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Everything posted by robinw

  1. robinw


    Melissa, I'm so very sorry. I know Ruby was so very special. I was really hoping she'd get past her injury. I'm sure she is cuddling with Elizabeth as I type, both as happy as can be. RIP Ruby. Go find your friend Loca, and Phene, too.
  2. robinw

    3 Year Gotcha Day

    I can see that D.C. was very special.
  3. I think they grieve. Phoenix stopped eating and seemed really lethargic after Loca passed away. It might take him a little time to get used to being an only dog. Treasure is just now returning to her normal self after Phoenix passed away 2.5 months ago.
  4. I am so very sorry. We were all hoping for good news
  5. You both continue to be in my thoughts...
  6. The thing about babesia is that it's hard to find typical symptoms. just because her RBC is fine doesn't mean it's not babesia. My bridge angel Phoenix had babesia and nearly normal RBC. Symptoms run the gamut. Most of the tests came out normal, but the little babesia critters were visible in his blood. Don't rule it out. It's a nasty disease.
  7. It Jacey has babesia, the doxy wouldn't make a difference. Was she tested for that, also?
  8. robinw

    Roo And Otis

    That was a beautiful video. I miss Roo and Otis a lot. Linda, you are all in my thoughts today. Fly free, guys!
  9. Wow, I just read this. The two of you have been through a lot these past couple of days. You're both in my thoughts. Hope Jacey feel better and comes home soon.
  10. If you think they could hold it, it might be a good idea to disable to doggie door. As you know, with osteo the bones can break so easily, and something could happen if they were running in the yard or something. Maybe I just worry too much, but it might reduce the risk of a broken leg.
  11. I wonder if this the same thing that rascalsmom's dog had. I'll point her in the direction of this thread. I hope it's nothing serious.
  12. 2Brindles, I limited Phoenix's activity from the start, although I did let him run outside a bit. First thing I did was cover every bit of hardwood floor with rubbed backed mats to lessen the possibility of a fall. I did the same with the deck in the backyard. I also walked him more often than i put him in the backyard. By the time he was diagnosed, he was no longer going up and down my inside stairs, but if he was, I would have blocked it off with baby gates, once again to lessen the chance of a fall. One of the best bits of advice came from the last osteo thread. I live alone, and you said your husband works long hours. It was advised that I come up with a plan in case something happened, like a broken leg. How would I carry screaming, injured dog into my car? Who would help me? I think these are definitely points worth considering.
  13. C, what happened to True was awful and you did absolutely nothing to bring it on. Nothing. She lived to a great age, an age when things start to fail. Please don't beat yourself up for things that were absolutely out of your control.
  14. Oh no! I was so hoping for a positive update. I'm so very sorry.
  15. You're both in my thoughts. Keep us posted, OK?
  16. Kim, I'm so very sorry. I'll miss seeing Benson on the beach at Dewey
  17. I've been using Metacam for a long time with various dogs and it seems to do what it's supposed to do.
  18. I'm so sorry. I hope True finds Phene and Loca, also.
  19. What wonderful news!!!! You both continue to be in my thoughts...
  20. Does your vet have a digital version of them that they can send off?
  21. I sprinkled powered powdered liver on Phene's food when his appetite was down. It's available in any pet supply store. I also added lots of chicken broth.
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