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Posts posted by 2hounds

  1. Thanks for the kind words and words of support.


    We did acupuncture with Iceman for a while but stopped about 6 months ago because he panted non-stop on the way to the vet. Iceman pants non-stop when he gets overheated or stressed, it is a raspy scary pant from his laryngeal paralysis that always sounds like he is about to stop breathing. The vet and I determined that the stress of the vet visit overwhelmed the benefit of the acupuncture so we stopped the acupuncture visits. :(

  2. Iceman can't really control his bowels anymore. He was sleeping on a bed and woke up and walked past me to get a drink of water and his entire back end was covered in liquid diarrhea. He has been pooping himself while he sleeps and sometimes when he is eating he loses control and poops, but it has always been solid so not quite as bad. So first, this isn't a HUGE deal. I have a big washing machine and I know how to use it. So the pooping thing really isn't that big of a deal in itself, but it is breaking my heart to see him getting so old so fast.


    I guess the question is, at 13 years old, what can I do to make him more comfortable. He is already taking 2 medications for high blood pressure/kidney failure and we are giving him tramadol as needed (when he won't settle down/looks like he is in pain, it is hard to judge when he needs it so we err on the side of giving him a dose even if we aren't sure because I don't want him to be in pain). Here lately it seems like we are giving it to him twice/day.


    When I look in his eyes, I still see so much love. But I also see that he is tired. He had stopped eating a while back so we started mixing in canned food with his regular food and he is eating again, although not with the same gusto he used to have and he sometimes doesn't finish all of his food. He has been dropping weight for the past few months.


    His teeth are healthy (the vet went ahead and gave him a dental when he had his anal polyps removed and she said his teeth really looked good, he didn't really "need" the dental but since he was under we wanted to do everything that he might possibly need in the near future. So I know that isn't why he has stopped eating.


    I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing. I want to make sure he is still happy and healthy.


    I also want my Iceman to be with me forever. He is the sweetest old man, I am the luckiest person in the world to have him in my life and I want to appreciate him and have him for as long as I can.


    But how do I know when it is time? Will he tell me? Will I wake up one day and just "know"? I am so scared of keeping him here for too long and him being in pain or unhappy.

  3. If they are able to get it removed with clean margins, you will likely have some medication for a little while but it should be ok. I am hoping for clean margins for you! :grouphug


    If they are able to get it removed with clean margins, you will likely have some medication for a little while but it should be ok. I am hoping for clean margins for you! :grouphug

  4. You have probably already done it by now, but I learned from Cathie that salt water works just as well. Dissolve a LOT of salt in water and pour it down their throat - the peroxide gets foamy when they puke it, the salt water doesn't do this. I haven't had to use this trick (I had already used peroxide before I found out about this one) but I have it saved in my memory stash in case I ever need it again.

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