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Posts posted by Bevd

  1. 4106052049_d71c5f29c1.jpg




    I'm sorry, but it breaks my heart to see an 11 years old hound with an amputated leg...I only hope that he still

    can adjust at his age and that he doesn't suffer too much.

    Best wishes for him, he'll be in my thoughts...

    I think that's an awful thing to say on someones thread. Feel free to think what you like but sometimes, it's better not to say a word, particularly when you can clearly read that the owner is having a tough time.


    And as you will know from reading GT Marion, there are PLENTY of 11 year old dogs - and older - who adjust perfectly well.

  2. Re bandaging. I can only tell you of our experience with Darcy as (thankfully) that's all the experience we have. She came home the day after surgery and she had no bandage at all. We found that she lay on her 'bad' side and it used to make me feel green just thinking about her doing it but I checked with the vet and he said that it was natures way of keeping the area compressed so as much as it made me feel peculiar (:rolleyes:) we just let her get on with it.

  3. I didn't have time to be scared with Darcy because she had her first symptom (leg break), xrays and amputation on the same day. But if there had been time, I'd have been as terrified as you are :grouphug It wouldn't be natural if you didn't feel scared. I suspect that part of the fear will be about what happens after the surgery - and that's very normal and expected too. And I did have time to worry about that!


    My only advice at this time is not to look too far ahead and worry about what things will be like. I'd get yourself some Rescue Remedy (seriously) and be prepared that the first few days after surgery will feel very stressful for you but everyone who has been in your situation will back me when I tell you that after the initial few days things really do settle down into a new and 'normal' routine.


    We will be thinking of you both tomorrow :grouphug

  4. I'm so sorry to read your awful news - and of all of your other sad losses.


    As has been said, it is a very personal decision.


    I'm tring to put myself in your situation - an 11 year old dog I've had two weeks with early osteo. If the dog seemed pretty mellow and not overly concerned about being examined etc at the vets - and if the chest xrays were clear - I think I would go for the amputation. Maybe my view is slanted with having a 2 year survivor snoring next to me as I type. If I did go ahead with the amputation I would want the dog to be able to have a full and proper chemo regime afterwards.


    Best of luck with whatever you decide :grouphug

  5. Morning.


    As I type, Darcy is waving her front leg in the air and demanding that her Daddy tickles her. She's tried to air snap daddys nose off too, so she's looking good :D


    Ned is still not quite himself and I just need to see what happens with his rear end today.


    It's 8.45am so a little early to call the vets to check on Poppy, but I'll be doing that shortly.


    I also have to call the specialists to see if Ella's results are back in from the fluid they took from both knee joints. I don't think these results are going to tell us much because I think the crux of the matter is the bone biopsy and we'll not hear about that till next week some time.

  6. Morning.


    Ella still hops.


    Ned just ate his first food since Monday, so he's managed to avert a further vet visit :) He's not been unwell (either end) since he had his jabs at the vets so we just need to make sure that breakfast stays put.


    Darcy also ate her breakfast (still having prescription poorly tum food, as is Ned). She also ate her dinner last night - and then - wait for it - she tried to get me to hand over some of my chinese food. She has a very good sense of humour, that girl :lol


    Am going to phone the vets soon to check on Poppy.

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