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Everything posted by a_daerr

  1. Awesome! Henry is CGC certified. Our most challenging part was supervised separation. Are you going to do the TDI test with Bacardi next? It's really the same test, but with a few extra things (medical equipment and such).
  2. She's been on Clavamox since Wednesday, but adding something else is is a possibility if she gets puffy or pitiful again. The nose is continuing to go down, thank goodness. We went out for a bit, and when we got home I could see where is drained onto her pillow. I just did a compress and got out a little scab, so things can flow if they need to. There's no smell to what's coming out, which is a huge plus. (My Mom had a cat that used to get really funky abscesses. Ick!) She's almost looking normal now. I was pretty freaked when it moved up to her eyes. That was really scary! Thanks, everyone, for your ideas and good wishes. My hope is that this wild creature is on the mend, but we'll have to wait and see. At least she's felt just fine through it, except for that one night. So relieved to hear this! She did look cute as a bull terrier though.
  3. a_daerr


    Melissa, I don't think you're very far from us. If there's anything we can do, let me know.
  4. I second the teeth post. I'd do a vet check to make sure there aren't any dental issues. If you can rule out teeth issues, she's either getting pickier or has been trained that if she holds out, you'll give her better food.
  5. Definitely looks better. Abscess = infection so I would definitely do a round of antibiotics.
  6. Poor Brees! Definitely follow the vet's orders, but if it's that swollen, it is probably infected. Does it feel hot to the touch?
  7. We feed it, and it's great. Excellent coats, teeth, and poop!
  8. Whoa, 7 cups! That seems like a lot. Truman is 14 months. He has about 5 cups of dry food supplemented with a ton of other stuff (cottage cheese, greek yogurt, chicken, oatmeal, rice, meatballs, homemade doggie cookies, knee bones, etc). We call him the dinosaur because you can still see all the bones in his spine, his ribs, and hip plates. I know he's eating well, so I'm not too worried. Larger breeds do take a longer time to fill out. ETA: I feed the puppy version of Iams green bag (I think yellow bag?) and Nutro canned food (chicken and oatmeal for sensitive puppy)
  9. Ask your vet about Augmentin. It's actually an antibiotic used for people, but dogs can have it too. It's the absolute best for animal bites/scratches.
  10. a_daerr


    My heart broke when I saw this in Remembrance. I'm really sorry for your loss...
  11. Awww, so sorry to hear about Teddi's poor toe. Hoping everything works itself out sooner than later. If he does need surgery, I would definitely do the pre-op bloodwork to dose his anesthesia correctly. Sometimes you have to request it.
  12. No no no!! I am so bummed to hear this. Hang in there, Jack!
  13. I dealt with two tail amputations this year (one dog had his tail injured under a door, the other had a tiny laceration that got worse due to happy tail). Tails really do take a long time to heal. We are going on two months with Truman's. My advice is to keep it protected for as long as possible, even if you think it's pretty much healed. The new skin will still be tender, so even if it looks healed, it could still be vulnerable to injury.
  14. I got bit by a cat a few months ago! It was an absolute nightmare. When I went to MedExpress, the doctor told me that cat bites and scratches are really serious- they can sometimes lead to gangrene and staph. I was on heavy duty antibiotics and Vicodin for the pain. Long story short, I feel your pain, Brees! Get well soon!
  15. Hmm... I don't know about anyone else, but when I mean "too rich," I'm referring to the ingredients. Fat and protein content are definitely a big factor. But the grain-free and limited ingredient foods have a lot of fruit, vegetables, herbs, and alternative forms of starch that (while they sound nice and natural) are extraneous and sometimes difficult for dogs to digest. Just to give you an idea, Blue Buffalo is pretty notorious for being called "too rich" on GT. The back of the bag lists these ingredients: peas, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, blueberries, cranberries, rosemary oil, etc. When I was experimenting with diet, I found that the richer foods gave my hounds more digestive issues, especially diarrhea and gas. I also think certain protein sources are richer than others (i.e. "gamy" foods like venison, bison, pheasant, and duck).
  16. I went back through some of the hypothyroid threads, and lots of people advise to email the results to the OSU Greyhound Wellness Program and Dr. Jean Dodds of Hemopet. Do they look at the results for free? I honestly don't know, this was a couple years ago and I had just emailed Dr. Couto directly at the time maybe someone else here might know? at any rate, you could just email him and see what happens? Oh okay... I went to their website and there's a form you fill out and attach the documents. It's still free at OSU, but they are going to start charging $50 in the near future. I emailed Hemopet to see what their process is.
  17. I went back through some of the hypothyroid threads, and lots of people advise to email the results to the OSU Greyhound Wellness Program and Dr. Jean Dodds of Hemopet. Do they look at the results for free?
  18. The vet called today and his thyroid levels are low, which would also explain why he's gained a little bit of weight. They're sending the panel off for a thyroid confirmation to check his free T4. They're also going to screen for lyme and Ehrlichiosis. These tests take about a week to come back. This might be better or worse news than epilepsy or a brain condition- not sure yet. Anyone have experience with thyroid problems?
  19. That's why I went back to Iams for Rex. I'd successfully fed it for many years before "those in the know" on internet forums lectured me on the evils of the demon corn. Beware! The all-knowing college-student pet food reps may convince you that Iams causes cancer!
  20. You can usually get them at asian supermarkets. There is a wholesale store called Wholey's in Pittsburgh where I've gotten then before. I also think you can also order them from online from this website. For whatever reason, my boys got diarrhea with them, so we don't feed them too often. Lots of people swear by them though because they clean the teeth so well.
  21. No problem! I get the "economy-sized" bag with five bones. It's only about $9.
  22. Freddie's got an adorable face! I love the black ones
  23. I know what you mean. Everything always happens in the same time frame. I just went through a period of time when I believed I was singlehandedly funding our vet's office. Within six months, we had Henry's tail amputation, two cats pass away, weekly bandage changes for Truman's happy tail, and now Henry's seizures. Thoughts and prayers for you and your fur-kids. P.S. I'm not usually a big fan of the "premium" foods, but my trainer exclusively adopts diabetic cats and had awesome results feeding Orijen.
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