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Posts posted by NeylasMom

  1. On 12/27/2020 at 1:58 PM, kudzu said:

    We have two Messy Mutz water bowls. These have been the best for us & fit perfectly in the wooden food stands we always had.  Unfortunately, it appears these are no longer available. :(



    Revisiting this topic AGAIN and still having trouble settling on a solution. I thought a stainless pail/bucket would be best, but finding one wide enough for her to stick her head in comfortably is harder than you'd think and I worry she'd knock it over. So I looked into wall mounts for horse pails, etc. I can find the for 5 gal buckets (way too big) and 1 gallon jugs (too small). 

    Anyway, would you mind sharing the dimensions on these? Diameter, and height from both bottom to top and bottom to the bottom of the cut out? I really don't like plastic for water bowls, but I may just have to make something like this. 

  2. Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of the feedback and support!

    By the way, this incident was in May. She was acting completely normal within minutes and has been fine since minus one residual thing with her eye that the vet found, but that doesn't seem to be affecting her. I think the concern is just that the next one will be worse. The first two were a year apart though so here's hoping that's way off. 

  3. 2 hours ago, MP_the4pack said:

    Have any of your vets checked her BP? 

    My Pearl had something very similar during a walk. So we turned right around and I called her cardiologist.  She told me to come right in as she suspected her BP was high. It was very high. The hypertension causes clots which causes strokes.


    It's on the list of things to follow-up with our regular vet on that the neuro provided and definitely something we will check. Oh if it could be something that simple! One can hope. 


    Thanks everyone for the responses so far. Definitely good to have some feedback and support. I wasn't expecting the stroke dx at all, though no cancer is good news!


  4. About a month ago Violet has a second, more severe "episode" like one she had had one year ago. I thought it was odd they were so far apart, but figured it was a focal seizure since she recovered really quickly both times. She's also had increasing issues with her suspected disc issue so we ended up at the neurologist for another consult today. The good news is cancer is very very low on the differential dx list and she agrees with the earlier dx of an issue with a lumbar disc or discs that is getting worse with time and activity. 

    However, she thought the episodes were actually strokes. Most likely because she's a greyhound, but I do have a list of possible underlying causes that I can work with my vet to test for. Just curious if anyone else has experienced something like this and whether you found a cause/what the prognosis was.

    Here's what I caught on video this time:

    What isn't captured well is the nystagmus/eye movement, but it's one of the most obvious symptoms (left eye) and according to the Neuro she has some residual effects in that eye.

    Btw, she's 12 now and I'm still undecided on whether we'll do an MRI. 

  5. Violet was a donor until she went on a medication that meant she couldn't anymore. She thought it was great fun getting hugs and tons of PB and treats. I was bummed when we had to stop. 

    Note the dog does have to be restrained so it wouldn't be appropriate for fearful dogs, but at least with the blood bank here they were very good about making sure the dog was comfortable and the process was stress free. 

    They also do a lot of testing free of charge so it provides a lot of benefits financially, which is an added bonus. 

  6. On 12/7/2020 at 3:19 PM, busfrsr100 said:

    Hello, and thanks for your offer to help. I live in the Lansing, MI area and would be happy for any referrals you can provide. Let me know if anyone comes to mind as I have done a bit of research in the past and didn't find anything promising.  

    Can you email me? I think my GT mailbox is full. Jboydmorin at gmail. Not turning up much, want to get some more info from you. 

  7. 1 hour ago, twocks67 said:

    I have been waiting for our vet to get the order of new loops in for days now.  We decided to try and change the battery ourselves and it worked.  We bought the batteries at our local home hardware store.

    Can you please share how? We're all dying to know.

    Fyi, you can buy your loops directly from the company. And they have sales periodically if you're on their mailing list. They've had a lot actually since covid.

  8. 4 hours ago, busfrsr100 said:

    Hello, and thanks for your offer to help. I live in the Lansing, MI area and would be happy for any referrals you can provide. Let me know if anyone comes to mind as I have done a bit of research in the past and didn't find anything promising.  

    I put out some feelers on my two force free list serves. I'll let you know what I hear back. 

  9. Hey there, welcome to Greytalk! I just wanted to say that there is behavior modification training you can do (using reward based training) that may improve this behavior. Behavior modification is always an ongoing process, and dogs can revert back to this type of behavior when they're stressed or especially if they're ill or in pain. But there is definitely a good chance you could modify this behavior with training if you're highly motivated. It does take time and work, and the training plans are often repetitive and use minute steps. My experience is not all owners are interested in committing to that kind of work so depends on how bothered you are by this behavior.

    I would also caution you that the wrong type of trainer (anyone using punishment or correction) could EASILY make this behavior worse and the dog training profession is totally unregulated so it's easy to end up in the wrong hands. I can't see where you're located since you're new here, but if you're willing to share your location I can ask on my professional list serves for recommendations in your area (or I may even know someone), or if you have someone you are interested in working with, I'm happy to do whatever vetting I can based on their online info and give you questions to ask to vet someone. 

  10. Help! Someone please tell me they have a good solution for a sloppy drinker. I have a boot mat under our elevated bowl and it's about 1/6 of the area Violet gets water over, plus it's running underneath, and down from the cabinet side, causing mold on the molding (heh). I'm at a loss. 

    I swear, she literally gets the biggest mouthful of water possible, turns her head, and opens her mouth to allow the water to tumble out. :lol

    Does anyone have a magic solution? Or at least feel my pain? 

  11. Do you have to walk him (versus doing turnouts in the yard)?

    What equipment are you using to walk him? 

    Have you tried training sessions (separate from walks) outside with him unmuzzled so it's easier to feed him? Consulted a trainer? Taken a group class?

    You haven't had him that long and there are a number of things you could try from both training and management perspectives. I don't think you're anywhere near exhausting options and determining it's not workable but there's also no shame in returning him if you don't feel it's the best match

    By the way, your nervousness isn't likely to affect his predatory behavior. If his reacting at other dogs is fear based, then maybe, but if he's just going after squirrels, eh.

    If you aren't ready to return him, until you get help or make progress with training, switch him to a no pull harness (I like the Freedom and Balance harnesses) or if you need to, use a head halter (preferably after you acclimate him, there's a great video online on how to do this, I think from Jean Donaldson, but possibly Karen Pryor or Patricia Mcconnell, I'm brain farting at the moment, actually probably Mcconnell) and keep the leash shorter (3-4') while walking.

  12. Well I randomly took a stab at hulling it today and it took a good bit of gentle work because the one side was well attached, but I got it out!! :yay

    We're about to go for a mini hike so we'll see how she does. I'll still out boots on her since her paw pad is likely to be tender.

  13. I'm in the DC metro area and this doesn't sound right to me. I think others may be on the right track with the tick nest. I also second contacting the manufacturer. Possible something is wrong with the collar and they should at least know, or may replace it. 

    Regardless, what you are describing is not normal for a dog going on walks in our area, with or without a collar imo. 

  14. Thanks! Does it seem like the nail polish is working better than the duct tape? Or just easier to apply? 

    I looked on the group briefly and saw a mention of one dogs corn likely being from nails that were too long. We did go through a phase recently where I wasn't on the ball with her nail trims. We're back on it, but hoping maybe that's all it was that prompted this and if we can get rid of it, it won't return. Probably wishful thinking. :P

  15. So Violet has been noticeably lame in her back left leg. Both I and her PT thought this was just a progression of her disc issue, but today I found this! 



    It explains so much assuming it's a corn like I think. While this is my first corn in a grey, I used to read the posts about them. Is there anything new these days or should we just try duct tape? Doesn't seem ready for hulling. We do have a therapaw and I am working on getting a second one so she can hopefully walk normally, but she did fairly well with just the one today. 

  16. On 4/8/2020 at 6:20 PM, blam89 said:

    Hi everyone

    A fellow CA resident here who just received notification from HP that my golden retriever's premium is going form $58 to $72 per month. This was after raising rates by 12% last year. 

    I wish I could say I was successful in getting them to change my latest rate hike, but I also just got the generic vet costs going up response. However, I do have one piece of good news:

    Healthypaws is now facing a class action lawsuit for abusing rate hikes!

    I just got mine. Last year I got the notice of a massive rate hike and then mysteriously I got an email saying it had been a mistake and my premium wasn't changing. It was around the time they were having the issues in Washington so I thought maybe they were backtracking for fear of getting in trouble, but then others didn't get the same notice. 

    I guess they're making up for lost time because now it's going from $108 to $148 a month, a 37% increase. 

    I'm glad to see the lawsuit. I figured it was only a matter of time and I will happily jump on the class action lawsuit bandwagon. 

    It's a shame because they've been absolutely wonderful otherwise, including recently covering an Assisi Loop lounge for Violet, which was a big expense. But I signed up with them over other companies based on promises they made about rate increases that they not only haven't kept, but have abused to the nth degree. And they all know that once you're insured with them it's really difficult to leave because of pre-existing conditions and age constraints. 

  17. We've been using the Assisi Loop for a couple of years now and while I love them and do believe they really help Violet, they have their downsides. I've been coveting a Loop Lounge since they developed them, and when they were recently on sale for 15% off I bit the bullet and ordered one in the hopes that Healthy Paws would cover it since they've been covering the loops. It took some work on my part, including an appeal process, but after 2 months of the Lounge sitting unopened in its box, I got word that the claim was approved!!

    Since I pay 20% it's still costing me $260, but that's a small price to pay if I'm right that being able to treat her whole body multiple times a day without gaps due to the battery dying is going to be huge. She's 11 1/2 now and especially with us being unable to do her routine PT and acupuncture during the pandemic she's been struggling with her disc issues a bit more so I'm really hoping this is the solution. 

    Here she is getting her first treatment Friday night after we got the news:


    I know there are other folks who are using the loop. If you're interested in updates on how this works, let me know. I'm happy to post them. 

  18. Do you have a friend or family member nearby who could care for her while you continued to pay for her care? That would allow you to continue to see her and not take up a space in a home that might otherwise take an elderly grey in need.

    Also suggest you try another method of contact for your group (check their website for a general info email, phone number, or possible a FB page) and reach out that way. It's possibly the person you spoke with is no longer involved with the group, is on vacation, etc. 

    I'm sorry you're in this situation. When I got to this point with my female greyhound who had bone cancer I just carried her down the stairs, but I was in a garden style apartment with only two flights and I knew it would be very temporary because of her diagnosis. I swore then that when I moved we would always have a way to have one level living. Unfortunately it was only after going through a bone cancer diagnosis with a second greyhound (a male I couldn't carry) that I was able to do that. Anyway, I'm digressing, point being, I understand your challenge. I hope you can figure something out. 

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