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Everything posted by Shaysmom

  1. Shaysmom


    What a beautiful tribute to the memory of Cheer. I would want that where I could see it every day. All the best to you and Sasha.
  2. That is a bit worrisome. Hopefully, it will prove to be unfounded.
  3. I would have to say that the jury is still out at our house. The sound is very soothing, and it seems to help with an antsy dog in the car. I do put it on when I leave the house sometimes--if I have an anxious foster dog along with Seamus. I am not sure how much it helps. I sometimes think just putting on the music makes them think, "Oh no! She's leaving!" and they get more concerned than they would be otherwise. It does put me to sleep, however.
  4. I agree that it is likely nerves. I had a foster who would leaves pools of nose drips everywhere when we took him in the car.
  5. Yes, the first time this happened I needed to go to the bathroom and Tracker wouldn't budge. I waited forever and thought I would pee my pants, but my wife came out to see why I was gone so long and saved me! The circle idea sounds good and I'll try it, but so far not budging means not budging -- if he takes a step in the direction he wants and I try to turn him, he'll just freeze again. I don't want to tug so hard that it hurts, of course, and because his right foot is injured I need to be particularly careful about not over-stressing the pressure on it. aaarrgh Might it be a pain issue with his injured foot? Is he on meds for it?
  6. Not budging on walks is a very common for new greys. Seamus did it for months and many of our foster dogs have done it too. Seamus was particularly obstinate when we were walking up hills or when we found ourselves out in a drenching rain. The thing that worked well for us was to walk him in a circle and then get going in the direction that we wanted to go. Sometimes it took a few times, but he eventually would give in and get moving again in the direction we wanted him to go. A few times I was tempted to call up my husband and have him come pick us up in the car, but I resisted and after awhile, we worked it out.
  7. You have had quite a week, yes? You must feel overwhelmed and disheartened, but you are not a failure! It is clear from your postings that you are a caring and conscientious owner. I learned the hard way about resource guarding when I reached in to take a raw bone out of Seamus's mouth a long while back. I never did that again. Not only was I shocked and scared by his aggressive reaction, but I also felt hurt that he could do that to me. We started "leave it" training right away, and it made a huge difference. We haven't had any problems since then. Good luck and hang in there. I know it is all compounded by Miles' cat issues as well. Whatever you decide, you have a lot of support here and many good wishes coming your way.
  8. Do you have any rugs you can lay across the floor for now? She may walk on those.
  9. Oh no. I am so sorry for what happened. I can only imagine how frightening it must have been. I have no good advice to offer, only support, good thoughts for all, and wishes for a positive outcome. I am sure there are others that will have some experience with this.
  10. It may also be because he is new and still adjusting. Seamus was like that when we first got him. He would plant his feet and not walk another step. We had to be patient and devise a lot of tricks to get him moving. Now he loves walks. It could be fear or uncertainty about the new outside world. Maybe once your guy is feeling completely settled and secure he will love walks.
  11. Hi and welcome from Oregon! We will be distant neighbors. Good luck settling into your new home, and with your new greyhound.
  12. I am so sorry. Sending prayers for Vanessa's speedy recovery....
  13. I agree that you should put stickers on the glass. Our dog ran smack into our slider once when DH didn't open it as wide as we usually do when he goes out. We learned our lesson. I have also moved some potted plants in front of the fixed glass portion of the door because I am worried Seamus might run into it when he is on auto-pilot.
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free Griffin
  15. Shaysmom


    A blessing that he passed peacefully... So sorry for your loss.
  16. I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. Sending prayers for you and Rascal.......
  17. I am so sorry. Reading what happened to you just sickens and angers me. People who don't leash their vicious dogs should have to spend a few days in jail to think about their stupidity. Sending prayers for your sweet baby and for you.
  18. Congratulations! He is a handsome guy. Either Mesa or Eagle would suit him, but I do like Mesa.
  19. Hi and welcome from Oregon! Congratulations on your beautiful pups and on your weight loss--you look great!
  20. Hi and welcome from Oregon. Sending good thoughts and wishes for a happy outcome.....
  21. Thanks! :lol I didn't mean in place of a vet visit or antibiotics. It is wonderful to have so many people here looking out for our houndies.
  22. I suspect that Seamus has a bladder infection, and I am taking a urine sample in for a culture. While searching online, I found a couple of references to giving your dog a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in their food or water to help clear up a UTI. Has anybody heard of this or tried it? Thanks!
  23. Poor Molly! My foster girlie, Halle, has the same injury. We are four weeks into it, and I am hoping she will get the splint off this coming Friday. She has gone for a check and bandage change every week, and she did have some pressure sores at one point. Wishing Molly a speedy recovery .
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