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Posts posted by 2hounds

  1. Hi,


    Just a quick note - I have been emailing you at the email address you provided but based on your comments above, I think maybe you aren't receiving them. Please email me, my address is alisha@2houndsdesign.com.


    We were disorganized in terms of boxes being in weird places and not being able to find all of our materials quickly, but credit card information is never stored, we shred anything that has a credit card number on it so you have nothing to worry about there despite our chaos.


    I apologize for the misunderstanding and I am not sure why my emails haven't gotten through to you, if you will email me your phone number, I will call you tomorrow.






    (edited to add: Just in case you have been emailing me and I haven't gotten them, here is my phone number: 704-234-0228. I will be in the office from 8am until at least 5pm tomorrow. When you call, Garland will most likely answer, tell her I asked you to call and speak with me. :))

  2. Thank you Pat, I haven't done a photoshoot yet, he is sleeping with his eyes open right now, he is always so funny after anesthesia.


    Dee, we won't be at Mountain Hounds this year. I am very sad because Dr. Couto is going to be there this year and I would love to be able to hear him again, but it just isn't possible this year. :(

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