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Posts posted by grey14me

  1. I am sorry about Buddy :grouphug


    When my Bailey passed away, I was really upset that she hadn't sent me a sign. I kept looking and waiting, but nothing. I was devastated that she was gone, and looking for anything to help. Sometimes I think people look too hard. Thinking back, I realized that the 'sign' was there with me every day. The loss I felt was palpable, a physical pain in my chest. Sometimes you just have to get past that part before you begin to 'see' again. I wanted something from her right away to tell me that she was ok, but she knew I had to get this out of my system before I could appreciate it. Finally, five months after she left, I had a dream about her, on what would have been her 10th gotcha day. I was finally at the point where I could think of her and be happy, instead of sad. That's not to say that I was never sad about her again, but that was the point where you could smile through the tears. Some people get their sign early and some people don't...it has nothing to do with how much you loved him. He's with you whenever you think about him, ok? :grouphug

  2. I am so sorry :cry1 From what I understand, a biopsy is extremely painful and can also compromise the bone, leading to a fracture, which of course, would be devastating. If it were me, I would have xrays of the lungs done...if there are no mets, I would go for amputation (if I felt my dog were a candidate for this...based on age and personality). I would then have the limb sent in for biopsy, and decide further treatment from there. There is no right or wrong way to deal with this...every dog and every owner are different, and only you know how your dog will handle treatment...based on how they do at vet appointments, etc. Best of luck and I hope you have many more painfree and happy days with your baby :hope :hope :hope

  3. Erica, has the vet given you any muscle relaxers, like Robaxin? That may help. Did Morty recently do some vigorous running around, maybe some tight turns? How old is Morty now? My angel, Bailey, hurt her neck the first time when she was 9 years old. We thought we got her all fixed up and about 6 months later, she did it again. I was told to not allow her to run after that, so she got walks only, the rest of her days. It's the best way to keep them in shape as they age. Just like humans, walking is the safest and easiest way to stay in shape...the least hard on the joints, etc. You may want to try acupuncture as well...

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