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Posts posted by galgrey

  1. I've used a gentle leader on a couple of houds...but I would never use one on a spook.

    I don't like a general everyday harness on a dog that actively pulls. It gives them something to lean into and (I think) makes them pull more. I would use one a spook that doesn't pull.


    I like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/SPORN-Non-Pull-Halter-Dog-Harness-Training-/370926078816?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item565ceacb60 for a dog that pulls.

    It can be a trick to put on at first. The fleece cover is loose and slides and if your not careful when you unhook the straps will come off. What I did was to tack (sew) the fleece to the strap itself.

    I used to use a Sporn Harness on my weimaraner. It made walking her enjoyable.

  2. Some good advice here. I'm ordered a Spook Harness for Cristiano. He's not a spook, but he has a very high prey drive and lunges, pulls, and bucks like a horse when he sees rabbits, squirrels, or cats so I'm concerned he will back out of the regular harness I'm using. I have a Freedom Harness that I haven't tried because I know a couple of spooks that backed out of a Freedom Harness. So for extra safety, I'm walking him with the harness and a collar with a 4 foot leash attached to each one. I'm having to walk him alone because I don't have enough hands to walk him and Princess right now! :lol He's very friendly and social and I'm looking into a training class for him. I've had two galgos before and he has by far the highest prey drive.


    Good luck with your new girl. I saw pictures of her online. She's adorable. :wub: Are you calling her Mousie? Would love to see some pictures of her in her new home. :)

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