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Posts posted by Wonder

  1. He's on the extended release keppra so it's given every 12 hours. No way I could do the reg keppra.

    I suggested Potassium Bromide (which is what my primary vet suggested). Neuro didn't want to add since it's an older drug and keppra is newer. Trust me, I fought for it but in the end went with keppra since it works quicker than PB. That can take 2-3 weeks to be up to full strength.


    It was the neuro that suggested the keppra :) Evet looked at the notes from the neuro (they are in the same clinic).

  2. Thunder had 11 seizures over the weekend (started 1:30 am Friday until 5am Sunday).


    After spending the night at the evet and getting an iv drip, 2.5 hours after coming home sat night, he had a grand mal and another grand mal Sunday morning.


    I took him back to the evet Sunday morning and got a weeks worth of keppra extended release. The evet did not know how quickly it starts working. Anyone know?

    She said there would be minimal side effects. His neuro was out of town until this morning. My primary vet does not use keppra.



    He is now on:

    zoni 250 mg bid

    pheno 100 mg bid

    keppra 750 mg bid


    He hasn't had a seizure since starting keppra.

  3. What about a pedometer? I don't really know if it would work, but they can be pretty cheap. Put the pedometer on top of the crate or on the door, maybe even the side. Just keep track of the number at the end of each crate session, any great variance may help indicate a seizure has occurred?


    I know that they will get up turn around maybe knock a few times, but if the average number on the pedometer is 50, and one day you come home and it is 200, it might help you make the determination

    That's a great idea. Now just to find my pedometer....

    with Rainey, the neuro told us that if we suspected she had one, she probably did. She would just be "off" when I got home. However, with her, 95% of hers were tonic-clonic (Grand Mal). The drool would be a tell, too -- like Greysmom, she would be wet.


    Not to belittle bone cancer in any way at all, but going through what we did with Rainey was a million times harder than cancer with Nube. Seizures SUCK. :grouphug for you and Thunder.

    I have to agree- they both suck and yes bone cancer is horrible but seizures are unpredictable.


    I have totally changed my life for Thunder. He has to have his drugs around 6:15 am and 6:15 pm so I can never sleep in, can't do out to dinner unless I take him with and I'm always watching him to see if he's twitching (focal seizure).


    This past weekend, he had 11 seizures. It was horrible and I've never felt so helpless.

  4. Yeah, he drools or pees. I do check the crate and he hasn't been peeing.

    Pretty much every day there is drool on the edge of the crate door but he always rests his head there. He drools on my bed too but that's not seizure related.

    I think there would be a huge amount of drool if he had a focal in the crate.


    Today when I went home to check on him- he bounced out of the crate. :lol He's such a happy boy.

  5. Thunder has a history of seizures.


    When I'm not home, he's in a plastic crate for his protection.


    Any suggestions how I can determine if he's having them in the crate?


    I don't have internet so a camera is not an option.


    I have a plastic cup sitting on top of the crate but unless he's having a horrible grand mal, it doesn't tip over.




  6. The arrhythmia other posters are referring to is the pvc (pre mature ventricle contraction) I mentioned in an earlier post. Doesn't happen in people post splenectomy's but, often happens in dogs post surgery. Can be seen for the first 72 hours post surgery--treatment is a lidocaine IV drip. I'm sure the surgeon will be watching for this very closely. Try not to worry-its controllable if it should happen.


    Yep that's it. It was all a blur when it was happening that I couldn't remember details but that all sounds familiar.

  7. Lucky had an emergency splenectomy in Dec. He's 6. He was "lucky" and it wasn't cancer although Dr Kellogg warned me that the mass could return else where. He will have blood work done every 6 months (I'd do it monthly but he freaks too much at the vet and has non-milignant hypothermia). One of the complications of the splenectomy is something with the heart rhythm so he had to have a drip for 24 hours. Then he had some issues with his kidneys which I don't recall now.


    Good luck to you both.

  8. Thanks everyone, your prayers worked. It took ovet 2.5 hours. I sat in my car in the parking lot & they text me updates. She lost

    11 teeth. The back molars were absessed & pus was coming up & was between the teeth. She will be in a lot if pain for a few days & on lots of pain meds. I love my vet. He gave me a hug when he saw me & told me to have a couple beers when i get home (which i did). This is prob why she wasnt eating. I got her to eat some tonight.

  9. OK, I think I have seen Fresh Pet at PetSmart, I will look when I go for kitty litter.


    Kari, what brand are the meat bites? Are they the frozen raw things? I know one of the cats can't eat those as they give him constipation.


    He *did* eat sweet potato, I will try that too.

    I got the Instinct bites and beef medallions which were Stella and Chewy.



    I even tried Sojo's. She ate it once. That's $50 down the drain.

  10. I'm going through the exact same thing with Passion. Totally refusing everything that I offer. I posted in your other food thread with what I'm feeding her this week. It changes every day :(


    After hundreds of dollars in tests last week- nothing wrong!


    She has a dental scheduled for tomorrow (she will be 11 in Oct) and I'm already a nervous wreak. I scheduled the dental a month ago after cancelling back in Dec (Lucky had emergency surgery and I couldn't deal with more stress).

    Anyway, the vet thinks she doesn't want to eat because of her back molars which will come out.

  11. Congrats on your new addition. We need pictures!


    I too was told my girl needed to be on soloxine (which I don't believe now) and has been for the last few years. I'd take her off but she started having seizures a year ago and I don't want to do anything to mess with her at this point.

  12. :hehe At the bottle of wine and valium.


    Sounds like a good plan to take the afternoon off.


    I've not been a regular on GT for a while, life gets in the way, but just caught up on some of your posts about Thunder's seizures. I'm sure he'll be OK. Is he still a foster or is he home for good?

    He is a perm foster. I pay all his bills, food and make a monthly donation to the Heal a Hound Fund (he was a recipient of this fund when he first came to the group).


    I took the afternoon off yesterday and took him for a walk at the lake. I woke up several times last night to check on him but no seizures :yay


    He kept close to me yesterday and wanted to lay by me last night. We fell asleep with his head on my chest. :beatheart:beatheart

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