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Posts posted by NeylasMom

  1. Hmm, okay, good to know, will keep it in mind. She had been laying in her crate in the kitchen before coming in so it's also possible there was more that happened before I became aware, but I got the sense she came straight in. She did seem a little wobbly on her back legs when I did one last leashed pee before bed, but I chalked that up to her disc issues. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Time4ANap said:

    Maybe an episode of Vestibular Disease.  it happens in older dogs.  Petunia had one that sent us to the E-Vet at 3AM about a month ago.  Was her head-tilted?  Head tiliting and jerking eye movements are two of the signs, and the dog will be off balance, maybe unable to stand or sit.  It scared the crap out of us, but within a few hours she was fine and complaining at the E-Vet about the accommodations and the lack of breakfast being served. 

    So far, fingers crossed, she only had the one episode. 

    Hmm, no noticeable head tilt, maybe shaking her head once or twice. But would she recover so quickly if it was this? 

    2 hours ago, macoduck said:

    How is Violet this morning?

    She's still good. Acting totally normal. Haven't called my vet yet. Will do that soon though not sure what she'll be able to tell me except watch and wait.

  3. I have this one:

    K&H PET PRODUCTS Original Bolster Pet Cot Elevated Pet Bed Chocolate https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XH1J2VH/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_-9mUEbH80BZBN

    Check Chewy or Clean Run for a better price. I got mine at Costco for around $35, but I've only seen it there that one time

    I don't think Violet would use one without the bolsters. Neither of the dogs seek this one out on their own, but they will both lay in it and Violet seems to like it once she's in it. I like that I can leave it out. 


  4. So something really bizarre just happened with Violet. She came into the room where we were, looking like she was in pain, a little hunched over and her tail tucked. Okay, not that strange on its own as she could have aggravated her disc. Then I notice her eyes are rolling back into her head and blinking repeatedly. I ran to grab my phone and turn the light on so I could video and by then it was subsiding. She just looked really freaked out, almost like she couldn't see for a moment, and then when I called her toward me she quickly laid down on the floor.

    It's hard to tell if she was just out of it or frozen from fear, but I gave her a minute and then called her over to lay on her bed. She did that willingly and then after a minute or so she looked more normal and put her head down and is now resting comfortably.

    Does this sound like a seizure? I've never seen a dog have one where they could walk like that. She came from another room and down 2 steps before I saw her. 

    Any other ideas? Could it have possibly been a tiny stroke? 

    ETA: Anything I should do until I can call my vet in the AM? She's acting completely normal now, just tired. I gave her a snack of vanilla yogurt and she gobbled it down and then promptly fell asleep.

  5. When mine lays down her belly can look protruded depending on how she's laying (especially if her head is off the bed). And it's possible she just didn't want her belly touched. So I wouldn't freak out. It's certainly very unlikely she has a tumor though I understand your anxiety. One thing it could be that would cause a distended belly is a bad case of worms. I think it's worth talking to your vet and having her examined, even if it's to put your mind at ease, but try not to stress in the meantime, especially if she's eating/drinking/peeing/pooping normally.

    Side note, 10 lbs seems like a lot to gain.

     Can you also see the outline of the last couple of ribs?

  6. 1 hour ago, RaineysMom said:

    someone here that was handy with soldering and stuff could make a fortune replacing the batteries for us here.  I would pay $25 and shipping to have someone do it. :) 

    Yeah, would love that. Even better, I would pay more for someone to convert it so I could replace the battery myself moving forward. 

    On 5/5/2020 at 6:29 AM, FiveRoooooers said:

    Any luck with that? Aiden's A .Loop has given up and at $$$ per, an option would be nice. Thanks.

    Haven't tried it yet. I ordered one more loop first, but my plan was to order the blanket before this loop dies so I should probably get on that. FWIW, I got good feedback on this particular blanket from a fellow trainer who uses it on her dogs (and herself), but Violet's PT said that at the orthopedic clinic she used to work at they didn't have as positive of an opinion. Her personal take is the loop works better. But I figure it's worth a shot. Even if we need to use them in combo, she really needs something to cover a larger area. Assisi Loop is making beds, but they're so much more expensive so we'll try this first. 

  7. On 4/20/2020 at 5:44 PM, RaineysMom said:

    it uses 2 CR2032 batteries (flat, about the size of a nickel)....  It was next to impossible to get the contacts off the batteries (I only did one) and I was not able to solder a new one back on but then again, I am not a solderer.....  I found them on Amazon but my husband found them (along with about 15 other types of the flat batteries) for $1 at our local Ace last month.

    Darn, I had been holding out hope they could be replaced. So far I haven't even been able to get the thing open! I'm going to try a pEMF blanket from another company next. I believe the loops works, but the having to wait 3+ hours and the size are just prohibitive. And it doesn't always give the low battery warning in time for me to order another. Last time it started flashing quickly and was completely dead within 24 hours. So Violet has to go several days without therapy and of course this was during this CV hot mess so she's not getting her acupuncture or PT. :(

  8. 8 hours ago, RaineysMom said:

    he takes 3.75mg meloxicam at 6:15am.  I am doing the 2 x day, not sure if that's the right way to go :( some say that, others say once.  I give up. :( 

    Just try and see. You can always switch to once daily if you don't like how twice daily is going. I haven't used it since I tried it for Zuri's bone cancer. I don't recall how I was dosing it. I do remember not being confident it was doing a whole lot and feeling like it caused a weird side effect or two. Hopefully your experience is different. 

  9. This is my favorite article on pain meds and it has a section on Amantadine:


    It says once daily, but this article is fairly old at this point. My understanding though is that Amantadine doesn't do much for pain on its own, but rather enhances the effectiveness of NSAIDs so my thought is I would give them together, so give the Amantadine once or twice daily depending on your nsaid  frequency. Unless there are side effects, in which case splitting the dose is probably better. So yeah, i don't know, thinking out loud. 

  10. 1 hour ago, BrittaAndGregg said:

    @NeylasMom why were they not approved for surgery?

    It's not that they weren't approved. They both had other physical issues that I thought would make 3 legs difficult and Neyla was too anxious at the vet's to put her through that. They were also 10 & 11 so that was a factor for me. But both were diagnosed in May. I let Neyla go the day before Christmas Eve. Zuri didn't have as much time, I let him go the day after labor day. But they were happy and playful until things started to go down more quickly at the end. Zuri I think could have had a lot more time because the Zoledronate really helped him, but he developed kidney issues as a side effect, which is when it was clear we wouldn't have much more time.

  11. This info is in the osteo thread, but just to throw it in here, there are much better palliative care options now than just oral meds. Ask about both IV Pamidronate and palliative radiation in your consult if you want to consider other options. Sadly I've been through this twice. I don't know if I would choose amputation, but it wasn't an option for either of mine so we went the palliative route. It's a tough road either way, sorry you're going through this. 

  12. Change her routine now. Ideally you would have done it sooner, but at least this weekend follow the routine you'll follow starting on Monday, including feeding her upstairs. And have some extra special treats ready to go to keep her busy - bully sticks, stuffed frozen Kongs, food dispensing toys, etc.

    I would also consider noise machines, air purifiers, fans, etc. to drown out some of the noise. If she's sound sensitive at all, this could make it much worse and if she's not, you don't want her to become noise sensitive. 

    Jealous of your kitchen redo. Mine is so far down the road. Hope you'll share before and after photos in off topic.

  13. 15 hours ago, KF_in_Georgia said:

    Jen, Q enjoyed his soft kibble. He ate all of Jane's, too. She wasn't interested in eating until I took a bowl of soft kibble to where she snoozed on the loveseat. She gobbled it all down. Did seven days of chewable antibiotics and a couple of days on the pain meds. Q didn't have to take any meds. 

    I have Healthy Paws pet insurance. It covered Q when he broke a canine in his crate, but it won't cover these dentals. If someone gets sick soon (Jane's working on something), I think Healthy Paws might cover part of the vet visit and lab work we did before the dentals. We spent $717 on the vaccinations, exam, and lab work before the surgery; we spent another $1,010 (that's after a 12% discount) on the dentals. (Q's was $441, Jane's was more with two extractions). I say "we spent," but these lazy dogs haven't paid their share. December has been painful. My CareCredit has a credit line of $8,000 (I had enormous dental bills in 2018), but I'm afraid to let the dogs know that. ;)

    The vet found a black bump on Jane's ribs--not the usual blood blister thing. She offered to remove it, but I felt Jane had been under anesthesia long enough for one day. I'll let Jane's dermatologist deal with it; I hope to get her in this coming week, and then I can fax her recent bills (regular vet and dermatologist) to Healthy Paws. She has a high deductible and a low pay-out percentage because of her age, so I usually need to collect several bills before Healthy Paws does me much good.

    They should cover the blood work regardless. I would submit that without bothering with the dental bills.

    Skye is fully recovered. We waited a week to switch back to any raw food that wasn't ground, but no issues with that once we did. She did great through the whole thing and I'm so grateful we had quick access to our awesome dentist. 

  14. 5 hours ago, smt said:

    Nyelasmom, what pet insurance company do you use?  We just adopted Bette and I am in the market for pet insurance.  Since I have never purchased such a policy, I am a bit lost and overwhelmed with the choices.  Given the risk of bad teeth with GH's, I'd love to take a look at a company that covers dental emergencies.

    Anything related to periodontal disease won't be covered by most policies. Violet has a horrible mouth and we pay every last cent out of pocket. An emergency is typically a broken tooth, or damage due to an accident.

    Having said that, I have Healthy Paws. I have been very happy with them understanding the limitations, though some very high premium increases have been annoying. And I understand they were recently bought by another company. 

    There are a lot of threads on here discussing the options. Do a search for insurance in the H&M forum. 

  15. 5 hours ago, KF_in_Georgia said:

    Q's out of his dental and on his feet already. I didn't have the heart to tell the vet he stays on his feet when he's nervous so he can get a head start on his escape. (He rarely lies down at meet and greets.)

    Jane still needs one tooth pulled. Vet says she's lost a lot of bone around that tooth.

    Hope Jane & Q recover quickly and enjoy their bowls of soft kibble. :)

  16. We're home. Things went really smoothly, and surprisingly quickly. She was only under for about an hour. The tooth I discovered was broken was in horrible shape - there were multiple comments from both the vet and the vet tech so I know it was bad. Turns out the upper molar on the other side was broken too, but the pulp wasn't exposed so she was able to just cover it with sealant. She squeezed in a cleaning and polishing too so at least we won't have to do that anytime soon. 

    Skye was a champ through the whole thing. She's curled up sleeping now, but she's clearly very unhappy. Before we settled she would just stand in one place with her tail hanging down. 

    All for the bargain price of $2500. :lol I am pretty sure (I hope!) that this will be covered in part by her insurance since it was an emergency. I still have to pay 20% and I'll have to pay for the cleaning portion, but $500ish is much better than 5 times that! :hope

  17. 50 minutes ago, KF_in_Georgia said:

    A sympathy post, anyway. My 7 year old and the 11 year old are headed for the vet's at 8am for dentals and possible extractions. I didn't budget for two dentals at Christmas, but thank heavens for CareCredit.


    Oh no, hope everything goes well! If it makes you feel better, I dropped my phone in the toilet a few days ago and damaged it, and I need to put 4 new tires on my car before I drive home for Christmas. Oh, and there's that thing where I just bought a house. :lol

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