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Posts posted by Blaidd49

  1. So very sorry to read this news

    Annie and her family will always hold a special place in my memories.

    I treasure the thank you card with her picture on it when she was recovering


    QC Canada

  2. My apologies in advance if this has already been posted or is not appropriate to post here, but having seen multiple posts on at least two of the cancers being studied it seemed worth passing on




    The Van Andel Research Institute, a world class human cancer research institute, recently received a Federally fund grant through the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, to study five types of cancer that occur in both dogs and humans. The ultimate goal is to develop improved diagnostics and more individualized therapies for both canines and people.


    We are requesting the help of purebred dog owners, who may own a dog affected with one of these cancers. The five initial cancers we are studying are:


    1) Hemangiosarcoma

    2) Lymphoma

    3) Osteosarcoma

    4) Malignant histiocytosis

    5) Melanoma of the mouth or toe


    We are requesting fresh (NOT in formalin, NOT frozen) tissue samples from tumors, when pets have biopsies, surgeries such as splenectomies, or are euthanized. Samples may be collected post mortem, as the euthanasia solution does not affect the DNA in either the dog's blood or in the tumor cells.


    Additionally, if you have a dog with one of these cancers who has already been treated (splenectomy, chemo, etc), we would still appreciate a blood sample along with a histopath report confirming the diagnosis.


    We need 3-5 mls of whole blood in an EDTA (purple top) tube. It can be sent priority mail, and blood can be shipped at room temperature.


    If the pet is scheduled for surgery or, sadly, euthanasia, if you or your veterinarian contact us ahead of time, we can FedEx a collection kit which includes an overnight FedEx return shipping form, along with collection media and containers.


    Owner consent forms and veterinary info pages can be found on our website, at:




    I will be happy to answer any questions I can, as well. Owners, veterinarians and researchers working together will help us to unravel some of the mysteries of these nasty diseases.


    Roe Froman, DVM

    Senior Veterinary Research Scientist

    Van Andel Research Institute

    333 Bostwick Ave NE

    Grand Rapids, MI 49503




  3. Although I don't post much I am an avid fan of Greytalk and I have never owned a greyhound (I did do a pickup, brief foster and transport of a pup from our SPCA to a rescue group in Ontario many years ago) - and I am sure I am not alone in my greyhoundless status

    If another Greyhound is destined to come into you home it will happen

    Thank you for all you did for Maggie



  4. If they need to sedate to do a barium I would hold off pending additional results, especially if she is taking nourishment and values are showing some improvement

    I would think the last thing this girl needs is another anaesthetic

    (abdominal gas can be a direct result of anaesthesia - been there done that)



    Just got the evening update - it's a mixed bag. I don't have the lab report (will get that e-mailed tomorrow) but her BUN has come down a bit to 59 and her Creatinine is down to 463 which is a real improvement. Phosphorus also coming down, don't have the number.


    She is continuing to eat in small amounts which is positive.


    The x-rays showed an unusual amount of gas in the stomach as well as the intestine. Enough that they are considering a barium series. I have mixed feelings about this as this doesn't seem to have much relationship to the kidneys but who knows.


    Because TBDs are uncommon here they do not have the snap test at the clinic, but will ask Antech to do it, and then follow through if it shows anything.


    The Lepto results take a couple of days so no news there yet.


  5. Did they give her any pain medication either immediately before or after the surgery??

    Rimadyl and other NSAIDS can occasionally wreak havoc with susceptible dogs


    The Tick panel is the IDEXX4 Snap Test I believe

    It is good they are checking for Lepto as there are more strains than are covered by the vaccination

    Vest vibes and white light to Jaynie





    - she did have a hard time recovering from anaesthesia after her dental; they made some changes this time and initially things seemed to be better after the spay; which doesn't mean anaesthesia isn't somehow implicated, just don't know how

    - there was bloodwork done after her dental and it didn't show these things, so the results now are indicative of a problem that has arisen very recently


    Tick panel - I had a basic tick panel done when I got Jaynie but I know they don't test for everything. If someone can tell me specifically what to have her tested for (or point me to a resource that has this info) I will certainly request to have the tests done.


  6. I have not been able to catch up with all the posts in this thread but if you are dealing with Cushings with Warlock - please consider Trilostane for treatment

    I have seen some great results with this drug even though - like Lysodren - a very conservative approach is necessary





    Everyone is home and waiting for dinner time. Warlock's blood test results should be back on Fri. Sissy is doing much better and I received a new hint from Dr. Jean Dodd....give steamed broccoli and green beans daily mixed in meals to help build up Vit K levels pre and post surgery. The Vit K in the veggies helps with clotting.

    Whiskey doesn't look or act like he's had a dental or neuter and hopefully he'll stay that way tonight.


    Thanks everyone for the good thoughts.


    I'll update on Fri.


  7. There is a product called Forti-Flora which you can get from your vet which [iMHO] is a must have when treating with Flagyl or Doxy

    The difference is amazing [regardless of whether you are feeding raw or commercial]



    THANK you, everyone! Those are all good suggestions. This afternoon I just shoved the two pills, one at a time, to the back of his throat, and then I gave him a small chicken neck to get the saliva going to wash down any taste. Will probably do that again but also give some cooked chicken or peanut butter or whatever to protect his tummy.


    Yup, still dealing with this! Good thing we love this guy so much! :colgate





    It might be worth going to a Dachshund group - I know of one gal who had a Dachshund go down and she had the surgery done - dog made a full recovery, when she had a second Dachshund go down, she treated without surgery - that dog also made a full recovery.

    Of course a dachshund is a different size to a GH but I am betting they have good info to share.

    My previous Whippet had an issue with a disc in her neck and acupuncture helped a lot


  9. I would be concerned about her liver functions and a possible reaction to the rimadyl






    Our 4-1/2 year old girl Suze, with the mystery limp, started to cry out early yesterday afternoon while on her bed. Within an hour she was hardly able to move (DH managed to coax her outside) and when she did, she had the arched back, severe rear leg tremors and was panting heavily. Off to the Vet - exam yielded nothing so he gave her an IV injection of Rimadyl, IM "antii-nausea", and 100mg Tramadol. That was at about 3:30 pm. We hung around the Vet's office for another 30 minutes just to make sure she wasn't going to have a reaction (she vomitted twice while in the examining room) and she seemed to be experiencing some relief so we headed home. She was crated immediately.


    By 7 pm she was so out of it that she didn't even know who was in the room with her, panting as heavily as ever, and thrashing her upper body around. I gave her an oral dose of Rimadyl at 9:30 but elected not to give any more Tramadol. We were able to get her up and outside where she basically walked in circles, peed, tried to poop (no luck) and went back in the house. We allowed her to plop down in our bedroom for the nigiht.


    This morning she is in a different spot, so she was able to move during the night, but now she won't move at all. Doesn't want to eat but is drinking water - no more vomitting - and still panting, although not as heavily as last night.


    Is my description of her condition a bad reaction to Tramadol or am I just being a hysterical Mom?


  10. Bummer on the results. Misty has often been in my thoughts.

    Although I am a fan of Trilostane, I have to agree with staying with the Lysodren as long as you are making progress.

    Your vet has the right approach with increasing frequency not dosage and you have enough experinece to spot early signs of a possible crash.

    Gentle hugs to Misty and lots of good vibes from chilly Quebec




    We're just not ready to give up on the Lysodren yet. Misty's test results did come back a "little" better so we're on the right track but just not there yet.
  11. If he is on Flagyl I would not fast - as someone mentioned it is very hard on the stomach

    The canned ID would likely be the best

    If he is not already on it, I would put him on Forti-Flora (by Purina) - it makes a huge difference to dogs that are on antibiotics, etc

    Another useful remedy to have on hand is elm tree bark capsules - you can usually get these from a health food store or www.naturalrearing.com carries it in a gruel mix with marshmallow that is also very soothing to the gut




    So, advice: Do I give him a small meal tonight or continue the fasting? He's hungry and I have the canned I/D . . .Maybe two small meals totaling half a can? When he had HGE in November, neither vet recommended fasting, but said to go ahead and give him the canned food . . . .


  12. Another great product to use alongside antibiotics is Forti-Flora




    My Guinness is on Doxycyclene and did fine for about 4 days...then nothing could get him to keep it down...he stopped eating because he knew he would get sick....I added 1- 10mg pepcid 20 min before the meal....mixed in 1/4 cup yogurt and 1/2 can of can food in 2 cups kibble...you would think he would hate it...NOPE ate like crazy...20 min after finishing his meal gave Doxy...been fine ever since...and he's got to take this 2 1/2 more weeks...

    So glad I found what worked!

    Good Luck!


  13. In regards to Homeopathy

    We have used Calcarea Fluorica 30 ch successfuly for Epulis in Border Terriers

    Dosage is 2-3 granules 2 twice a week




    hmmm - i wonder what it is that they do homeopathically. because as they said, the condition is notorious for rapid regrowth and that's what happened to us. does anyone know of more homeopathic websites and such where maybe I can find alternative solutions? i had googled some but never thought to google alternative medicine. i'd like to find out more. i'll also find out what a gum resection is to see if maybe that's an option. a lot of the gum was cut away when it was removed the first time so if we were to cut away more...he'd have no gum left above the tooth. my poor boy. i feel so bad for him.


    ETA: found out what gum resection is and that's what they did before :( also to say, thankfully my boy's doesn't look nearly as scary as the ones in the previous link - it's just a small fingernail sized bump on his gum.


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