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Posts posted by JAJ2010

  1. So we took Rainy to the vet on Tuesday to get Xrays. She's been limping off and on since Aug, but we haven't been restricting her activity as long as she wasn't limping.


    The vet saw the inflammation on the Xray and told us we had a sprained ligament in her foot. Put this huge spoon brace on her and it's not going so well... Rainy is in lots more pain with the brace than she was just walking on her sprained foot! I want the brace off.. I think...


    The soonest I can get her to the vet is Saturday. She's had the brace on since Tuesday night and isn;t walking any better with it. She just gets worse and worse. Should I just take it off now? Is there a homemade soft brace I can make with an ace bandage? The vet wanted us to change/check brace in 10 days and more Xrays in another 10 days. How mad will they be if I just take the brace off and go get Xrays in 20 days? :blush


    Please someone tell me what to do! My gut says to take it off, but then my brain second guesses myself

  2. I would never laugh or shrug off! I do see the value in this, but in this case I really think it is a time management problem...Although it would be nice to know what was going through her head about her food/dinner issues (that is a WHOLE different topic!)


    Our girl used to drain the water dish immediately after we got home from work and once the communicator explained to her that it wouldn't disappear she stopped instantly. It was a behavior that continued for months so it was a pretty good pattern to just vanish suddenly.... LOL It couldn't hurt your girl just to try it. Just view it as $60 of money allotted towards entertainment. If nothing else it will be interesting and fun.

  3. Why does she have 2 dinners? My girls want to pack up and come live at your house! :lol I would try feeding maybe breakfast and a dinner then restrict her water after 7pm. Humidifiers for the dry house. :) We have 3 running all the time in our Apt. Once you break her guzzling habit she shouldn't go back to guzzling and peeing at night.


    ETA I see you do feed breakfast... maybe add more food and water to the 2 meals and don't feed a 3rd?

  4. Sunshine is only 56lbs and is taking .0c in the am and .0f in the PM. Her last T4 was at .0r!! Vet saya as long as she's active healthy and a silly puppy that we weren't going to worry about it.


    Sunshine is only 56lbs and is taking .09 in the am and .06 in the PM. Her last T4 was at .03!! Vet says as long as she's active healthy and a silly puppy that we weren't going to worry about it.

  5. Our 5 yr old girl Rainy shakes when she squats to potty, sits, stands in the car, used to do it when she stood on the bed, etc. I think she's a bit of a clutz (like me) and gets nervous about standing on the bed, couch, stairs, etc she worried she's going to fall. She panics on the stairs if we stop since she can't remember where her feet are. :) I think she shakes when she squats since it's not comfy for her to sit so it takes lotsa muscles that don't get used. I just figured it part of her quirky lil self.

  6. Thanks everyone for your replies and advice! :)


    I got more information from my friend and wanted to see if you think these symptoms are similar to hyperacute or acute rhabdomyolysis.


    The episodes occur when the older female dog (Kaatje) is competing with their 1.5 year old puppy to see who is the fastest. They are both running like fanatics in those competitions. Then Kaatje sort of collapses. She gets put back onleash and seems to be in pain, bowing her back and keeping her head low, but will walk slowly. If she gets let offleash again though, she and the puppy are back at it and she will run like hell again.


    The urine was tested and indeed there was blood. There were also calcium oxalate crystals, which obviously shouldn't be there either. They did an ultrasound of the entire abdomen and bladder and it showed nothing out of the ordinary. They are now waiting for some blood test results (I guess blood chemistry).


    I greatly appreciate any further advice and opinions about what this might be.


    Thanks in advance! :)


    What you described would scare the hell out of me if it was my dog.



    Me too!!!

  7. poor pups! This was your vet that recommended it? :( As long as no one is having issues breathing I would think it wouldn't be an ER thing. Benedryl probably wouldn't hurt. I used Revolution during our flea genocide a few months ago and it gave Rainy a giant scab of chemical burn. I never noticed if it made her more itchy since she was already itchy.


    Hope your guys feel better soon. Maybe bathing them with some dishsoap might help?

  8. That does sound a bit scary. I would keep him muzzled and at least baby gated in another room. Maybe have the kids toss some treats to him over the gate to build a good association?


    Any time I've ever introduced a dog to a baby I make sure the 1st impression goes well. There are no chances for error. Make sure the dog is very very calm/submissive and they got the idea that the baby is a respected thing to be careful of. Bring the baby down to their level and do not let the dog approach until you say so. No holding the dog back they need to be respectful all on their own. Make sure they get a really good sniff so they can identify it as human. Dog nose wetness/slobber hasn't hurt any kid yet! :lol


    Rainy even gingerly stepped over the babies to quietly lay on their blanket with them. Holding her breath of course waiting to be yelled at to get away from the babies. I love this dog! It worked so well that Rainy got extremely stressed when the very first 3 month old twins she met were crying themselves to sleep! She kept running back in to the bedroom and back out to us not understanding why we were letting them cry. :eek I was a lot more stressed at the introduction than the parents were. :rolleyes: At first I was worried the running back to see the crying babies was a prey triggered action, but she was just being a worried mother hen.


    Sunshine has never been introduced to a baby but my guess is she would be terrified of them. :blush


    Just remember you can't be too safe! It only takes a blink of an eye.... ;)

  9. Personally focusing on a new family member helps me not dwell on my loss. My family went 6 years w/o a dog since it was too painful for my Mom to even think about getting another one. Once they brought another home, they learned to regret that decision. There are so many dogs out there that need homes. No one will replace your Sol but maybe a new dog will help you in the healing process? They always seem to have those weird powers about them.


    But everyone is different, so I can't tell you what to do!


    Maybe her teeth were bad form a track diet and you can work on them? Bad teeth are not anywhere in the league of osteo....

  10. Your a brave one going to the hospital! LOL I'm paranoid about my pups being labeled as biters. Even told DH that is he ever does something stupid he has to come up with his own story or we are just super gluing/duct taping him back together. :lol Are you mourning the loose of your table yet?

  11. This sounds sort of like stupid tax! :lol Like when Chris tried to roll Rainy into a cute roach last week and got a bloody nose for his efforts. :rolleyes: Rainy has never roached in her life and panicked. I never try to physically manipulate my dogs. I'll pick them up if they are hurt or in and out of the tub, but that's it. If I tell them to get off the furniture and they don't listen, which is rare, I get on and body block them off. Another safe way would be to clip a leash to his collar and cheerfully give a "Lets Go"


    You were trying to be nice and making it so your pupper didn't have to walk into the bedroom, but he most likely just got scared and reacted. ;) That just something my hubby would do too... Glad it minor and your ok! When it comes down to it I don't really like being picked up either and neither do either of our pups.


    Maybe start with some obedience training? It will give Zero some confidence and let him know a bit more about what's expected of him. Def muzzle while your gone if he's still getting into stuff. Our 2 yr old is always so proud to show us whatever she found during the workday, but we keep anything toxic way out of reach and really don;t have anything valuable. I'm hoping she grows out of it soon! :lol


    He's just getting comfy in your home and starting to see what fun he can have. :P

  12. This is a great idea!


    Wilmington DE

    We live in a 2 bedroom Apt but could watch a well behaved grey. We have 2 kittied and 2 greys, plus can give references of our previous spoiled guests. :rolleyes: jgeiger2006@gmail.com or 610-800-9693 All procedes will be donated to our greyhound rescue.


    ETA Plus we are raw fed friendly or kibble we are flexible. :)

  13. LOL Well even with a friend Sunshine took a bottle of yellow mustard into her crate today. Can't figure out where she got it from... She a 2 yr old puppy so we just try to puppy proof anything dangerous and keep a sense of humor about it. Opening cabinets... now that is a talent we haven't started yet in this house. My parent's dogs (non greys) figured out how to open the deep freezer and got into venison!

  14. Is your dog walker ok? How scary! He might be in pain but also might be settling in enough to test the wateres... I would muzzle him and rotate his shoulders, legs, toes, look at webbing, etc.


    I noticed Rainy has a huge scrape on the side of her pad from the snow/ice outside. I only noticed it when she put up a fuss with dremeling. It's very sensitive to her and I'm sure that if I didn't pick up on the "Ow Mom that hurt" yank away and just thought she was being a PIA she would have escalated the situation quickly.


    Keep us updated. (((hugs))) for you your pup and your dog walker

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