo peacefully now :beatheart

  10. Jimmie and I had a good night. We snuggled and he roached and then took most of the bed :)


    This morning - out for a p & p (all normal). Back in for a nap - but when he woke he was having what I now call a "mini" seizure. Some frothing, head down, anxious, so I calmly asked him outside and he followed. He's my velcro baby so that was easy. I gave him his am pheno and now he's resting fine.

    I called the vet to get some valium to have on hand in case he clusters.


    He just came in to check up on me :)


    Thank you all for caring for him too.




  11. I'm confused as to why the vet started your boy on pheno already without a history of seizures??? Hoping this is just a transient problem for you.

    Please start to mark the episodes on a calendar-time, length of seizure etc.. but, hopefully, there will be no more!

    I think because of the two "mini" ones in the last couple of days. She wanted to see if she could prevent any others?? Just for two days to see if it works while we wait for all the labs to come back. Hopefully we'll have some clues from them.

    Yep, I'm keeping a log.


  12. You might consider going to a neurologist. Some neuros are great but, others not so much. They will be able to discuss many of the options for medicines available today. Pheno is an old standby that works but, it is one of the earliest treatments and it can damage the liver. My Lucy is on Zonisamide which (so far) has not really any side effects. It doesn't work in all dogs and in some cases it stops working after a grace period of a year or so ...


    The neurologist will be able to discuss all the options with you and they are usually better suited to dealing with seizures dogs than a regular vet. A regular vet is great if the dog only seizes a few times a year but, if you ever need to start combining medicines, you want a neurologist or, you want your vet consulting with a neurologist. The consultation fee is likely to be about 200+ and some neurologists require an MRI and spinal tap (2K+ in costs) but, not all do .. shop around and find one that doesn't.


    There is an epilepsy mailing list that is great for providing all sorts of information - you might want to join. Their website is at http://EPIL-K9@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM <EPIL-K9@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM> and should describe how to get the emails.


    If you dog has experienced more than 1 seizure in 24 hours, then you need to get a cluster-buster. What I use is rectal valium for Lucy. The intent is that after an initial seizure happens, to keep any more from happening. Otherwise, you can end up at the ER each time. It takes time and much information but, you deal with most of the seizures at home. It's only if a seizure is not stopping that it becomes a life-threatening situation and you have to get to the ER immediately.

    Thank you for this - we do not have a neurologist up here but my vet has conferred with the a neuro group in PHX (1.5 hrs drive) for my last two dogs and she mentioned them today as a possible place to turn. An MRI is just out of my price range tho.

    Good point on the valium - I will get a small bit to keep on hand just in case. I briefly thought of it today but...not sure where the thought ended up though.

    Thank you for the epi group info too.

    My best to you and your girl Lucy.

    I meant to add that Jimmie is 3.

  13. Today was horrible - Jimmie had a big seizure I saw him fall and (recklessly) stayed with him and kept him from hurting himself on furniture etc. Once he started coming out of it I backed off and let him alone, knowing that he would be incoherent to some degree. When he awoke, he was terrified and didn't know me and so I retreated and just watched him for a bit until he seemed calmer.

    I called the vet and reported the incident and she asked me to bring him right in.


    Jimmie was fine at the vet and she is testing for erlichia, valley fever, etc, etc. She started him on 65 mg of pheno twice a day for two days, an injection of baytril and one of dexamethasone for any brain swelling. He was very calm and quite himself except for being exhausted from the seizure. Jimmie never got to race school due to his broken leg as a very young pup, but of course, he has had exposure to all the standard stuff.


    I now realize that he had a mini seizure last night and I discounted it, and another 2 days prior. Just a little frothing, disorientation, anxiety though and it passed very quickly. I should have accepted what was happening, but I chocked it up to me being hyper sensitive.


    My previous boy Chip, Jimmies predecessor had seizures and died at 4 from liver failure due to the pheno. This, is not my first rodeo although I sure wanted it to be my only one.


    Jimmie's seizure was outside at the back door in the exact location that my most beloved girl stroked out in my arms 3 years ago.


    Please ... I know you can do it gt.... I love this boy so much and he does not deserve this. I'm suffocating with fear ... please send him your healing thoughts.

  14. Leah has been here 6 years and is been completely healthy and vibrant, but the butt is kinda bald :) It has filled in a bit, but not much. There have been several good discussions on GT about possible causes - if you do a search you can find them.


    She's been on a good diet, some raw, lots of fresh air and exercise and she's loved plenty -- but the butt hair is still sparse. We just don't tease her about it and she's agreed not to tease me for being fat and slow :hehe

    This was on her gotcha day in '08...041008+038.JPG

    This was last summer....


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