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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. I agree; a healthy cat doesn't just randomly start peeing outside of the litter box unless it's not clean enough, or it's been moved, or the litter type has changed... Did you do anything like that? Cats are extremely clean animals, and of there is anything unacceptable to them about their box, and they find another place to go they prefer. What I would do if my cat started this is confine it to a bathroom with a lovely clean litter box and see what happens. Given no other options, it'll most likely use the box, and hopefully after medical issues are ruled out you can retrain it to go where its supposed to. I have two cats, two boxes, and I clean them twice a day.
  2. Ohio isn't even CLOSE to "the south." Don't give him heartworm preventative if you haven't had him on it unless you get him tested first. Ohio is a pretty nice place with not a lot of dangers lurking! Have a nice time!
  3. They're called sight hounds for a reason! Sure, dogs have great noses, but Greyhounds also have great eyes. They probably just find him hilarious right now, just as I would! Every time I see a cat with a haircut, it makes me chuckle!
  4. This is EXACTLY the way my George is. He learned to get along with my parents' two dogs because he was in their house on a leash, muzzled, for six hours the first time they met (my parents dogs could not be more mellow and passive!). George is what they call a "breed snob." He loves all greyhounds without exception, and no other dogs of any size, shape, or color. Except, as I said above, he did accept my parents' dogs (both of whom are now deceased). I have no real problem with this. I keep him at heel when another dog is near, and give that dog sufficient berth, and it's all good. I make sure people with dogs on leashes who start to approach us stop by saying, "I'm sorry, he's not friendly with other dogs." Unleashed dogs I holler to the owner, "My dog is not friendly, and there is a leash law in this town. Please put your dog on a leash." If they don't, and their dog approaches, I'm able to get George away. He's not VICIOUS, he's just...it's almost as if he wants to taste the strange creature to see what it is cause he's yet to figure out that not all dogs look like a Greyhound! When I take him on the ferry to Nantucket, or to the vet, I do muzzle him. These are places where other dogs are leashed and attended, although often not very carefully attended. It's just too close quarters for me to risk George nipping someone 'cause they let their little kid handle the dog. I had hoped he would figure it all out; I've had him for four years, but there has been no change, so I just deal with it! Doesn't bother me, really.
  5. Interesting Maureen! George's poops are substantially BIGGER on grain free kibble than on his normal Solid Gold beef.
  6. Wow. Whole lot of memos here that MY Greyhound never got! Eager to learn? Took him 18 months to figure out he could TURN AROUND in the house instead of walking backwards out of rooms. Highly intelligent? Don't get me wrong, I love George. I would NEVER describe him as intelligent. And there other hound in my condo complex? Dumb as a box of rocks. Sweeter than all get out, but dumb. And unless roaching on my Swedish foam mattress counts as "continue brain stimulation," he's not aware of that particular trait either! To the OP--sure, there's a point! Bonding, hopefully teaching the dog something. Absolutely!
  7. I can't imagine my dog having to stay awake for 5.5 hours a day twice a week! My vote is it's way too much him! He'd probably be perfectly content to stay at home and sleep on the couch.
  8. No, not every bout of diarrhea requires the vet--especially if you know what caused it. Kaopectate is fine, as are the immodium capsules (easier to give sometimes). If you're new to dogs, there is a great book called Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook Really helpful to determine what's an emergency and what isn't. Also gives guidance on what human OTC remedies are safe and which aren't. I think everyone should own a copy.
  9. Every dog my family has ever owned before the last batch (now gone--so sad!) grew up on Puppy Chow and then Dog Chow. Our dogs were, for the most part, dual purpose hunting/show dogs. They were gorgeous, healthy, energetic, and there were really very few problems at all. No one should feel pressure to spend more than they can or want to because some people believe you need to buy "the best."
  10. Oscar is adorable. I wonder if he has Cairn terrier in him? Congratulations on your new family member.
  11. I will give him a kiss for you Darlene I don't mean to complain about the bill but sometimes it drives me crazy how much a Vet charges and still get no answers. I am glad everything came back negative too but I wish I knew what caused it so maybe I can prevent it in the future!! I'm sure we can all relate--and you're upset. Complain away, if you want! It's frustrating to pay big bills and learn nothing. George recently had an ultrasound at my vet's insistence. When she called she said, "I have good news, and bad news." Which was 1) they found nothing wrong, and 2) they found nothing wrong so she still had no idea what the problem was.
  12. I have to say that I completely agree with this. Clearly there is something wrong with the situation now--but a different situation would be--different. In the hands of someone else, this dog might be just fine. I'm not suggesting that OP isn't a good owner or has done a thing wrong--but I don't believe this dog should stay where he is.
  13. Take her out on a leash, tell her "let's go potty!" and walk her about. Give her 10 minutes. If she doesn't go, back inside. Do NOT let her out of your sight. Try again in 30 minutes. Throw a party when she does go, give her treats, and then let her off the leash to play. She has to understand that sometimes you go outside to take care of business, and some times it's for fun.
  14. Yea- no- illegal for a vet to script out to a human. They can, however script it out in your pets name but, you can't use your health insurance. The best way to see which ab to use is to culture the urine first. The culture will determine what the bacteria is or is not sensitive to. Some vets will start your pup on a broad spectrum ab while waiting for the culture results (like clavamox or cipro). And when he does write it, he'll write "canine" on it...at least mine would. I also don't know a doctor who would write a prescription for my dog no matter how nicely I asked. Now, as to the OP's question. There are many different drugs they give for UTIs. Sounds like you haven't actually been to the vet, and I would urge you to go. Bring a urine sample. It's not expensive. They'll check the pee and prescribe one of the "first line" drugs, and probably also suggest a culture. That way if the first drug doesn't work, they'll switch to one specific to the actual infection your dog has.
  15. Pictures? You don't need a "greyhound vet" for everything--mostly greyhounds are dogs so any vet should be able to help with this. Sounds to ME like an allergic reaction, probably contact. Did they give her anything? Antihistamines?
  16. Most tick killers don't repel ticks, and only kill them after they've been attached.
  17. I kind of doubt that. A super submissive dog is apt to be a bit freaked out by a wild and crazy boy. My dog is VERY aggressive with his "let's play!" invites, and even the other greyhound in my complete is intimidated by it. Lots of noise, bouncing around, etc. Your boy needs someone who can handle his big personality, and a dog who tucks his tail and runs is, frankly, apt to get chased. Which would scare him even more...
  18. I train my own dogs, but I also devote a LOT of time to it. Well, not George! He's "special." But my prior dog, and various family dogs. What I've observed, over and over, is people who pay good money for a few classes and don't understand what "it didn't work" when they fail to do ANY practice at all! It's pretty pitiful! I got so sick of people saying, "Oh, you're SO LUCKY your dog listens to you!" when I had spent countless hours working with him.
  19. I'm not much of a trainer but I have never had a animal that would not drop their "find" in or out. I can always take food from them. I just this am had to take a bird away from Kala Blu. I just told her what a good girl thanks for the mothers day present and took the bird. With ALL the bunnies they have brought in, I have to have control. Just takes once. Sorry. I could never let that go with all the dogs in and out of our house. Yes, I totally disagree with letting a dog just eat something. If you have a proper relationship, and have worked on "drop it" or trading, there is no reason that with MOST pet dogs, you cannot deal with this sort of thing without getting bitten. I've NEVER had a dog who would attack me over food on the sidewalk, nor have I ever allowed a dog to eat something he shouldn't. Clearly there is a very serious problem with Miles and his owner. I'm not sure what to suggest, but I wouldn't waste my money on a thyroid test. Thyroid problems don't come and go like that, and absent any other symptoms (fur/skin issues, weight loss/gain, etc.)--seriously, don't bother.
  20. What are you feeding him? Even at four cups a day he should not be LOSING weight unless it's a very low calorie food.
  21. It COULD be a lot of things, but my parents just lost their English Setter whose initial trouble was strange breathing. Was a tumor in his chest and his lungs were filling--I'm sure you're like me and don't like to run off to the vet with every issue, but at 11? I think maybe you should get him checked out. Perhaps a chest x-ray?
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