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Posts posted by galgrey

  1. :confetti Congratulations on your gorgeous new boy! And yes, you can definitely have more than one heart dog. Every dog we love and are loved by expands the room in our hearts - room to love and be loved by another.


    So happy for you. Brush up on your photo posting skills so we can enjoy more photos of him. :D

  2. He's never been a big fan of kibble period. I usually have to add other things in to get him going, for example grating up chicken nuggets, mixing in a spoonful of peanut butter, etc. What are some safe add ins I can give him?

    The vet has only suggested the renal diet and recheck his numbers in a month. Should I push the enalapril? No blood pressure checks either.

    I had a terrible time getting my galgo, Cruz, to eat when he was diagnosed with CRF. He completely refused any of the prescription renal diets or homemade renal diets. I kept him eating for a while with canned tripe added to his regular kibble. I used the Solid Gold canned tripe. Pepcid helped with the nausea for a while too.


    I'm so sorry you are going through this with your sweet Jake. :grouphug

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