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Posts posted by grey14me

  1. poor little guy...those can hurt!


    I found this...hope it helps...


    Here is a GREAT resource for all things on Fire Ants from Texas A&M:




    If you do find fire ants there are two other methods to use that are safe.

    1. Hot water and liquid dish soap. Fill a pitcher w/ hot water and liquid dish soap and pour on mound. You can do this even if people/kids are going to be in the yard shortly after and the ants will be gone.

    2. Powdered laundry detergent. This suffocates them and you won't have to worry about them moving to a "new home" which is what can happen w/ some products on the market. I've used this method to treat an entire soccer field that was covered in fire ant mounds and after that day we never had another one come up. This also works very quickly and is safe to do if you are going to have people/kids in the yard that day. I buy the biggest cheapest box of detergent and use it when needed.


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