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Everything posted by tra708

  1. Lola woke up early today, a little restless. Went outside and wanted to eat a lot of grass. Had a normal poop. Then on our walk, had a very small, but bright red bloody stool. There was grass coming out of her butt, too. Can a blade of grass cut their colon or intestine? Now, just restlessness, panting, pacing, and loud stomach sounds. I looked up bloat and intestinal blockage and the symptoms don't quite line up. She did drink some dog park water 2 days ago which she probably shouldn't have. My mistake. Gave a Gas-X 15 minutes ago and her stomach is quieter now. Not interested in breakfast, but neither of them are and that's pretty normal. This is so frustrating. oy. Lola has been with us less than a week, but she seemed to be settling in very well. any ideas?? much thanks, tracy ps. lying down now and seems to be wanting to go to sleep....
  2. so sorry about the loss of your junie. you gave him the best life a dog could ask for.
  3. My hounds sometimes have days or half-days when their stomachs are making the loudest noises i've ever heard. you can hear them across the room!! anyone else have this happen? thanks, tracy
  4. our dog loves to chew on Flossies. They are made by Merrick and it's a dried tendon shaped into a spiral chew thing. They come in different sizes; we get the Phat Flossies. She loves them SO much, and they scrape the tartar off. No stomach problems. Good luck with Sol. (love that name...it was my grandpa's)
  5. we used to take Abby to the dog park several times a month. she was a very intense player and would try to race every dog. she didn't come from the track, but boy was she fast..... Jackie, our new grey, has been to the same dog park twice so far. both times, it was fairly empty (it's so darn hot). she was nice to the other dogs, and spent most of her time sniffing and exploring. she raced until she was 5, and did very well, but now she doesn't like to run much. or get up off the couch.
  6. you seem like an extremely responsible and caring owner. this was just a little mistake and thank heavens you got her back. just give her some time to get over it (and you, too!). time will heal the distress over this. when we first got abby, there were some instances early on where i thought "oh my god, now she's ruined". but everything passes, and this will too. tracy
  7. oh my gosh this is freaky, but i just signed on to post a topic about exactly the same thing. looking for a safe thing to use.
  8. oh my gosh. i have been following penny's progress and i'm so sorry you lost her. she has many friends waiting for her at the bridge.
  9. oh man, it's so nice to read some good news!! i was all ready to give you advice about MCT's, but now i don't have to!! best to you and sol, tracy
  10. so, so sorry for your loss. i went through the same, 2 months ago. i know how much it hurts...try to hang in there.
  11. When Abby had advanced mast cell cancer, our homeopathic vet recommended Bravo raw food. She did very well on it, and liked it. It's mushy stuff in a tube. She was 13 and never had a raw thing in her life before that. We also tried this stuff http://www.helpyourdog.net/Birkdale-PetMix-p/651.htm which she also liked. i think it's specially formulated to help dogs fight cancer. All the really good canned foods are good suggestions also, i think. we were advised to stay away from grains, absolutely. all the best to you, tracy
  12. oh my gosh, i am sorry. lots of people here have gone through the same, unfortunately. my heart goes out to you. i read on an earlier post that racing greys have a higher incidence of this than the AKC greys. Why is this? hugs to you, tracy
  13. so glad you found out what's wrong. hope penny feels better soon. i had to have a martini myself.
  14. tra708


    i love his face. sorry for your loss....we all know your pain.
  15. checking for updates!! still thinking healing thoughts for penny...
  16. will keep demon in my prayers today, for a quick, full recovery.
  17. figgy's cut looks like it will heal just fine. i agree...just put bacitracin on it. Jackie scraped up her leg the other day, when she jumped (unexpectedly) into my mom's pool. we just put neosporin on it and it's healing ok. figgy is so cute and i love his name.
  18. that is so great to read. makes me smile.
  19. what a cute girl! good thoughts for a speedy recovery.
  20. what a great looking dog beau is!! hopefully it's nothing. sending beau good vibes....
  21. mine got on the couch after a couple of days in my house. now she spends much of the day there. she's lying next to me right now...all fours sticking up in the air.
  22. we walk our girl 2x a day for a 20-30min walk. the other times, we'll have short pee breaks in our small backyard. sometimes she'll zoom back and forth a couple of times during that. is there something wrong with letting her stop and sniff whatever she wants on our walks? i thought that's what they like to do.
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