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Posts posted by dmdsmoxie

  1. Dick, what can you find on our new senior girl, UMR Cordella? She's 9 1/2.

    Txsbbtc, I have added Davis' name to the list of Bridge Angels for February over in the Remembrance forum.


    There isn't much info on your pup. She shows 20 races all at Tri-State.The first race that shows in July 4, 2011 and the next one is in Sept. 2011. That is a big gap and while it's possible she was hurt it is just as possible that there are missing races since this is 2011 and people were still putting in some tracks by hand.


    For the races that show she had very little early speed usually being 7th or 8th out of the box and usually 7th or 8th to the turn. She could close a little, but with a record of 20-0-1-2-3 not much. Whether she went to a lower end track that wasn't reporting to G-D after her last race that shows on Jan 1, 2012 or was adopted out I don't know.



  2. Can you add a date of death for Davis? Color Print (DOB 1/29/2009) Date of death: 2/24/19


    Sorry for your loss.


    Done and I added Davis as his pet name. If you would like me to add your name as adopted owner I can.



  3. Just some FYI about G-D.



    As of yesterday these were the stats for dogs and races entered into G-D. These are worldwide stats, and not any one country, and more are added every day.


    At the moment there are 2,270,343 dogs and 4,354,609 races in the database,


    Yesterday there were 253 dogs added and today 245.

  4. This vet initially began researching corns due to a relative having a greyhound with horrible ones. On the "Greyhounds With Corns" Facebook page there are quite a number of UK (where Guillard is located) hounds who have had the surgery. No long term results as of yet, but it appears to be successful for as much as 6 months with no pain, no limping, and no return of corns (which disappear after surgery).


    Several vets in the US have tried the surgery after reading his information with similar results.


    This is good to know.

  5. Like most greyhound forums there are always questions about corns. Greyhound-Data has a forum and a person from the U.K. just posted this.


    My ex racer Enchanted Halo developed corns when we brought her home from racing kennels. It is fair to say I tried every remedy I read about in an attempt to relieve her pain. Nothing was effective although we had some success with gaffer tape.

    Early last November I read about a pioneering experimental flexor tendinotomy technique used to treat corns EXTERNAL LINK

    I contacted Mike Guilliard in the UK and the treatment was provided here in Ireland by Denis Beary at the end of November 2019 in his Canine Treatment Centre. He treated both her corns with the surgical procedure.

    I took her yesterday for her final follow up consultation and her corns have gone, she is no longer in pain and no longer hobbles on hard surfaces. There is no doubt she is a much happier dog as a consequence of this pioneering treatment.


    Just something else to ask your vet about if you have a corn dog.



  6. I have belonged to GD since the early 2000s. When our group was in business, I posted every dog that we adopted along with photos of each dog. I check this every once in awhile and update when a dog dies. I discovered that another group took three of our dogs and posted them on their account as adopted and changed the adoption dates. I didn't know that this could be done. When I check on each dog, it still says that our group adopted them but the date is wrong and those photos still show up on their account. Maybe that needs to be checked into as one group should not be able to edit or change info on another group's page.


    If you want to post or PM me the name of the dogs I will check into it and let the owners know what happened.




    I joined GD when we got Nixon in 2010. I joined under the email addres that I had back then which has not been in use for about 5 years.

    I'd like to update my account to my current email address ... is there an option to edit my account?


    p.s. You're The Best is a beauty :)


    I would contact G-D by emailing them at team@greyhound-data.com and give them all your information and what you want changed. Sometimes they are slow to do things and other times they act rather quickly.

  7. :thumbs-up

    You're the best!


    This one? LOL




    Thanks. Once G-D stopped most from being able to edit there are a lot of people that would like things added to their dogs profile, but can't do it. A number of people tried for a few years to get different fields added to accommodate the adoption people. The original owners sold G-D to the current owners and there were more pressing needs that had to be taken care of first.


    It doesn't tale long to add something so it really isn't a big deal.

  8. Just a reminder that I, and a few others on G-D, can edit your pups G-D page. There is now a field for adopted owner and pet name. There is also a bereavement section where we can add the date of death and a couple of sentences if you wish.


    Plus, up to three pictures can be posted on the G-D forum and if you want pictures posted just add them to this thread. G-D added a watermark to the pictures because pictures were being taken from G-D without the owners or G-D's permission. You still own your pictures, but G-D will go after people that steal pictures from their site.


    Post whatever information you want added to this thread and I or someone will add it.



  9. I know the ex-GM at Wheeling and sent him an email asking him if he thought they would have video from 2010. He told me they did a poor job archiving old video so while he doubts they have your video you should see what they say.


    He also suggested contacting Trackinfo because there is a chance they may still have video even though it isn't posted on their website.

  10. Wow that's so interesting on the percentages! (My grey took a fall and broke his leg so then went to retirement with me) Thank you for sharing!


    I just watched the race where your dog broke his leg and I would say he didn't fall and break his leg, I would say he broke his leg and fell. The difference being a fall didn't break his leg it was the broken leg that caused the fall.


    It is the same thing with humans and their hips. Many times you hear someone say so and so fell and broke their hip. That may be true, but a lot of times, especially with the elderly, the ball and socket in the hip have worn so much that the ball comes out and the person falls. So the hip broke and then the person fell.

  11. I noticed how small your girl was and in this day and age that is unusual. Today you almost never see a racer in the 40 pound range. Years ago it was somewhat common and you wouldn't think twice about seeing them.


    You would be correct that a 70 pound dog bumping a 49 pound dog would do more to knock the smaller dog off their stride or knock them down. Dogs are already fighting centrifugal force as they try and go around a turn. It's the reason why greyhounds must switch to their left lead when going around a turn. If they don't they will not negotiate the turn and do what we call blow the turn.


    Hooks are never good and are a constant battle. Hooks are hard enough to get rid of in a home setting with a dog or two so you can imagine what a trainer goes through with a colony of 50 dogs.

  12. Dick,


    Thanks so much! Your time and knowledge is greatly appreciated.

    In one of her races she had quite the tumble...it seems she healed well though.


    I actually did a paper about greyhounds falling. I tracked how prevalent falling was and the amount of time the dogs were off the track.


    I tracked one month at Palm Beach and the results were


    There were 585 races with 4,665 individual runs at Palm Beach in August 2017. 26 dogs fell during those 4,665 runs for a 0.55% chance of falling in a race.
    Only 3 of those 26 dogs haven't come back to race, I counted the dog that made his next start 11 days later and hasn't raced since in these three, which is a 11.53% chance of not racing again.
    22 of those 26 dogs that fell made their next start. That is an 84.61% chance you will make your next start.
    1 dog didn't make his next start for 2 months.
    I don't know if the dog that started 11 days later and then didn't race again was because of re-injuring the same injury or if something else happened.
    Edited to correct the percentage of dogs that fell that didn't race again.
  13. Usually a four month break between races would indicate an injury. Her Trackinfo page shows she started official schooling on July 17. She was racing at Sanford Orlando and was moved to Mobile which is where those schooling races and her last graded race was run.




    She wasn't a very good racer with most of her finished being 7th or 8th which is why they decided she would be a better pet than a racer. You can see there are replays of her graded races and if you watch them first look at the first bold number in her Trackinfo lines and that is the box she is coming out of. I posted her only time in the money, a win below.


    This is her win from the 4 box.





  14. What is the dogs name?


    As was said at one time not all tracks reported results. However, Chris Molnar does have them all onboard now and they have been for the past 5 years or so. There was a time when the only results you would see was results we would put in by hand.

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