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Posts posted by 2hounds

  1. I am home with my Iceman. He came through the surgery just fine but had some trouble controlling his bowels because of the numbing agent they used afterwards so he wouldn't be in pain. He did just fine with the anesthesia and they went ahead and did a quick dental even though he barely needed it since they already had him under. He is resting comfortably on his favorite bed, which is covered in a nice fluffy comfy blanket.


    We should know the results in about a week on the polyps that were removed. I am chanting internally...benign, benign, benign...

  2. I know I haven't been around a lot, HUGE updates coming as soon as I can catch my breath. But Iceman needs the positive power of GT on Monday. Two days ago we noticed weird red mushroom looking things on his butt. I thought he had a ruptured anal gland or something weird like that, we immediately got him to the vet and they diagnosed him with anal polyps. We have a 25% chance that they are benign. I need the power of GT to make sure we are in the 25%!


    Iceman is 13 years old, he has a laryngeal paralysis, failing kidneys, and a week back end. But he is a happy boy who loves life, loves to snuggle on the couch, and loves dinnertime. I plan to have him around for many more years to come, so all of your positive thoughts are appreciated.

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