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Posts posted by Ullaluv

  1. Tonya, my heart is breaking for you and Red, and for your whole family. I don't have any new ideas, but I too wonder if there is something else going on. I wonder if there's any chance of getting him to Purdue for a consult. I don't know about all their specialties, but Dr Green in cardiology was wonderful with my Slink. Purdue is a lot closer to you than Ohio State. I could meet you there if it would help.

  2. Did the vet do blood work and check her urine to see how well her kidneys are working? Some of what you describe - not eating, drinking and urinating more - sound like it could be because of a kidney problem. My Greyhound with kidney failure used to flip her dish and food over, but not eat the food. There's a lot you can do to support a dog with kidney failure.

  3. If you refer to it as Soloxine, they won't know it. Soloxine is the veterinary name for L-Thyroxine,which is generic for Synthroid. Synthroid is synthetic human T-4 (synthesized to be identical to that component of what the human thyroid makes.) It has largely replaced the old animal thyroid extracts.


    I wonder if some day some enterprising pharmaceutical company will come up with a synthetic canine thyroid replacement, instead of just using the human hormone.

  4. Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer.


    I don't find this funny at all, and anyone who does, has a real problem


    @SeeBudsHome- Thank you. I expected silly replies but it is so very nice to receive support.

    Much love,

    Gigi & BooBoo


    How does an animal communicator work over the phone?


    Telepathic communication



    So do you put the phone up to the dog's head????? I totally get the in-person animal communication but a bit confused how they can pick up vibes/communicate with them over the phone.


    Since it is telepathic communication they do not always need to be in the dog's presence. Some do, some don't


    I think most want a picture of the dog, one where they can see the dog's eyes. if they're doing it over the phone. Easy enough to email.

  5. Let me preface my post with a disclaimer: I am in no way trying to be judgemental of you or your situation. I dont know you and I have not walked in your shoes.



    From your few comments here it sounds as if your home may have some yelling and arguing going on. Short tempers, yelling, ect, have a definite effect on your greyhound. Heck it has an impact on any living creature. So with that in mind, ask yourself, is the home a bit out of control (emotionally), if so, maybe that is what could be causing the issues. Of course I would not want you to answer this here, just posing a question that you may want to think long and hard about.




    Decades ago, and way pre-Greyhound, and had that kind of situation. Kids screaming and fighting, and dogs, who had previously been thoroughly house broken, peeing and pooping all over the house. One daughter left for school, no more fighting kids, and NO MORE peeing or pooping in the house.

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