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Posts posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Jessica, I have been thinking of you and the girls daily since I heard about Gigi. I am absolutely gutted for you :cry1 and I am still finding it hard to believe. I can't even begin to imagine the anguish you must be experiencing. I am glad you got in touch with OSU... I hope they can help.


    I agree that the panting may be a side effect of being on prednisone. Is she drinking a lot more too?


    My thoughts are with you and the girls. Please lean on us for support, we're here for you :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

  2. Thank you for asking :) I would have updated sooner but today was my first day back at work after taking two weeks off, so I was snowed under, and then we took him to the vet.


    On the advice of the other vet - our vet wasn't in today - we decided to take him in and have blood drawn for more tests that they sent to the lab tonight. I think it's called a Toc panel or something like that - they're going to test his cobalamin and folate levels and check for pancreatic reduction (is that right?) so we can rule some more things out.


    I gave Merlin his Flagyl last night even though he didn't eat. To my surprise, he accepted some kibble around 9.30pm. This morning he had liquid diarrhea again and refused breakfast. At lunchtime I tried again - no way. He even refused a (prescription) cookie. He was so very quiet and devoid of energy and it made me very upset to see him like that. :cry1 (Sagan decided that face kisses might make me feel better :blush)


    We went to the vet and he had blood drawn. We will know more in a few days. In the meantime the vet also suggested we try a grain-free food - fish and potato. I bought a few cans. I am willing to give anything a try. I just want my wizard to feel better :(

  3. Merlin had another flare-up today. There's been no blood in his (liquid) diarrhea so far, but I'm expecting to see some soon. He refused his meal this morning - he usually does at first, when he has a flareup, until I can get a couple of doses of Sucralfate into him and his stomach begins to feel better.


    Thing is - he's on 500mg of Metronidazole (Flagyl) per day, which I give him after his evening meal. If he refuses his meal again tonight, can I give him the Flagyl on an empty stomach, or should I skip today's dose? I hesitate to skip a day, but I've never given it on an empty stomach, so I'm not sure if it's going to make matters worse.


    The only thing he can eat is I/D, dry or wet. I'll try the dry first, and if he refuses it I'll offer his some wet food, but if he refuses that I'm pretty much out of options.



  4. Oh gosh, I am only seeing this now. I am in such shock. I just know everyone here on GT absolutely adores Brandee and Charley and is as shocked as I am. I am just gutted for you, Craig. I will miss seeing Brandee's beautiful face but clearly that is nothing compared to the hole I'm sure she has left in your hearts. :brokenheart


    Many hugs to you and the family.


    No more pain now . Rest well, sweet girl...



  5. Congrats on your new pup!


    I agree with what Batmom said above. Weed whackers are noisy contraptions anyway, so that might have unsettled her. Also, she hasn't been with you long, and it is normal for your girl to be jumpy and afraid until she settles in and takes stock of her new surroundings. I would definitely try to observe her body language and if she is giving you whale eye, or lip-licking, or stress-yawning, give her some space, don't hug her or kiss her or lean over her or do anything that is likely to make her more nervous. Remember that our evolution is different, we are just like apes in that we love to hug and we're very frontal when showing affection. Canines, on the other hand, like to approach from the side, and are generally not comfortable with frontal encounters. Many of our animal companions end up getting used to our ape-like ways :lol: and eventually tolerate it well and end up not minding too much. But it's not really natural behavior for them, so it takes an adjustment. So doing that when they're already nervous about something.else is something to avoid.


    When Sagan first came to live with us, I forgot myself one day and tried to tickle/scratch the inside of his leg - a game I play with Merlin, I even blow raspberries on them :rolleyes: - and whoa! I got a reality check. He gave me whale eye and freaked out. Poor boy, of course he would! He had never been in a situation where anyone had shown him affection by tickling his leg. He must have thought I was barking mad (pardon the pun :P). Eventually he got used to being touched and kissed and now he is 100% fine with it and even seeks it out.

  6. Welcome from South Portland, Maine :):welcome2


    I have heard great things about the AWS. I adopted Merlin from the Animal Refuge League in Westbrok as they have regular transports from NH as well. We went through a greyhound adoption group the second time, when we adopted Sagan.


    Can't wait to see a picture of Anna! :gmark

  7. Well, if you do eventually get a greyhound, be prepared to have a dog in the bathroom, too!


    ^THIS! :rofl Sagan only follows me to the door because our bathroom is so small that two humans can barely fit in it together. If it were bigger he'd probably come in with me :rolleyes:


    Goodnfornyounfor doing some research in advance. Yes, greyhounds can make good apartment dogs, and they do not require any moor exercise than any other breed. Of course, as with anything, there can be exceptions, so it will be helpful to work with a local adoption group to pick the right hound for your living situation and lifetsyle.


    When I adopted my first, Merlin, he was a bounce and the house he'd lived in beforehand was absolutely clueless. The woman had not house trained him and knew he wasn't cat safe, and then was surprised when he bit her cats and peed on the floor :blink Partly as a result of being bounced (I suspect, but I know nothing of his past), Merlin had bad separation anxiety when we adopted him. We were living in an apartment at the time, and having a dog with SA in an apartment is no fun, I can tell you. It was stressful, sldo becsuse he HATED to be crated but for various reasons, including how the apartment was set up, we had no choice but to crate him at first. We helped him through his SA, and he became a very laid back dog :). i have never used a crate since.


    Sagan had to learn a lot of things (stairs, and also that the ceiling fan was really not out to get him :blush) but he adpated fast and never even had an accident in the house. We just put him on a schedule, watched him closely, and took some time off following his adoption to help him transition into his new home.


    Good luck, and welcome! You'll find that GT will be a useful resource.

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