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Posts posted by Wonder

  1. Thunder has been with me for 13 months. He retired due to seizures.


    Currently, he's on

    zoni 250 mg bid

    pb 97 mg bid

    keppra er 750 mg bid


    He started the keppra middle of June and he's had more seizures since starting keppra.

    Talked to his neuro today and she wants to increase the keppra to 1000. I expressed my concerns and she actually listened.

    She suggested I up the pb instead so will do that tomorrow.


    I've been asking what I can give him to stop the clusters. She really doesn't want me to use rectal valium because it doesn't last long in the body. I'm willing to try anything at this point.

    I asked about clorazepate and she said I can try it but she has not had success with it.


    Last weekend, he had 2 focals in the middle of the night- he woke me up at 1am and I knew it was coming. 1:23 and 1:32 am. He was sleeping by 2am, I was not. I was worried he would start to have grand mals like the last time (middle of June). I had given him melatonin that night. I won't be doing that again and his neuro agreed.


    I'm going to try ocular pressure and can even do it every night before bed.



    He's on RAW now and I started giving him taurine and he's been on milk thistle since starting PB.


    His CREA is high. It was 2.7 a year ago and in June it was 2.1, Aug was 2.2. Rechecking in Sept. He might be in kidney failure. Going to run a few other tests as well.


    At this point- I don't know what else I can do for him.


    He's happy, runs around the yard, plays with toys, snuggles with me and is such a love.


    I feel so damn helpless and I'm not used to feeling this way. It sucks and I hate it.


    He loves to lay on me and I wish he would sleep on me so I can feel if a seizure starts




    Even Passion loves him- she never snuggles with any of the other dogs. He was there first and she laid behind him. You can see in this pic, the missing fur on his legs from hitting the floor during seizures.




    My favorite pic from last month when I had a party at my house. My friends said every time I left his sight, he whined. I had him in an ex-pen so he would rest and not run crazy all over the yard.




  2. I hope he's doing ok. Thunder also clusters. He had 2 seizures Saturday morning around 1:23 and 1:32 am. I was ready to take him to the evet but he fell asleep and has been ok since.

    He's on 3 medications but since adding keppra in June, he's had more seizures than he did before he started it.


    Hope you are doing ok :grouphug

    It's horrible to watch and such a helpless feeling.

    I actually give a spoonful of vanilla ice cream after a seizure to help get his blood sugar back up. I'm out so need to pick up more soon. Luckily, I don't like ice cream so it's not a temptation to eat it :lol


    Let us know how he's doing.

  3. Lucky is a picky eater. He won't eat any meat if it's partially frozen. He also now won't eat in a bowl so I just dump it on a towel for him.

    This morning he wouldn't eat a chunk of turkey so I took it away and gave him some pork instead which he ate. silly boy.


    Thunder will eat anything.


    Passion prefers beef but will eat turkey and chicken if I mix in beef. It's all ground for her since she doesn't have many teeth left.

  4. I have 2 epi hounds.


    Keep a detailed log.

    The full moon was Tues so I keep track of that as well. The moon doesn't seem to have any effect on my dogs but I still check.


    You can give a tbl spoon of ice cream after a seizure and that seems to help them get back to normal quicker.


    Check out the sites that LBass posted.

    I also am on a couple chat groups which have been so helpful. Just knowing others are dealing with the same issues is helpful to me.

  5. Kari, I feed chicken backs and turkey necks (among other things). Why are they to be avoided? Chicken necks, I can see since they are small and probably will just be inhaled. Weight bearing bones of large animals I also understand. I also feed pork necks. Those keep them busy and aren't as hard as leg bones.


    I tend to avoid lamb. I found that it is higher in fat (at least my source) and caused pancreatitis in my whippet.


    How did the chicken quarter go?

    Back are too much bone.

    That being said- I did buy 50 lbs of backs but I add one to a chicken quarter so they get more meat, less bone.

    Same with pork necks- not enough meat. Again, I feed one or two a week for their teeth.


    The links I posted have been very helpful and I learn something new every day :)

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