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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. What a wonderful description of Hailey and her life with you. It's heart-breaking that she's gone! But I hope your many good memories of her will help sustain you and your family. Run free, Hailey.
  2. greyhead

    Gustav's Gone

    I'm so sorry about Gustav. When you're up to it, I know we'd all love to hear about Gustav and see a picture or 10! The thing I've noticed about Greytalk people is that we tend to love everybody's greyhounds, not just our own.
  3. Oh Judy, I'm so sorry. Wish there were something more I could do than just saying that.
  4. Linda, for what it's worth, our Shane has been treated for thyroid for several years, but developed a long UTI (delay in diagnosing) and iffy kidney values. We thought we had all that taken care of with antibiotics and a kidney diet, but he started leaking urine again, as well as showing low energy on walks and no longer doing zoomies in the yard. We upped his dose from 1.0 mg per day to 1.25 (which is just adding a half of pill to one of his pill administrations), and the leakage stopped after a few days and the energy returned. We'll go in and actually check his blood values in a couple weeks, after they have had a chance to get where they're going on the new dose. (Our older hound is also hypothyroid and started whining at night and whenever unsettled, however slightly. Took the opposite tack with him, and reduced his dosage by half a pill a day. That seems to have solved the problem, and his blood values will be rechecked tomorrow.) I say all this because I don't think philosophically-based advice (like "always treat low thyroid values" or "never treat low thyroid values in greyhounds") is really all that helpful. Each dog is an individual, and I think we serve each other best when we share our specific experiences in some detail. If I were you and the vet agreed, I would try treating the thyroid. It's amazing how many problems can be related to thyroid issues.
  5. What a stunning girl! Thank you for sharing her picture. Wishing strength and peace to your family.
  6. We use the wrist kind. We do it while the dog is laying down, which puts the leg at heart level.
  7. Something similar happened with Shane a year ago, though it wasn't quite as overnight as yours sounds. Neither x-rays nor veterinary hands, including those of a rehab vet, could figure it out. We finally did an MRI of the spine and saw that he had a healed fracture of the pelvis from who-knows-when. As we had dieted him, his thigh muscles got smaller, and it turns out it was those muscles keeping everything in place. Shane wasn't in apparent pain either, but he would have intermittent limps and slowness on walks. After at-home massages, acupuncture/chiropractic, strategic exercise, and Adequan injections at home, his muscles are back and he does much, much better with walking. Things like this can only be found with MRI's. We were lucky, ours was "on sale" for $1000, as a special to welcome the hospital's new neurologist...and drum up business, no doubt! But it also came in handy later when some UTI/kidney issues arose, to be able to look at that and see that the kidneys looked structurally good. So I'm saying that you can get to see a lot of things that are useful to know, even beyond what you're looking for. ETA: I think Racindog is right about incurring damage to the spine, with big consequences, if this is allowed to persist. Sorry.
  8. RIP, sweet Tila. Or boss your bridge-mates around if you prefer!
  9. greyhead

    Ion Miss Muffet

    I'm so sorry for your huge loss, Hope. You two had something really special. :f_pink
  10. This happened to Spencer last spring, with the dehydration. We had to give him sub-q fluids a couple times. Then his vet found the swollen glands and ordered a dental. All was well, until now the swollen glands are back, so he's on Clavamox. ETA: The stinky breath is back too.
  11. I know when a couple of us have had this trouble, we've primed the pump with half a bottle of Ensure. That has been enough to get the dogs eating 15 minutes afterward. Good luck, I know this is scary.
  12. It could be gum disease or an absess, or kidney trouble, or probably other possibilities. Are there any swollen glands on either or both sides of the neck? I'd sure call the vet about it, in any case.
  13. Sounds like you made the best decisions each step of the way, Sharon. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  14. My heart hurts for you. Love exacts a heavy price but there's nothing to do but come back for more. Rest well, Haley.
  15. So glad he's back with you and doing better!!!
  16. I'm so sorry he had to leave you. He was a beautiful boy.
  17. Has his poop become soft-serve and/or orange? One of our hounds developed an infection that caused his fur to smell, though that became the least of our worries. It seems to have happened because of the antibiotic he took post-dental causing other bacteria in his intestine to over-grow and become an infection. It's not an entirely rare thing to have happen.
  18. I don't have any specialized knowledge to offer. But if it were me, I'd go to the vet. Not being able to move, and falling down when trying to, sounds potentially serious to me. I'm so sorry to say that. Maybe someone will happen along here who has experience.
  19. What a beautiful sweetheart! I'm so sorry for her loss.
  20. I discussed food with Shane's vet when he had increased urination and leakage on food with potato. She said regular potato is totally different from sweet potato, which he had been on before, and can in fact provoke increased urination in susceptible animals. I notice that food is potato-based. But as the other poster said, it could be a UTI. Shouldn't need a $300 vet visit with every possible test to figure that out.
  21. Recently got these ultra-lightweight down throws from Overstock: http://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Microfiber-Premium-Down-Throws-Set-of-2/5615629/product.html One of our greys is a nester and also gets cold at night but doesn't like jammies. So I toss this over him lightly, and he often just stays that way. If he gets tired of it, he just gets up and lies on top of it! As to coats, we have a variety of weights and materials, including just double layer cotton. I can give you a source for those if you like.
  22. greyhead


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  23. RIP Stella. Your people loved you bunches.
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