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Posts posted by Walliered

  1. He is on low fat food because of Pancreatitis. This is the first time we have had a problem and the specialist said it was brought on by a raw turkey neck. It was a large turkey neck, but had no skin and like I said it was raw. It took 9 days from the time I gave it to him until a CT scan confirmed it. So, I do not want to trigger any problems. My female Galgo had a turkey neck on the same day with no problems. I was giving it to them for their teeth. So, I am now feeding him Prescription Diet ID..canned and kibble. I imagine I will keep him on it for the rest of his life.

  2. Both of my hounds were on 3 Gabapentin tabs 3 times a day. They also took 150 mg of tramadol 3 times a day.

    I said one of my hounds with cancer was Mousie..I was wrong. Mousie is well and good..It was Huck and Lady that I lost to bone cancer. I let Huck go three days after diagnosis, but I kept Lady for several months after diagnosis..I would not do that again. I would let her go.

  3. Has the vet checked her teeth? One of mine had a cracked molar when he came to me and that was after a dental. Also, I put Honest Kitchen (thin like a gravy) in with the kibble. My Galgos do not like dry kibble. I also buy sardines in water at the Dollar General - $1.00 per can- and put a little in each meal. One little can last me about 3 days with two dogs. Mine also love yogurt (plain with not sugar) mixed in their food. I have only used the expensive food sold at the vets one time and that was for a dog that had IBD and I had no choice. I did have a Grey that stopped eating, but she had advanced bone cancer. I learned a lesson on that one and will not keep a dog around for very long with cancer again.

  4. I agree, you may be spending a lot of money. Both of my greyhounds wore TheraPaws. I may still have one and would be glad to send it to you. How much does your Grey weigh?? That would help me send you the correct size. If you privately send me the size and your snail mail address, I will mail one to you.

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