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Posts posted by 2hounds

  1. Iceman has a lot of these - it seems like they all popped up in the last few years as he got older. We have had every one of them aspirated and they have all been fatty tumors, but I would rather let the vet tell me that than assume.


    Having said that, if it isn't growing larger, I would wait until your appt in 2 weeks unless you see any changes. Hugs to you, I am sure it is just a fatty lipoma.

  2. Many many hugs. When Mia Bella was so sick last year, she stopped eating (and I remember how stressful it was). Reglan and also Prevacid helped her apetite (the prevacid reduced the acid in her tummy so it didn't hurt as bad).


    One of Mia's favorite meals was boiled hamburger. She also liked stinky canned fish or canned chicken. We gave her literally anything she would eat, even off of our own plates if she would eat it (which meant we had a bad habit to break when she got better and started eating again!)


    Of course Tippy and Iceman (the white meat boys) thought they were being abused because Mia was getting extra meals and all they got was a tiny cookie. :lol


    :grouphug Feel better soon Emmy, you have a very special prezzie on the way!

  3. I would say a vet visit is in order. It could be something simple or it could be something that needs to be treated (Iceman started doing this last month and it turned out he was in early stage kidney failure, but because we caught it early, we are able to treat him and hopefully we caught it before a lot of damage was done).

  4. That is pretty normal from what I have seen. Mia's hair was shaved almost exactly a year ago (the first week in June) and it has only been in the last week or two that we can ALMOST say we can't see where she was shaved.


    Also, when my Cujie had his spleen removed, the hair grew back where the staples were and where the incision line was (so he looked like he had a long stripe with dots on either side of it) but there was still no hair where he had been shaved when he passed.


    (off topic...I miss my cujie :( )

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