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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Our Rocket had a bout of really bad Big D recently. We gave him some Kaopectate and it cleared up rather rapidly. We gave it once at night using the dosage for an adult from the bottle, and the next morning he was much better. It only took one dose to get him back on track. Hope this helps.
  2. Rocket seems better but is still not quite himself. He seems more tired than usual, but has also been going on at least 2 walks a day since the weather got better. Maybe we're just not seeing that pent up energy that he had when he was stuck in the house due to snow and ice. We have a vet appointment to update his shots this evening, so we'll have him checked out and take along a couple of "samples". Hopefully it's nothing, but will let you know what we find out.
  3. SUCCESS!!! He finally went a little while ago. He was whining in his crate again and was taken outside and had a succesful poop. When he came back in, we found that he had actually started to go in his crate which explains all the fuss when it actually came time to go. He seems upset about going in the crate. His crate pad and blankets are in the washer, so our new boy Rocket is snuggled on a dog bed under lots of blankets and is sound asleep. I think he feels much better now. Thanks for everyone's help. We love Greytalk and have actually been reading for months prior to his arrival. Happy Holidays to all.
  4. Will try the two leads on the next walk. We have a good solid leash with a carabiner that screws down into place that we can attach to his other leash and make a long sturdy leash. 2 walks during the night because he was really fussing and still a no go. Hopefully he will go before the rain and ice start pouring down here today. It is suppsed to warm up a little more the rest of the week, so hopefully the fence man can come and put in his turnout area behind the house. We want him to have his own space where a leash isn't necessary. He has become very gassy, so we will keep trying frequently this morning. Thanks for all of the replies.
  5. Thanks for the replies. He just went on another long walk without success, so we will try again early in the morning and call the vet if no success. He is also going to get a little bit of pumpkin with breakfast. All other systems are ok including his Greyhound Gas Delivery System. Again - thanks for the replies.
  6. We have walked and walked and walked, as well as tried to have him create a spot in the back yard. Today we walked all over the neighborhood and he relieved his bladder at every stop sign - so at least that's ok. He is not nervous, but came from a foster home with other Greys - so he might be missing his buddies. He was just roaching in the floor and woke himself up when he fell over, so I think he's already comfortable being here. Thanks for letting us know about Vinnie - at least this isn't unique when coming to a new home.
  7. Our first greyhound ever arrived yeaterday to his new forever home. He has not had a bowel movement since his arrival. We assume that his last BM was yesterday morning before he was brought to us. Otherwise, he seems to be adjusting well and has made himself completely at home. As I write this, he is contently sleeping in front of the TV and has been playful all day. He does not seem to feel bad as far as we can tell. He is on the same dry food he was eating at the foster home so it shouldn't be a change in food. We realze that he has had to make a lot of adjustments in the last day, but are worried about the length of time without the bowel movement. We will be calling the vet in the morning if there is no success tonight at bedtime. Any suggestions and is this normal in a new surrounding or the brutally cold outdoor temperatures as we have had here in Illinois the last few days? Thanks Don
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